Metal Gear Solid Delta - we longed for the Fox Engine pachinko version for years and this arguably looks even better. And it's built on the original game 1:1 so you know they can't fuck it up.
Ninja Gaiden 4 - it's not enough that it's the return of Ninja Gaiden, this is also Platinum Games giving us a pseudo-sequel to Metal Gear Rising. Looking like a very promising marriage of the strengths of both.
Death Stranding 2 - DS was possibly my game of the PS4 generation and DS2 looks like it's going to take the original concept to new heights. I've been blown away by the scale of the game in the last trailers. Couldn't really care less about the story given how weird it got by the end of DS but i'm still in it for the Kojima mindfuck. Nothing else like him in gaming.
Mario Kart 9 - I put an unholy amount of time into MK8, which was a stunningly feature packed game that pretty much perfected the kart racing formula. I'm wondering how Nintendo can mix it up now. If it's a Switch 2 launch title then of course i'll be picking it up when I buy the console.
Okami sequel - not much more really needs to be said about this. I just find it absolutely insane that Kamiya is now back home at Capcom and they are actually allowing him to do this. One of those childhood wishes like the Final Fantasy VII remake or a Shenmue 3 (errr) that actually came true.
Project Century - Yakuza is getting a bit long in the tooth and feels like it needs a reboot. After years of spin-offs and excessively leaning into the lolsozany side of the series, this new IP looks like it will finally bring back the grittiness of early Yakuza with a hint of Sleeping Dogs.
Project 007 - A James Bond game made by the Hitman developer is such a perfect match that I want to shake the hand of whoever pitched it. The 4 year wait since it was announced is getting unbearable.
Gears of War: E-Day - I did not give a shit about Gears since 3. Like Halo, the attempts to keep the story going after wrapping it up so succinctly just felt awkward. Now they are returning to its roots, abandoning all of that nonsense from the last couple of games in favor of a Reach-style prequel. Seeing old school Gears made in Unreal Engine 5 is a very exciting prospect.
Max Payne 1 and 2 Remake - This is a wildcard as Remedy have made some very questionable storytelling decisions in recent years. I really do not want them to change anything about the story. Really it should be almost impossible now that James McCaffrey has passed away. If they end up re-casting Max, i'm out. But if it's basically going to be the same story and voiceover, in their Northlight engine, with Max Payne 3 gameplay, then it could be incredible.