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Apparently the long-standing PS5 performance issues of Sable won't be fixed as the developer states that they "need to start making new stuff"


The performance wasn't that great on XSX either. I don't know if they fixed it later, but it ran between 60 and what felt like low 40's without any clearly visible reason, but it is not a bad game. I actually liked it enough to finish it, a sweet little coming-of-age tale with some fun moments.

Also, couldn't help but giggle when someone calls this woke. Just don't use it if you don't know what the word means.
Are they saying they worked on the PS5 port for over a year and that’s the best they could do? I understand if there’s some structural issues that are hard to untangle at this point, but pull up that profiler and get to hunting for those gains. It’s amazing the kind of inefficiencies that can fester under the surface, and how many gains are basically free for the taking with some simple trial and error experimentation. I get that they need to move on at a certain point, but how can you be OK with most people’s experience of your game being a choppy mess, especially on consoles where you have the benefit of hardware parity?

They must have just given up on ever improving it, which is a shame because they had a golden opportunity with their breakout indie darling to win loyal fans who would buy their next game on reputation alone. Now their reputation is marred with this.


Gold Member
Only in videogames will someone sell you a half-assed product that doesn't function up to par and when you go ask them about out you'll get a "you know, we tried our best but we're a small team and it's very difficult and expensive. Anyway, we're on to the next adventure!"

Imagine buying a new freezer and it doesn't cool below zero, and when you ask the store they go "you gotta understand, that freezer was made by only two people. That was very hard and it's a miracle it was even available for purchase in the first place!"

No mercy for this bullshit.


Only in videogames will someone sell you a half-assed product that doesn't function up to par and when you go ask them about out you'll get a "you know, we tried our best but we're a small team and it's very difficult and expensive. Anyway, we're on to the next adventure!"

Imagine buying a new freezer and it doesn't cool below zero, and when you ask the store they go "you gotta understand, that freezer was made by only two people. That was very hard and it's a miracle it was even available for purchase in the first place!"

No mercy for this bullshit.

Yeah, the "only made by X number of people" line should only be used as a compliment if something is punching well above its weight and impressing for what it is - not as an excuse for a half-baked product.


Played on Series X. Performance was very bad from time to time but nothing unplayable.

Please don´t sleep on this gem.
I tried it on Series X for around a half hour before getting bored to tears. I really wanted to like it, just couldn't stomach it.

Now it seems the studio doesn't support their own work either. Easy decision to skip all future products.


Gold Member
Were is that Nintendo Seal of Quality when you need it. Sometime it seems like Sony and Microsoft just let anything onto their subscription services.
All the Nintendo seal of quality meant was that the developer allowed Nintendo to manufacture the cartridges so the game wouldn't be shut down by the lockout chip. Games could still run like ass as long as Nintendo got their cut. I wouldn't prop that up as some beacon of actual quality.


Tbf theres alot of questions for sony and ms doing this shit to there services, gamepass has had a shitload of games that are straight out pc ports, biggest problem with pc ports is that are unplayable with any tv thats bigger then 30 inch, then there has been unplayable games like civ 6 which just crashes near enough every turn, quality checks from both companys is pretty shocking
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Lol. Glad the game did not clicked with me. Just played a bit in the beginning area and didnt found any issues there so i guess the problematic areas come later. Really bad look for the dev.
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