Hey Wrassle GAF my local indy is in a tough spot financially at the moment. AIW is one the best local promotions in the U.S. in my opinion. Look at some of the talent they are bringing in for next months show Archibald Peck, AR Fox, Uhaa Nation, ACH, Willie Mack, BJ Whitmer, and Tim Donst. They bring guys like this in every month. Plus there is the Cleveland talent who are at every show like, Johnny Gargano, M-Dogg 20, Josh Prohibition, Gregory Irons, and Marion Fontaine. They also do all women's show's every other month called Girls Night Out. They have one today here is a link with all the talent they are bringing in
http://www.aiwrestling.com/gno6.php. So if you guy's like what you see and think they are worth it then please head over to their shop
http://shop.aiwrestling.com/ and buy a dvd.