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Area 51, another sleeper hit from Midway?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I must say, Midway is surprising me lately. Psi Ops was more than a decent game, and now this?

As you may or may not know, the MGS3 issue of OPM has this demo on it. I went in expecting yet another shitty FPS, but then it started to unroll and hey, not bad. Not bad at all. First thing that caught my attention was that these guys actually made a graphics engine that uses detailed texturing. On PS2. Yes, of all the teams in the world, it was Midway's developments studio XYZ to do this, so color me surprised (for those of you who don't know, detailed texturing is a special form of mip-mapping where a detailed layer of textures is faded onto a surface when you get really close to it - Halo was the first game I know of that used it, and I really don't think there was a single PS2 games so far that had it) Also, there's a very Halo-like flashlight effect that you can switch on and off, very nicely lit industrial environments, really effective looking particle effect everywhere (gunfire, etc. the gunfights look very 'busy' and crazy throughout the whole demo) and a really neat blurring effect that fires up when you start getting hit by an enemy. Really, the game looks MUCH better than what you'd expect when you hear words Midway, very atmospheric, and having not seen Killzone, there's simply nothing on PS2 as far as FPS games go that I can say looks as good as this. Framerate is the only problem for now, as it dips below 30FPS quite often. Your squad mates seem pretty useful, enemies seem both smart and crazy at the same time (they are some kind of failed lab experiment). Unfortunately, the demo ends abruptly, maybe five minutes into it if you don't rush, and there really isn't enough of it to put some real judgment, but what's there is quite promising. I suppose this will get completely overlooked in the light of all the upcoming FPS mega-hitters, but if the demo is any indication, Area 51 could be a nice, arcady romp, with tense, heavy action all the way through (pure speculation, based on this short demo), that would put it into it's own niche, and separate from the cerebral, exploration, strategic, and whatnot shooters like HL2.


I can't wait to play Area 51. Psi-Ops was a very nice suprise indeed and I had fun with it, though I haven't finished the game.
I will be waiting to see if this problem gets ironed out, however.

Framerate is the only problem for now, as it dips below 30FPS quite often


It's not just Psi Ops though - NBA Ballers, Mortal Kombat, Arcade Treasures, The Suffering. They've had a very good last twelve months (especially compared to the few years before), and I'm really looking forward to this one.


I dunno, we'll see. I hope this game doesn't come out till early next year because if it gets released in November/December I won't care.

Anyway, I played both the PS2 and Xbox demos, and it as OK Between the two, I enjoyed the Xbox demo more thoroughly because the game controls better with the Spad + it looks cleaner. Not sure about the frame rate difference though. It was a good, if not straightforward, demo experience. Lots of good fighting action in the demo. I'm just worried everything is going to be too scripted where replayability will be low. I think we need more FPS games like this that make you fight against non humans (Well, supposedly they are humans who were infected but they aren't human, so to speak, anymore). I'm sick of seeing another FPS where you are entrenched in some war (WWII, Vietnam) and you must fight your way out. More supernatural/unkown/alien is the way to go! For that reason alone, I'll make sure to give this game a look upon release. If there is split screen and/or online co-op that would be fun.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Did Psi-Ops sell enough to get a sequel? God I hope so.

EDIT: Yeah Matlock IIRC it didn't sell that well... that really sucks....


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
The Suffering is pretty good too. Very good (IMO) by today's standards.


I think it sold (or will sell) just well enough for Midway to consider taking a chance on a sequel for Psi-Ops. It's encouraging to see a publisher/developer like Midway start to turn things around from just a few years ago. They're beginning to figure out EA's formula for success and quietly mimicking them in several ways.


In such a sequel driven era, you do have to tip your hat to Midway for trying to branch out into new franchises. And they make some pretty good games too.


Midway is trying stuff, unlike certain developpers. Of course midway is motivated by the fact that they NEED hits to survive


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
shuri said:
Midway is trying stuff, unlike certain developpers. Of course midway is motivated by the fact that they NEED hits to survive

Midway is basically recovering from near death... so of course they are generating alot of new IP's right now... you can bet however that of any of those IP's hit, they'll see sequels.


