Okay, I read through the last five pages or so that have come here in my absense. Since I went through post-by-post some of this might be bit incoherent to read, sorry for it. I do have a section about ElTopo around the middle of this post. Heres some of my thoughts:
General stuff post-by-post part.1:
El Topos list of post count is kind of wasted in the long-run, since post-count does not really tell you much apart from seeing who people post awful lot and who almost nothing. Just posting postcount is especially problematic since it completely ignores all fluffy-filler posts or posts that are basically just one sentence long. More important is to look at how many posts are actually contributive, and even then you have to remember people have lives outside of the game. So yeah
post-lists can be informative, but one shouldnt post only that, I guess.
The only problem with everyone claiming drone is it's essentially the same as nobody claiming which ultimately just throws us back to square one. Unless there's cause the best policy is just to keep a lid on your role, regular, power, or other.
I agree Mazre with this, and is one of the reasons why I think Palmers drone claims are more anti-town than pro-town in my eyes.
[*]as it unfolded, ezekel claims he cant be killed at night unless by the honeypot. the first thought that popped in my head was: "............ hey, wouldn't that be a convenient cover for scum? cuz they do not die at nights!!! HO HO HO EZEKEL! YOU HADE MADE YOUR MATCH!"
This is actually a pretty valid point. Like I said in Palmers case, it would be convenient for mafia to figure out reasons why they dont die during nights, the same thing I feel Palmer could use his claims for. Also another thing that came to mind just now for Ezekiel to make this claim was in order to make possible roleblocker to keep silent. Since, you know, if Ezekiels claim is not real, its possible that the kill was prevented by the blocker blocking the right scum-member.
That said, I still stand that I will believe Ezekiel, just because claiming Archer would be really dangerous since there would most likely be another archer here who could bust him.
Also, is ynnys (too long of a username!) posts always this
filled with emoticons? It could be a scums way to try to look bit more innocent with the use of emoticons. I havent read his earlier game (AC according to ynny himself, right), so I dont have sufficient data to see if this style is consistent with that game.
One point Ezekel brought up that I thought was good, was pointing out the people who were thinking that his role makes the town overpowered. I went back to the Star Wars game because I remembered hearing the same complaints after I role claimed as the second armorer. I looked at all the people who complained, and in fact one of them was a Hutt. Im not saying its the case here, but its an interesting thing to note. The complainers were
El Topo
For me its important to look at claims in detail, since with secret role-list a false claim could be very viable strategy. My suspicion for Ezekiels claim was mostly because I first thought that honeypot was a neutral party, which would have made her finding Archer much harder. Since its possible she might be kgb, Ezekiels claim is much more believable, since other mafia can make a guess they found Archer if no kill happens during night.
Mostly about ElTopo:
Now Palmers post-by-post analysis of El Topo is much more what I think is contributive than simply posting list of how much everyone has posted. I agree with some points Palmer makes, like how lot of El Topo himselfs are fluffy, although I do disagree with some as well too. For example I do agree with El Topo that people should believe real-world claims because lying about that is really stupid thing to do. But in general, great work Palmer! It has given lot of insight to El Topos posting.
ElTopo does response to this analysis and
is it me, or is he suddenly really defensive like Razmos was in day 1? It could be that he is just generally annoyed, but usually losing your cool over accusations is mafia-type of behaviour since mafia-members have much more to lose by dying that town has in general. ElTopos answers have turned much more aggressive in course of this day. For example this post:
I don't trust Hobohodo, squidyj, Burbeting, as well as several players that have been somewhat inactive, but given that virtually every little post of mine has been twisted into whatever Palmer saw fit, I'd rather not get accused of more "suspicious" behaviour.
If I absolutely had to vote for someone right now, I'd probably vote for squidyj. Just can't shake off the feeling that he's slipping through the cracks.
I still think it would be better if you told out loud your suspicions. Its pro-town behaviour to tell about suspicions, now this just sounds like Yeah I dont trust these guys but I aint telling why, which is not really helping us to discuss. Sulking like this almost feels like martyrism to me, which is anti-town behaviour in general.
I also agree with other people that its odd ElTopo said day 1 is useless, especially since this game has had lot of stuff happening in day 1 that could have an impact later on.
General stuff post-by-post part 2:
Considering how little Mazre ended up posting, 10 out of 73 posts, I would feel better if it was ER, Zubz, and myself. This could also be an opportunity for both Mazre and I to stop down and let it be 3 new people entirely.
Let's resolve this quickly, please.
Id say three completely new people would be better, since there is the chance that honeypot was in the night 1 chat still. And yeah, Id say three-person chat would be better than two-person, since with three there wouldnt be that he-sais she-said situation you note.
Then Darryls volunteering comes, bit out of left field as well.
His sudden volunteering-- after a concerted effort by the former volunteers to unvolunteer so we can learn whether Ezekel is telling the truth-- reads incredibly anti-town.
In addition: he might be honeypot. I haven't scoured the D1 posts yet (as to why Ezekel might be the target for the night kill) but Darryl's being on the mission would correspond with Ezekel not being killed on N1. They weren't in the same pool.
I disagree with Darryl being honeypot. It seems
way way too obvious, and if Ezekiel dies next night, it would directly cast the spotlights on Darryl then. On the other notes the volunteering does make me raise my eyebrows, especially since I just said that three new missioners might be better than an older one over there. And now at the point Darryll volunteered, there was 50% of old already.
About Darryll volunteering: I still think honeypot isnt third party just because in my eyes that would make Ezekiels power unbalanced, and I trust Ourobolos that he has spent time making sure that the game stays balanced. If honeypot is KGB and doesnt have seperate win-condition at that, he wouldnt kill Ezekiel this early in the game with this huge amount of players outside the night-chat. It would make finding one of KGB really easy. Still, since there IS the chance that honeypot is third party, I feel bit unsecured about Darryll volunteering.
I volunteered because if you guys are dumb enough to day evict Squidy then I'm going to ensure that I'm safe from a night eviction.
You seem to be pretty sure than squidjy is town then? If he is KGB, mafia wouldnt night kill you, since they could try to lynch you next day. If he really is town, you might have a case in your hands.
Agree with points here. If Squidjy is mafia, he wouldnt have said anything about Arkos and Cabbeh, and instead would have kept it as secret information between mafia, since the more they know than town, the better for mafia.
Since Cabbeh talks about Septimus, I think its a good point to give some points about him too. I agree with points made about him (about mistaking info that was already discussed before-hand. There was not that much posts at that point at least compared to now). There is a big change between his posts in D1 and D2, something that is pretty noticeable in Seaths posts too.
Alright, thats mostly everything I have to say about last five pages or so.
- ElTopo feels pretty suspective especially after reacting to other peoples accusations. I will still keep my vote with Seath though, since he is still giving biggest vibes of either neutral or scum, and in my eyes neutrals should be voted off too since Town needs them usually to die too in order to win.
- Darryll volunteering is bit nerving, but I cant see honeypot to act so transparently. Especially if honeypot is KGB.
- If squidjy is mafia, why would he have basically given Arkos and Cabbeh town-status? He would have kept that info to himself and mafia if he is scum.
- I think three new ones for night is better than last night-chatters since honeypot COULD be neutral even if I feel its not that propable because game balance.