@JRsBBQ Jim Ross
Daniel Bryan might be the best, pure, multi talented pro wrestler in WWE right now. If he's not the best, he's close.
Amen JR, amen.
@JRsBBQ Jim Ross
Daniel Bryan might be the best, pure, multi talented pro wrestler in WWE right now. If he's not the best, he's close.
Amen JR, amen.
hmm.... dowant? (not that I believe him at all lol)Hulk Hogan did a new interview talking TNA with the New York Post http://www.nypost.com/p/entertainment/tv/hogan_set_to_lead_tna_wrestling_Do3zzGXcFS2hjXUVV742zK/0
If I’m wrong, you probably won’t see me again because I’ll be hightailing it out of here.”
Wait a few months until he's being Ziggler'd.
....I didn't think they could be that stupid
TNA didn't contact him? Man, that's sad.
The front page pic on the Observer site just now
Wait a few months until he's being Ziggler'd.
This could mean many things. Butt cape, jobbing to midgets, all of the above?
I'm half-expecting this wretched company to put a wig on Brock tonight.
HHH is getting involved. They might as well.
HHH is getting involved. They might as well.
I'm pretty sure Cena is going on the shelf tonight, the only question is whether it's a result of the beating yesterday, or a beating he'll take on RAW tonight. Now; the chance of them fucking up the storyline is admittedly LARGER with the events of yesterday, but they can still make a good storyline as long as they follow through with what the website was reporting, that Cena is seriously hurt and that Cena will be gone for months, not weeks. That's the key part.Brock should have recovered after the AA, realised he lost because of his arrogance and over-confidence, then snap and demolish Cena, putting him on the shelf for a few months. Cena wins, Brock looks strong during AND after the match, and Cena has a REAL reason to want REVENGE when he returns.
Wow, what a pay-off that story's going to have! Cena, overcoming the odds, to beat the guy he already beat, but this time; decisively!
Regardless of whether you or I or anyone thinks Cena beating Brock last night was or wasn't a good idea, Brock staggering off post-match without snapping on Cena, while Cena did his best to shrug off the beating he just took, and that god-awful promo to close the show, that was an awful way to handle things.
Brock should have recovered after the AA, realised he lost because of his arrogance and over-confidence, then snapped and demolished Cena, putting him on the shelf for a few months. Cena wins, Brock looks strong during AND after the match, and Cena has a REAL reason to want REVENGE when he returns.
Have to give Hogan a little credit here. He is saying all the right things and they have in fact attempted to build new stars in Bobby Roode, James Storm and others. I thought Hogan would be using Angle, Hardy and Sting way too much but to his credit he hasnt. They have done a decent job in a lot of ways but the mistakes they make are massive. Too much Hogan, Bischoff and Garrett. That being said TNA has done a lot more good than people give credit for.Hulk Hogan did a new interview talking TNA with the New York Post http://www.nypost.com/p/entertainment/tv/hogan_set_to_lead_tna_wrestling_Do3zzGXcFS2hjXUVV742zK/0
"Despite his past successes, Hogans next move appears to be his biggest gamble.
We are going to give more power to the fans, make them more involved and more important, Hogan said. I cant say much more, but I can say this, Im either going to be really right on this one or really wrong. If Im wrong, you probably wont see me again because Ill be hightailing it out of here.
He also says John Morrison has contacted the company about a job lol
Do you think HHH will lay Brock out with the Pedigree tonight or will they hold it off for the "Over The Limit" go-home show?
HHH will come out to the ring with Laurinitis and say the board of directors aren't giving into Lesnar's demands. Lesnar walks out and starts bitching about how he's going to quit or walk and HHH will pedigree him or Lesnar will F5 HHH. Pedigree tonight sounds like the way to go if I'm thinking WWE style.
I'm pretty sure Cena is going on the shelf tonight, the only question is whether it's a result of the beating yesterday, or a beating he'll take on RAW tonight. Now; the chance of them fucking up the storyline is admittedly LARGER with the events of yesterday, but they can still make a good storyline as long as they follow through with what the website was reporting, that Cena is seriously hurt and that Cena will be gone for months, not weeks. That's the key part.
See, as I saw Lesnar just pound the shit out of Cena, my only reaction was:
Oh definitely, I agree this situation is entirely salvageable and I'm interested to see where they go with Cena tonight, but it boggles my mind that they actually thought anyone would want to see Cena cut a promo like that to close the show. He should have sold that beating like Undertaker at WM27.
I wish Lesnar would beat the shit out of The Crock.
tm24 said:So someone tonight will be enjoying wrestling!
May Wrasslin thread should mention Mr. H's to some extent.
It sorta angers me that he never gets a constant push. He shows up, is pushed, and then he's pulled off TV for months. Vince needs to give him a chance.
Anyone know where i can find a bunch of gifs from brock/cena match?
Anyone know where i can find a bunch of gifs from brock/cena match?
They act like he fucked the bosses daughter or something.It sorta angers me that he never gets a constant push. He shows up, is pushed, and then he's pulled off TV for months. Vince needs to give him a chance.
Also, thumbs up.
Let's cast our lot now. Tonight:
HHH and Lesnar.
Does Lesnar get the King of Kings' Pedigree?
Does the Snobby Aristocrat receive an F5?
If WWE is smart, F5...If WWE is petty, Pedigree...which is the WWE going to do...
Fuck it! I'm putting my faith in Trips getting F5ed! You?
May Wrasslin thread should mention Mr. H's to some extent.