British Monsoon
I don't know if I would want Pac in WWE actually. His move set would be so neutered
Yeah, the trouble with Pac is that he has a crazy array of moves - much of his regular high flying offence consists of moves that would easily pass for a finisher; the 450 splash, the back handspring into a tornado DDT, the standing SSP etc, and that's even before you factor in his actual finishing moves; the 630 splash, the corkscrew SSP & the implosion 450.
WWE would make him use just one, and the rest of his offence will be head-scissors, a frankensteiner, cross-bodies, arm drags and maybe a bridging German suplex. This is the problem with Sin Cara - WWE are so obsessed with everyone having easily identifiable, recognisable, 5 move of doom move-sets, that they forget that what make high flyers so great is their unpredictability and innovativeness.