trippingmartian said:
I've been noticing a double standard when it comes to respecting culture, race, sexuality and respecting religion. Even though I'm not what you would call a God-fearing man I'm somewhat offended by how anti-spiritual these boards seem to be. I just think people need to respect the sanctity of religion, regardless of whether or not you subscribe to those beliefs. Discuss.
Respect is earned, not given freely, and "religion" as a general term, has yet to earn any respect. I respect the right to hold opinions, and that includes my opinion that certain ideas are cruel, disgusting, or just stupid.
You think it's the duty of a man to beat his wives to keep them meek and submissive? That's cruelty.
You think that it's okay to slaughter others in order to achieve your ideal socialist society? Also cruelty.
You think it's okay to have sex with children? That's disgusting *and* cruel.
You think that the all-powerful creator had his perfect plans for the universe ruined by a walking, talking snake? And he hates everyone for it, but also loves them, and so became a human and had himself temporarily sacrificed, and will no longer be angry at people who believe this based on a 2000 year-old, poorly edited book? The only reason I'm not laughing now is that I've heard it too many times.
And the other religions I've heard of are, at best, only marginally better than that.
As for the "sanctity" of religion, there's no such thing.
Race? That's not a belief or a set of behaviors, so it doesn't come into play.