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Are there any MMORPG-like games on PC where you can...


Are there any MMORPG-like games on PC where you can play your character online then take it offline, BUT it still maintains a hacked-free no cheater enviornment?

For example, you know how you can create a character in Diablo 2, build it up offline and take it online to build it up in a party, then switch it back to an offline game if you're not playing on Blizzard's offical servers? Are there any games that will let you do exactly that, but still manages to prevent hacking and cheated characters?

Another example would be Neverwinter Nights. You can create a character offline, build it up, take it online, and continue onward with the same character. I haven't played NWN in a while, but the last I remembered is theres a setting which makes sure all characters playing on a server are legit. I don't know how well it works though.


Hmmm... i don't imagine foolproof cheat free for this can be done.

The best you can do if you want something like this is that the items and stats of characters obey item and character creation rules in the game. If the numbers don't add up, then the characters get banned.
Or maybe have a system where it tries to predict the likelihood of players having all maxed out items as well as taking snapshots of their character upon logging off and comparing them with when they log back on; if your character has 'improved' too much or acquired an item that would be impossible according to game rules upon logging on, then they'd kick those characters out too. With that system, you'd have to be online to create...

The other alternative is to play it online... but just make it the same game online as offline (as in D2). You won't get the benefits of latency free play that you get playing offline... but at least you can still solo through fine. (unless your latency sucks balls)


That sucks balls.

First, I have a craving for a genre that is practically non-existent (RPG-Shooter - Picture Ikaruga with a storyline, you gain exp by shooting down stuff, you can travel to different places and has a separate battle system when you get out of your craft).

And now, theres no games setup with that implementation. =(

I know it would be possible. Damn devs are just too lazy to create it. Damn you and your BF1942 clones!!!!!
CoH is boasting about some super secret offline content that was suppsoed to come out with update 3 but like everything else in update 3 it got pushed back to "Soon"


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That situation you described in Diablo II was only the open characters, aka Hackville.

Its not feasible to implement that without giving local access to character files thereby opening them up for hacking.
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