A concussion.
that would actually be a good heel gimmick
A concussion.
https://youtu.be/PYLYjlw8C6Y... what is Jinder's finisher?
I enjoyed a lot of his recent Smackdown matches over the past few months. His match with Cena at Mania was actually one of his worst ones in a while.Miz is one of those guys that people say they like but then when they see him in the ring they change the channel.
Paige is going to be a mess later in life. Her and Del Rio aint going to last, she is going down a dark path.
This place is worse than Marvel or Star Wars threads right now when it comes to shitty boring ass Jinder.
Tuna Meltz thinking Miz is a comedy heel says it all, really.
It feels like watching an alien using Morrison's body as a puppet.
Tuna Meltz thinking Miz is a comedy heel says it all, really.
Miz is absolutely a comedy heel. His last feud peaked with a series of comedy skits.Tuna Meltz thinking Miz is a comedy heel says it all, really.
It didn't get that way until you walked in here. Part time fucker.This place is worse than Marvel or Star Wars threads right now when it comes to shitty boring ass Jinder.
It didn't get that way until you walked in here. Part time fucker.
Part timer talking shit to another Part timer..It didn't get that way until you walked in here. Part time fucker.
Summerslam is going to be awesome friends, got your hot title match right here.
If he's not a comedy heel, then what is he?
Looks like a comedy heel, dresses like a comedy heel...
Ay carambaDel Rio's gonna help her raise that baby.
I swear if you listen to dave you might become brain dead from the dumb shit he says. He's just another mark, a biased one too.Look at this fucking comedy heel
So much comedy, nobody takes him seriously
Miz is one of those guys that people say they like but then when they see him in the ring they change the channel.
Name a better feel than Sami Zayn?
If I agree, would that fuck up my relationship with Foxy?Fox318 is one of those posters that people say they like but then when they see him post in a thread they scroll on by.
Comedy heelMy only feel is dead inside
"sometimes Lucha libre don't need story, but I don't prefer the style. If Dragon Lee wants success he must get more experience"
Name a better geek than Sami Zayn?
I forgot to mention Kushida threw Dragon Lee and lucha libre under the bus on his interview
He praised everyone else Meltzer asked him about
Here's Nakamura coming out to Glorious via dub, does it work to you guys?
I'm sorry but thank God he got a different track.
Tuna Meltz
Is that 3 wins over the world champ Ellsworth?Ellsworth.
LU is in an incredibly weird, and unknown, place right now. It seems like there's some heavy politicking battles going on behind the scenes and that's why we've gotten all these mixed reportsMore and more people hinting at leaving Lucha according to a report I read earlier.
Is that 3 wins over the world champ Ellsworth?
If Mahal vs Orton is a good match it's because Randy Orton carried him. And he probably will.
LU is in an incredibly weird, and unknown, place right now. It seems like there's some heavy politicking battles going on behind the scenes and that's why we've gotten all these mixed reports
Also, I don't blame them, who the fuck would be willing to sign a deal to tape a show in a span of 2 months and spent the next 2-3 fucking years sitting on your hands because of a stupid exclusivity clause. The fact the brand lost almost all of it's momentum means the 'exposure' factor is out the window as well.
Randy will carry us to a snorefest if anything.If Mahal vs Orton is a good match it's because Randy Orton carried him. And he probably will.
Who do you think will move to wwe?