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Arcade Geeks: WHere do I buy complete QUALITY arcade cabinets?

I've got a little space cleared out in the downstairs part of my house, and I'd like to move 1 or 2 arcade games in. I want good refurbished or new machines, and I don't want to spend time fucking with JAMMA boards or sanding cabinet fixtures or installing microswitches. I just want two QUALITY refurb/new arcade units from among the following games:

Truxton (1 or 2)
Ghouls N Ghosts
Galaga '88
Black Tiger
Bubble Bobble
Marvel Super Heroes

I had an R-Type machine, but I sold it two years ago because the cabinet was really beat to hell and my wife didn't want it uglyin' up the pad. Naturally, I'd give preference to the first three games on the list.


Banstick Emeritus
Nobody's answering because they're HORRIFIED at the thought of you capitulating to your wife's petty demands in selling R-Type.

That said, I'll take pity on you. Try John's Jukes up here in Vancouver - they're always getting different machines in on consignment, and if they don't have a machine available they'll point you in the right direction. Plus it's not that far from you...and they'll ship to the States.

They have an original Pong machine...wish I had the 3 grand to get it...
Nah, she had a point -- it was in REALLY shitty shape. I got it for $150 when they closed a local Aladdin's Castle, and I sold it for $400.


Banstick Emeritus
Well, profit is good. Next time you're in Vancouver you should check 'em out. Plus your money is worth like a zillion times more up here, so for the price of a pack of gum at Albertsons, you can go home with a vintage Sinistar machine...


Knows the Score
Why not build a Mame cabinet? An exciting project with thousands* of games in one box.

*providing you own the original PCBs, of course.
I don't have the time or the energy. I just want to have a couple of good cabs shipped to my pad that I can stick in a corner and turn on when guests are over, and I'm willing to pay for it.
You know that all of the games on your list other than Galaga '88, R-Type, Tempest, Xevious, and Gyruss were released only as kits, right? The kind of cabs you'll find them in depends completely on who installed the kits. You could just as easily find a Darkstalkers hacked into a Xenophobe cabinet (I've actually seen this.. it was hideous) as you would find one in a generic 25" Jamma cabinet. It's hard to say what a new/refurbished cabinet for any of those games would be, exactly. Are you just hoping to find any old pretty decent cab with the game board slapped into it and some side-art stuck on the sides? I know you don't want to mess with plugging boards in and out and all that shit, but it honestly might be worth your while to buy, say, a Darkstalkers PCB and then just buy an empty Jamma cabinet in nice shape and stick it in there. You might even want to buy one of those nice plastic/metal molded Japanese cabs with the huge 25-29" monitors and just put a PCB in that. It'd probably turn out much nicer than any of the hackjobs that're floating around out there, which I doubt many people would put any time into restoring since there's no original template to 'restore' them to.

I'm in Seattle too, and I collect arcade games and know quite a few fellow collectors around here, so I'll ask around and see if any of those games are being sold right now. I know Xevious pops up pretty often. I'm tempted to sell you my Tempest just because you seem ready to throw tons of money at a nice machine, but it's truly near-mint and is without a doubt the jewel of my collection, so I just can't part with it. :(

Just out of curiosity, where was this Alladin's Castle that sold you R-Type located?? I've heard people refer to the chain many times, but I was always sure that we never had them in the northwest.
Bobby, it was the Aladdin's Castle in the Lewis County Mall.

How much work is installing a PCB? I'd go that route if I could get the board/cabinet here in the area. My wife would prefer the cab with no side art, although the front art is fine.


Installing a PCB:

1. Open cabinet.

2. Unplug harness from old PCB.

3. Remove old PCB.

4. Plug harness into new PCB.

5. Make sure you didn't fit the harness on backwards.

6. Close cabinet.

Piece of cake, especially with Japanese cabs that're nice and roomy inside. You can even be a lazy motherfucker like me and skip step six, leaving it open to swap Neo Geo carts in and out.



Party Pooper
my aladdin's castle is getting rid of some games at the moment, but nothing good. mostly big bulky shit like sega skiing. though i'd love to pick up guitar freaks and keyboard freaks. too bad i dont have 1500 to blow on either...

i wish they'd sell some of thier sweet japanese cabinets. oh well.


My dream has always been to get Tron, not so much for gameplay, but as a fetsish object.

Drinky, Black Tiger is an excellent choice. I fondly recall playing that game in a Winn Dixie (grocery store) entrance every chance I got one summer.


Has anybody ever attended the Super Auction?


If you get a Darkstalkers pcb you can get other CPS2 boards and easily interchange them. You could have a cab that would play both DS and MSH very easily and the boards are fairly cheap.

Namcoarcade.com has a listing of every game for sale in the US at a Namco owned arcade. I see right now they're selling Galaga machines.
DCharlie said:
dont forget to ask about the CP2 boards being suicide disabled.

They can be completely disabled now?? Last I heard that was only true of CPS-1 boards, but if you're right I better do the hack ASAP to my Shadow over Mystara and Puzzle Fighter boards. I've been meaning to swap in new batteries for a long time now, and it's to the point where I'm afraid to play them for fear of finding out that they're dead. :(


And even i am moderately surprised
well, i have about 8 CP2's and i was told (although my japanese isn't that good) that they are all suicide deactivated... i've had some of them for 4 years, and they still play fine.
Here's how simple it is to change arcade boards:







It doesn't get any easier than that. It's as simple as plugging in a cartridge into a game system.


I need to have it done to my US Eco Fighters board :p I knew Razoola was doing it but it sounded like a pain (have to send the board to him, if he hasn't done the game before, he needed to make a custom patch, etc, he wasn't willing to distribute the roms so I could burn my own, etc.)...

But other people are offering this service now? Need more info :) I have a lot of boards that need modification :p
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