Damn dude. Sorry to hear that.Pet deaths really suck. My eldest cat passed a short while ago, after being sick for a few weeks.
Nothing really more to that, it simply sucks.
Damn dude. Sorry to hear that.Pet deaths really suck. My eldest cat passed a short while ago, after being sick for a few weeks.
Nothing really more to that, it simply sucks.
Look at them in the thread, dudes are clinging to every impression for dear life. There was a stream of negative impressions, and dudes panicked like we did when Roman had his comeback vs Brock.
Shit got real!
Look at them in the thread, dudes are clinging to every impression for dear life. There was a stream of negative impressions, and dudes panicked like we did when Roman had his comeback vs Brock.
Shit got real!
I hate myself.
Havent people noticed that a good chunk of Marvel movies suck. They are very hit or miss.
The Thor movies are terrible. The Iron Man sequels are lame. Etc...
The "good" ones you can count on 1 hand. Iron Man 1. Avengers 1. Cap America 2. GOTG.
Cut out Avengers 1 and we can agree on this. I'm so sick of superhero movies ending with the heroes joking amongst the rubble, how it's essentially a love letter to the War on Terror, how that film is essentially a press release by Marvel announcing their long term strategy of exploiting a hilariously toxic relationship with the consumer base.
Also the weird fetishization of the Helicarrier over defending the city, for capes that seems like a huge misplacement of priority.
The alternative is we get Superman making out with Lois Lane in the middle of ruined Metropolis. I'd rather have Tony Stark making jokes. I also think calling Avengers a love letter to the War on Terror is more than a small stretch.
Hey now, this is a wrestling thread. Exaggeration is part of the territory.
I saw Avengers cereal today. It wasn't even like an established cereal with an Avengers theme. It was just Avengers cereal and it had marshmallows colored like the different Avengers.
Filmed in advance.Sorry if this has been answered. I apologize beforehand. But I'm watching this weeks NXT on the WWE Network and I noticed CJ Parker is still wrestling. Didn't he quit at the beginning of April? Why is he still wrestling in WWE?
Kellogg's and it was in a box.Who made it? An entire branded cereal seems rare these days.
Was it bagged?!?
One could argue that gif spoils the fun of seeing that spot for the first time as you're watching the match if you haven't seen it yet.
Not like it matters since its at the top of the page.True. I'll remove the embedding and just leave it as a clickable link, but do we have any policy on that stuff? I imagine it's basically as soon as it's live it's free reign.
All I can see are eyes and a beard.
Those dead eyes.
I was just about to post this. Holy shit.
Also, you guys need to at least watch the first match on ROH TV this week.
Dalton Castle is fantastic and has a fresh match against Donovan Dijak.
True. I'll remove the embedding and just leave it as a clickable link, but do we have any policy on that stuff? I imagine it's basically as soon as it's live it's free reign.
Good by whose standards? Ric Flair standards or TNA standards? Could I entertain them, yeah. I was far from being Ric Flair back then. I just got bored. I missed the business. There are nice people there. Dixies [Carter] a nice person. Hulk [Hogan] talked me into it and I went with it. I love Kurt Angle, I love Sting, and I love James Storm. I have a lot of friends [in TNA] that I still think the world of. It wasnt like I was working. It wasnt like I was Ric Flair.
If it's any consolation Ithil, just think of Kitty Heaven.
Get Hype???
I'm gonna miss going to tapings.Man, Lucha Underground is sooooooo good.
Soooooooooo good.
Poor big e
Angelico has done way more unsafe moves than that. That was relatively sane by Angelico standards
I'm just gonna post that Angelico gif whenever I can. Anyone have the one of Johnny Mundo jumping into the ring? Think it was in the first 10 episodes.
If I hear one more "Better than..."-chant on NXT I am muting this program. Shitty ass chant.
He turns 28 like next month. Hes actually toned down his style since he left Iwrg and is actually a decent may based lucha wrestler since he trained with negro navarro and black terry.Yep, he won't make it past 30.
Lets not forget how broken Hogan is just from doing shitty leg drops for two decades. Those kinds of drops have an impact on your body, regardless if they're safe or not.
edit: Oh crap, I should have worded that better. I meant he wouldn't have a career past 30. My bad![]()
I really like the energy of Lucha Underground. The fans are generally really into the show, as are the announcers and the performers. Add in the vignettes and clear story elements, and I think you can make the argument that LU does wrestling and sports entertainment better than the WWE on a week-to-week basis.
I really like the energy of Lucha Underground. The fans are generally really into the show, as are the announcers and the performers. Add in the vignettes and clear story elements, and I think you can make the argument that LU does wrestling and sports entertainment better than the WWE on a week-to-week basis.
Sexy Star just had her best match to-date on LU.
You should probably install an adblocker.
It was the "better than divas" chant in this episode that ticked me off.
Mostly, because they were chanting it at divas. There's a weird thing in those NXT marks that makes them think they're not at a WWE show.