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Arcade distributors

I'm interested in purchasing a Pop'n Music machine as well as Beatmania IIDX. I've checked Coin-op Express, and while they have a good price for Pop'n, the IIDX machines are a bit high. Does anyone know of good retailers? They don't have to be online, just anywhere I can get these machines.


Mistaken iRobbery!
I would give them a call. Haven't been there in a while though... they probably got Tekken 5 by now :)
They have a new URL now:


Otherwise, looks like eBay unless you want to order from HK or Japan and have an entire shipping container of stuff sent over. It'd be a huge initial investment but if you picked up another dozen machines or so and then sold them, you'd probably more than pay off your own machines and the shipping costs. It's an idea, anyway!
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