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Damn Orton vs Cody


RKO outta nowhere



That or they make up some stuff where he gets thrown into an alternate world and everyone wrecks his shit with Magic.

Or they pull some hilarious Metroid-style stuff and make Supes get his powers back throughout the game.

Though to be fair, they could just come up with a crappy plot reason to remove most of his invulnerability and let him keep most of his other powers.

Yup. I slap in WO2, blast Optic Line, and then start wrecking shit. Also, DW: Gundam 2!

(Hadn't played WO3 or DW:Gundam 3 yet.)

I want to play a Superman game that is a mix of Hulk: Ultimate Destruction and Arkham City, but with flying, and throwing dudes into the ocean. Superman got his ass kicked all the time in JL/JLU, and would have throw downs with dudes who weren't super powered monsters. Speaking of, why weren't there more DCAU games? Or more specifically, more good ones? The best one was Batman TAS for Sega/SNES. Batman Beyond was okay, I guess. Superman was awful. I don't remember the Gamecube/PS2/Xbox Batman games being that good. And there really was never a DCAU Justice League game? What the fuck, DC?


That segment had no place on RAW.

Cena is nice for doing it. I am happy for the kids, and Cena is a good guy for doing it.

It should not have been on RAW - it is WWE blatantly using children to not get boos for their top star
You make it sound like exploiting sick children is a bad thing.
If anything, this should be a regular segment of WWE Raw each week. (With highlights on all PPVs, Main Event, Smackdown, NXT and Saturday Morning Slam.)
And there should be a John Cena Make-A-Wish tally board and ticker at the bottom of the screen.
Plaster a sick kid's mug over WWE.com every time Cena grants their wish.
I'm glad I check in here every monday night. It makes it really, really easy to decide if I'm gonna watch RAW or not.

I'm actually pretty amazed that they would put a make a wish segment on a live event to try to get Cena over. This is just disgustingly obvious now. I'm seriously waiting for them to announce he will have his own hour long segment on Friday Nights immediately following Smackdown.


You make it sound like exploiting sick children is a bad thing.
If anything, this should be a regular segment of WWE Raw each week. (With highlights on all PPVs, Main Event, Smackdown, NXT and Saturday Morning Slam.)
And there should be a John Cena Make-A-Wish tally board and ticker at the bottom of the screen.
Plaster a sick kid's mug over WWE.com every time Cena grants their wish.

It's the way WWE uses the segment. It would be fine if it were every week but when it's a blatant attempt to get people to not boo Cena, then there is a problem.



ECW on TNN 3/31/00

The last show ended with the Impact Players about to give a promo. This one starts with "Welcome to ECW on....what's the name of the network?" "I don't care." Cyrus and Tajiri come out, because we can't have people downplaying The Network. Cyrus himself is going to wrestle Super Crazy for the TV Championship, because idiots like Tajiri can't get the job done. Tajiri is about to attack when Cyrus says he'll have him deported and doing jobs for Abbudlah the Butcher in Big Japan. Guess what? We never even got told about what the Impact Players had to say last week. That whole thing with all the top heels that aren't Rhino? Don't worry about it.

TO THE BACK. Doring and Roadkill are going to beat up The Dangerous Alliance. Also, fuck Elektra, the bitch. Angel walks and decides to do his own promo. Doring punches Angel. DeVito opened the door right as the punch landed, so that wasn't planned or anything. Da Baldies beat them down. I got a chuckle out of Angel saying if he could have done it differently, he would have called up WWE after ECW and gone to work for them. The hubris that he thought WWE would have any interest in him. Also, Balls Mahoney tried to commit suicide over the death of ECW. Those are the two main take aways from the new ECW documentary.

Tajiri vs Little Guido

More of this shit. I don't want to see any combination of these two and Super Crazy, Raven and Dreamer, or Tanaka and Awesome. Tajiri for real teabags the back of Guido's head. Like, intentionally. A table is put in the corner. Guido does a Sicilian Slice while getting in the ring. After a break, the table is missing. Instead of a tree of woe dropkick, it was a tree of woe buzzsaw kick. Dragon sleeper. Sicilian Slice off the ropes. Avalanche brainbustaaaahhhh. Tajiri wins.

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via Imgflip GIF Maker
via Imgflip GIF Maker

TO THE BACK. Da Judge and Mike Awesome challenge anyone to try to take the ECW Championship. A camera man takes an elevator to HELL to find the Sinister Minister playing with tarot cards under a red light. Dude just sets up a table right in front of an elevator? That has to break some fire codes. Mikey Whipwreck was under the table the whole time. Was he blowing the Minister?

Da Baldies vs Tommy Dreamer/Doring and Roadkill

Oh, gross. I pass on this. Roadkill won after a Superfly splash to Grimes, who was lying on a guardrail. Not propped or anything, just flat on the mat.

via Imgflip GIF Maker

Super Crazy vs Rhino ECW Telanovela Championship

Cyrus lied. Super Crazy wins after a sunset bomb through a table. After the match, Corino and Victory attacked Crazy. This brought out Sandman. Rhino GORED Sandman through a table while carrying Crazy.

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via Imgflip GIF Maker
via Imgflip GIF Maker

I really don't think I can keep doing these. These shows are awful. They feel longer than 2 hour Thunders. They feel longer than 3 1/2 hour Raws. I feel like Paul E. is bouncing checks right at my dick.


It's the way WWE uses the segment. It would be fine if it were every week but when it's a blatant attempt to get people to not boo Cena, then there is a problem.
Do you have a better way to get Cena over as a face apart from marching him to the ring with crippled kids and/or having him actually leave for a while so new stars can be elevated?
I say, bring on the human shields. It's not like he's going to get better as a wrestler or change his character at this point.


It's the way WWE uses the segment. It would be fine if it were every week but when it's a blatant attempt to get people to not boo Cena, then there is a problem.

The kids wish was to be on Raw so how would you do it? I don't like Cena but he is just granting the kids wish.

edit: Happy this match is getting time


This will be a big win for Cody Rhodes.

This will be a big win for Cody Rhodes.

This will be a big win for Cody Rhodes.

This will be a big win for Cody Rhodes.

Way to telegraph the outcome.


Shocking that this wasn't a squash after all. Given they have 3 hours, the abundance of two minute matches was baffling.


The kids wish was to be on Raw so how would you do it? I don't like Cena but he is just granting the kids wish.

Just make Cena's Make a Wish activity a regular feature on Raw to the point where you can't use it as a booking crutch to get people to like Cena.

Again, I don't mind that type of segment, it's just the intentions behind it.


giving this match plenty of time and they've done nothing

and cody has to win (even via interference) or this match makes no sense.
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