Looks ok. The world is different for a 23 year old as opposed to ancient history like my 33 year old ass. I'm basically "don't have any ex-wives or kids - come get some!"
33? What's an old-timer like you doing posting on the internet?
You look lika an adorable dude on the path of a stable and lucrative career helping people reach their antidepressants. I can see why the ladies want to sex you up.
I'll also take a bet and say you talk dirty. You're adorable when things are adorable and you are a nasty motherfucker when stuff gets nasty.
That's how you do it.
the fuck is this? i'm 31. me and Vince ain't old, we are "seasoned".
Looks ok. world is different for a 23 year old as opposed to ancient history like my 33 year old ass. I'm basically "don't have any ex-wives or kids - come get some!"
33? What's an old-timer like you doing posting on the internet?
You can be both.
Guys, the first episode of Legends House is posted. Go, go, go.
Spider, your profile says you're bi. what's the guys to girls ratio on your hook-ups?
i ask cause you mostly talk about the 6/10 ladies.
Guys, the first episode of Legends House is posted. Go, go, go.
Maybe...later. Oh who am I kidding - I'll watch it.
I have really low expectations for this. I'm a seasoned trashy reality fan too. But this looks bad-bad.
Glad I'm not the only one who thinks it looks terrible. I don't think I'm gonna watch this show at all
Oh you are 33? I pictured you younger aka my age.
I'll try it.
The Legends House I want to see is too dark for WWE to do though, they'd never let themselves be cast in that light.
WTF you're not in your 30s
Life is so unfair
I'm 29. Turn 30 in December. So I'm getting close.
Damn old timers in this thread hogging the spotlight.
Watch out. 30 is when my metabolism CRASHED HARD.
Now I have to literally bust ass to keep my striations striating.
Speaking of, gym soon. I'm worn the fuck out after my escapade earlier today.
This is what everyone keeps telling me. Like 30 is some sort of magic number. I really hope that is not the case and it is just another day.
we're like Ric Flair blading on live TV for divorce papers money.
The biggest warning sign is "Shit, I'm not as hungry as I used to be, I filled up quick!" That was the tolling bell for me and I didn't realize it. I was on easy street. "Shit, I don't eat nearly anything like I used to! I must be losing weight!" then you realize you LITERALLY can't stay awake until 3am anymore...uff.
we're like Ric Flair blading on live TV for divorce papers money.
This is what everyone keeps telling me. Like 30 is some sort of magic number. I really hope that is not the case and it is just another day.
Ha. I'm already starting to be like that when it comes to staying up late. Come on Sunny. It is time for us to start taking some test.
don't buy it. i didn't notice any changes. i mean, shit, i have more energy now than i did a couple of years ago.
played a 5 v 5 last Thurs, another 5 v 5 Tues, a 11 v 11 today and gonna play in another 5 v 5 Saturday night for 2 hours.
Oh if I ever do it, it will be through a doctor and all that. Do it proper.
The xbox 1 sales, or lack of, have made me so happy. Xbox is the Vince Russo of consoles.
Xbox One is The Miz of the Gaming Industry. Talented, amazing performer and the future of the industry, but got rejected and buried by the smarks.
Some day they'll both get pushed![]()
Terrible analogy.Xbox One is The Miz of the Gaming Industry. Talented, amazing performer and the future of the industry, but got rejected and buried by the smarks.
Some day they'll both get pushed![]()
Xbox One is The Miz of the Gaming Industry. Talented, amazing performer and the future of the industry, but got rejected and buried by the smarks.
Some day they'll both get pushed![]()
I will bury you under this forum.
Places where you're more likely to get a WWE contract than TNA: ROH, CZW(lol, Dean Ambrose), Bikini magazines, arm wrestling, NJPW, CMLL, UFC, being someone famous's kid
what else am i missing
I don't know who is our John Cena, but he didn't have to wear suits!Plywood.
Put on a damn suit.