That's my motivation as well. When you look back on the first digital photos, they're super low resolution, because that was what was available. No reason not to go as high-res as convenient so you can delay that moment of "Wow, this looks terrible" for as long as possible
iPhone Upgrade Program is where they take the full price of the phone + AppleCare+, split it into 24 payments (one per month) and bill your credit card each month. It is totally divorced from any carrier (so it's an unlocked phone) as you're paying Apple for the phone. The monthly charge is just for the device, you still have to pay carrier fees and whatnot. If you're currently on a device payment plan through a carrier you can still do the IUP, but it DOES have to be activated on a major carrier, you can't get just the phone no activation with this plan.
It is technically a loan you're getting through a bank Apple has partnered with, so there is a credit check (I was told it's a soft check, looking to confirm that soon). Even though it's 24 payments, after 12 payments you have the option to turn that phone back into Apple, sign up for the program again on the next phone, and keep the cycle going.
They will charge you the first month's payment when you buy the phone and sign up. You can make advance payments or buy out your contract entirely, but there's a 6 month minimum, so you have to make a minimum of 6 months before you can exit. There is a different option called the iPhone Installment Plan which is the same thing but no AppleCare+ and no early upgrade option. It's 24 payments with NO option to buy out the contract early either.
I think that's everything.