Remember when Kane was good.
Neither do I.

Remember when Kane was good.
Neither do I.
Just some hack riding the Undertaker's coattails. I bet the Undertaker fought like crazy to kill this stupid gimmick before it happened but he just didn't have the kind of clout back then that he has now.
There's no way Undertaker could have none that idiot would still be around to this day... 2012!.
If he had that kind of foresight he would've no-showed Kane's debut and taken his chances down in WCW.
You want to know something that's amazing? Since 1997, no one has had a more consistent run than Kane. HHH, HBK, Taker, Rock, Big Show, Henry, etc. have all had numerous breaks, even year (or longer) breaks. All Kane has had are two few month breaks, one in 2002, and one last year. That's it. It's actually pretty remarkable when you think about it.It is kinda sup rising that the Kane gimmick has stuck around for so long. Especially considering all the terrible angles that The Undertaker went through before Kane's debut.
The Undertaker has been in some cheesy ass angles.
I like it (except the F Kane part, shame on you!)! Everyone should be everyone else's sibling.Can you imagine if the top brass at WWE decided to repackage Darren Young as John Cena's half brother today? And that Darren Cena would still be wrestling as Darren Cena in 2027?
That's basically Kane in a nutshell.
(I actually wouldn't mind the WWE admitting the obvious resemblance between Young and Cena in some fashion, so that probably isn't the best example. Imagine Heath Slater re-debuting as CM Punk's alcoholic brother and keeping that gimmick til 2027.)
(Fuck, I like that idea too. F Kane!)[img]
I hate this thread.
You stole my joke, Geek.
Unless, of course, you weren't joking. . . . . .[IMG][/QUOTE]
LOL, i thought that was you.
Boy what a day I ha--
*sees thread, looks at the time*
I hate this thread.
Boy what a day I ha--
*sees thread, looks at the time*[IMG][/QUOTE]
[quote="DMczaf, post: 36958062"]BEEFY! BEEFY! Slow down, let me in! Don't leave with these guys!!!!1111[/QUOTE]
Open letter to WWE,
Please hire Rosita to fill your hispanic quota.
All according to keiKaneu.LOL, i thought that was you.
I wish Teddy would go back to giving handjobs. Get off my TV.
Tomorrow night is TNA Lockdown. Here is an awesome match from Lockdown 2010 featuring Kurt Angle vs Mr. Anderson that was a MOTY candidate
Tomorrow night has a few matchups that could end up filling that role this year. Hardy/Angle, Roode/Storm, and MCMG vs Joe/Magnus should all be fantastic and the Team Bischoff vs. Team Bischoff match should be good based on talent involved also.
Aye, that Shelton stuff was hila- nevermind.
I had forgotten about the time when Vince McMahon called Sabu a member of the Taliban.
He pulls out insane stuff in alot of his matches. He's been doing a spot where he misses a moonsault alot lately. No doubt he and Jeff Hardy will do something insane tomorrow night. Angle Slam from top of the cage perhaps?
How much are TNA PPVs? I'm actually excited for the show tomorrow. They've done a good job building up the matches.
Oh, and TNA's done a solid job of building to Lockdown. Here comes the inevitable screwball finish-fest to ruin everything.
:lol, c'mon son. Kurt's been missing that that moonsault off of stuff since his WWE days. I remember hearing him say he was crazy for ever attempting the moonsault off the cage against, and he's still doing it 10 years later.***** ******
Oh, and TNA's done a solid job of building to Lockdown. Here comes the inevitable screwball finish-fest to ruin everything.
Last ppv they got rid of most of that stuff without Russo. Only 2 questionable finishes on the last ppv, one of which was the ref's fault for being in the wrong spot and the other one Sting not paying attention to where he was and hitting his head on the chair.
What is with all of these championship matches? The WWE never has these.
Especially for their midcard titles.
They give those title away matches without any of pre-build on random episodes of RAW and Smackdown.
I'm sure one will change hands in England in a couple days for shits and giggles. Do we know of any such match? Of course not. But it will happen.
OK, Bobo. I'm gonna trust you.
But I'm just sayin', the better the build, the bigger the craofest come Sunday for TNA. That's how it usually goes.
My memory must be fucked, all I remember is breaking ankles and angle slams.
I still can't believe some of the crazy shit he did in this match (in a botchamania video because why not?):, c'mon son. Kurt's been missing that moonsault off of stuff since his WWE days. I remember hearing him say he was crazy for ever attempting the moonsault off the cage against, and he's still doing it 10 years later.***** ******
You don't remember that match against Sting where he ending up doing a "450 knee drop" from the top rope?
The best looking botch ever.
You don't remember that match against Sting where he ending up doing a "450 knee drop" from the top rope?
The best looking botch ever.
I still can't believe some of the crazy shit he did in this match (in a botchamania video because why not?):
I'm pretty much under the impression he wanted to die during that powerbomb.