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ARC Raiders genre changed to PvPvE extraction shooter

We havent seen any of the PvP gameplay from this game.
The only gameplay we have seen is of the PvE component, which was in the initial trailer, where we were fighting the ARC and trying to gather as much loot (that was vP) component.
The other "gameplay" was just showing off the different environments in the game.

Ill sign up for the Alpha Test, hopefully I manage to get in, cuz I like this team already after The Finals and just looking at the talent they have.
What I was trying to get at was that, at least based on the footage we've seen, it looked like a lot more AI enemy stuff going on than Hunt. Hunt has zombie grunts, hives, dogs, immolators and meatheads with most serving a very specific noise trap function more than anything and ARC looked a lot more "vE"/AI heavy to me.

Again, based on what I saw of it. They're probably changing things accordingly or whatever but my post was really just meant to be positive as in as someone playing Hunt literally constantly for two years now, this looks not as super PvP heavy as Hunt.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Again, based on what I saw of it. They're probably changing things accordingly or whatever but my post was really just meant to be positive as in as someone playing Hunt literally constantly for two years now, this looks not as super PvP heavy as Hunt.

We havent seen any PvP elements so of course the game doesnt look PvP......no one outside of the testers have seen the PvP of this game.


Great change for me. Probably gonna die out in a month tho. I feel like these games has no chance surviving nowadays


I assume you're not a multiplayer gamer, but open world Tarkov type games are rife with potential. The concept has insanely strong bones.

Correct, I’m not a multiplayer guy. But extraction is the big genre everyone’s chasing now. It’s already becoming a crowded field.


Gold Member
My interest level is about the same. I do hope they have success as we need a hero in these dark times.
We havent seen any PvP elements so of course the game doesnt look PvP......no one outside of the testers have seen the PvP of this game.
Okay I give up. I was just trying to tell you that if Hunt turns you off for the "vE" element being only there to facilitate PvP, this doesn't look similarly as heavy on that to me. It was a positive post. I am aware nobody has seen aspects of the game that haven't been shown yet.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Okay I give up. I was just trying to tell you that if Hunt turns you off for the "vE" element being only there to facilitate PvP, this doesn't look similarly as heavy on that to me. It was a positive post. I am aware nobody has seen aspects of the game that haven't been shown yet.
Im not turned off by it.
Im still looking forward to this game.
I believe in Embark Studios.
I follow their blog and a bunch of their developers.

What im pointing out, or rather slightly bemused by, is you saying this doesnt look to be quite as PvP heavy as Hunt......because we dont know what the PvPvE of this game looks or plays like.

It would be like me saying im worried about Halo Tatanka because Halo Infinite maps dont shrink like other battle royales........but we havent seen any of Tatanka we cant gauge Tatanka on what Halo Infinite is doing.
So we cant gauge what ARC Raiders will play like based on the Coop version we saw way back when.


Snake Oil Salesman
Correct, I’m not a multiplayer guy. But extraction is the big genre everyone’s chasing now. It’s already becoming a crowded field.
I can name ~5 extraction style games out right now. I know of ~3 upcoming extraction style games in production.

I know there are more, but I'm pretty clued into this stuff (as a multiplayer centric gamer), so at what point is a genre saturated to you? Do 3 games in a genre = saturation? 5 games? 7?

Then, do you apply this number to other genres? Is the racing genre saturated? The RPG genre? The action game genre?


I can name ~5 extraction style games out right now. I know of ~3 upcoming extraction style games in production.

I know there are more, but I'm pretty clued into this stuff (as a multiplayer centric gamer), so at what point is a genre saturated to you? Do 3 games in a genre = saturation? 5 games? 7?

Then, do you apply this number to other genres? Is the racing genre saturated? The RPG genre? The action game genre?

You’re comparing genres to a sub genre within the FPS genre.
Just an observation of how this industry works. Just like everything had to have BR, everyone chases the new thing - and most fall by the wayside because the pool of players isn’t large enough to support them all.
By all means you’re free to enjoy this. I just loved the aesthetic and I’m disappointed to see it’s now an extraction game.


Gold Member
I was hoping for a Monster Hunter like game, hunting giant robots with friends seemed awesome to me... This pvpve thing didn't captivated me much, but I guess that's what's trending now.

Larry Shrug GIF by Curb Your Enthusiasm

Good luck for them.


but I guess that's what's trending now.
I don't think it's just because of trend, obviously that is part of the change not denying that. Straight pve means you need to add alot of content regularly to retain the playerbase. Going this route it lets them skate by without as much pressure on content.


Snake Oil Salesman
You’re comparing genres to a sub genre within the FPS genre.
Just an observation of how this industry works. Just like everything had to have BR, everyone chases the new thing - and most fall by the wayside because the pool of players isn’t large enough to support them all.
By all means you’re free to enjoy this. I just loved the aesthetic and I’m disappointed to see it’s now an extraction game.

I guess I'm targeting in on the idea that you (along with others) think you have a good idea how big of a genre / subgenre Extraction games are.

Racing games, RPGs, the action game genre...all started out as "sub genres" until they grew and grew into their own classification.

What is it about Extraction games that makes you think we hit a saturation point?

I know personally, I was crazy into MOBAs at one point, yet I could never imagine the genre doing much different than League + Dota. With extraction games, your imagination can go wild thinking of different creative routes the genre could grow into.


You’re comparing genres to a sub genre within the FPS genre.
Just an observation of how this industry works. Just like everything had to have BR, everyone chases the new thing - and most fall by the wayside because the pool of players isn’t large enough to support them all.
By all means you’re free to enjoy this. I just loved the aesthetic and I’m disappointed to see it’s now an extraction game.

Everybody chases trends and a few staples emerge. Who cares how many games fail if something good remains?


From what a few ppl have said in the steam forum it's very pvp focused, nothing like The Division's setup with pve and dark zone pvp. Hope it's good, but I was hoping for a Division setup with awesome pve content. I definitely have less interest now.
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