Ah good information to take with me. Thanks peeps. I feel I may start using more data if I do go with the + so I might stick with the unlimited plan which forces me to stick with the contract. But doing so through ATT.com makes me order and wait for a phone as opposed to picking it up in store unless I can find one that offers it.
Thanks either way!
Yeah, as mentioned, it's kinda like making the phone payments more visible. Basically all the carriers now say 'here's all the talking and texting you want, we charge by data now' and have plans that reflect that. They also throw in mobile hot spot/tethering with them. The only question then is how (or if) you pay for a phone to go with it. These plans are no contract, meaning phone payments are the only thing really tying you down.
Of course, those payments are spread out like a contract anyway.

They all throw a variation of basically a phone lease out there. Split the cost of a device up over a certain amount of months. After a certain amount of time (phone payments) you can trade that phone in and get the newer one, theoretically keeping your payment pretty close to the same. Or you can just continue until your set amount of time has passed, which pays off the phone. You can also pay off early, though from what I can tell they basically require a full payoff i.e. No 'paying a little extra this month'.
Also keep in mind two things; one, the way they are competing with each other for iPhone customers right now is through those device payments. Some (TMobile and Sprint for example) are even going nuts and offering really low payments with old phone trade in so it ends up somewhat discounted by the end. I basically moved from ATT to TMobile this year with two lines, the 6S, and the same amount of data and lease time but our bill is about $30-35 cheaper. So if you aren't tied to one carrier (or your grandfathered plan) it may be worth it to you to look at all the options.
Two, at least with AT&T, they're going to try to make the new plans much more value based than your grandfathered plan. They'll 'discount' the lines or 'device fees' if you are getting the new plans and add stuff like mobile hotspot. And they'll generally be adding enough data to cover you if you aren't a heavy user. It's up to you to decide if that's worth it.
Sorry for the long reply, I'm sure anything I may have got wrong someone can clear up. hope that helps.
Another waterproof test:
Tbe 6S seems to have a hidden feature, though I'd like to see a professional review of this, before I take it under shower
brehs, don't put your phone in water. Seriously. That can only end badly, and you won't have any sweet YouTube money to cover you
Anyone else getting this fairly long amount of non responsiveness when unlocking the phone after not using it for a while? Not sure if it's consistent or not but it's happened a few times now. Took like 10 seconds to respond to anything. Hopefully they fix it soon if it's a bug.
Yeah I saw this for a little bit (though the lag wasn't quite that long) but it seems to have cleared. I did close everything out and restart at some point before it cleared. If it's a bug not sure yet what triggered it.