.Braun Strowman sucks and is not good.
Thank you, friend.Just came in
1. Congrats Reigns
3. Congrats Batsie <3
At least he isn't Balor.
You misunderstand. I am here for this Raw only. I am already past even watching the highlights.
What really makes this is Harper and Rowan just looking on probably talking to each other asking why Braun isn't falling down.
The first Strowman-Hogan stereo promo is going to be one for the ages.Blue wanted Hogan.
He got Hogan's voice Brother!
I really do. Even as a black man, I want my damn laugh. Also the meltdown from the nerds will be awesome.Blue wanted Hogan.
He got Hogan's voice Brother!
You can see Braun is scared hahahaha
Why is Braun a cowardly heel?
Why is Braun a cowardly heel?
Why is Braun a cowardly heel?
There are 6 good RAWs a year. No reason this had to be one of them.his raw fucking sucks....
It's a slow burn to WM34, when he lifts up all 900 pounds of that big stinky giant in front of 500,000 screaming Hulkamaniacs in the SilverDome, brotherThe first Strowman-Hogan stereo promo is going to be one for the ages.
Braun gonna die.