Marconelly said:
detailed texturing. On PS2. Yes, of all the teams in the world, it was Midway's developments studio XYZ to do this, so color me surprised (for those of you who don't know, detailed texturing is a special form of mip-mapping where a detailed layer of textures is faded onto a surface when you get really close to it - Halo was the first game I know of that used it, and I really don't think there was a single PS2 games so far that had it)

I might be wrong, but I think it is used in Conflict: Vietnam too.. and it is out now.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I might be wrong, but I think it is used in Conflict: Vietnam too.. and it is out now.
Really? On PS2? I'll look for it if I ever bump into that game.

The technique Marco is depicting was invented by Shiny for Messiah. ;)
Nope, Messiah had entirely different thing going on. They developed some kind of automatic level of geometry detail adjustment system, which did what it was supposed to do, but it looked terrible. Since then LOD algorithms seem to have advanced quite a lot.


Didn't Midway already make Area 51 a while or is it a remake? I dunno all those games you guys beside Midway Treasure sucked. I couldn't get into any of them. They were boring.


Well, that is true. Technically Area 51 is a remake of an old game (In name only). But at the same time, it has been so long it really should be considered something new.


Gantz said:
Didn't Midway already make Area 51 a while or is it a remake? I dunno all those games you guys beside Midway Treasure sucked. I couldn't get into any of them. They were boring.

The Area 51 arcade version from years ago is alot different then the new console version. Pretyt much the only thing thats the same is the name.

Also, if you dont like Psi-Ops you have no soul.


The Xbox demo of Area 51 doesn't have any framerate issues.

And yes I agree with all the Midway love in this thread - great last 12 months, Psi-Ops ownz.






Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Wait. A PS2 is rendering that?!

EDIT: :lol @ Holding two machine guns. Very unrealistic. Devs should fire some before trying to make a game w/ them.


on the 15th floor
Matlock said:
You and me both, buddy, but I don't think it passed 100k.

PS2 PSI OPS: MINDGATE $2,163,805 52,950
XBX PSI OPS: MINDGATE $2,705,068 63,713

It's no wonder that Publishers are so afraid of original IP. Even when they are great games, they can get killed by established gaming brands and licenses. Granted, it's only been out since June, but c'mon....

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Dark, might as well be. My PC back then couldn't run Unreal in all detail, and I haven't seen the game lately.

Wait. A PS2 is rendering that?!
Exclude the FSAA everpresent in these PR screenshots, and yeah that's it. Image quality is atually very good too. No traces of shimmerings or unexpected aliasing, or anyting out of ordinary. Pretty damn good looking, at least technically.
I played through the OPM demo of Area 51(or at least until it abruptly cuts off) and thought the game seemed okay, though nothing spectacular. With games like Halo 2 and Killzone(to a lesser extent) looming large I can't see how this game will be a great sucess.

There just didn't seem to be any compelling hook to the game, it does what it sets out to do but it doesn't seem to do anything special.

Besides, how come you can't kill your AI-controlled team members? Didn't the developers realize how much fun it was in Halo to torture and sacrifice your marine comrades? :)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
It looks and runs better than Killzone...

Killzone has an awful framerate and spotty textures...

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I played through the OPM demo of Area 51(or at least until it abruptly cuts off) and thought the game seemed okay, though nothing spectacular. With games like Halo 2 and Killzone(to a lesser extent) looming large I can't see how this game will be a great sucess.
I'd like if someone who has played both this demo and Killzone demo, voice in and compare them. How does atmophere compare, visuals, sound?

There just didn't seem to be any compelling hook to the game, it does what it sets out to do but it doesn't seem to do anything special.
The five minutes of the demo were pretty crazy action packed and straightforward, so I'd say that's the hook. However, demos can never deliver the hook factor the full game can (if it's well made, that is). For example, you have no idea who you are or what you are doing - there's no beginning, you are just thrown there and you shoot. I'd imagine it would be a different thing after you're properly introduced to the story, had witnesed some tense playable introductory sequence, or something, that'd attenuate the atmosphere a lot. Also the way the whole level flows and the way one level transitions to another adds immensely to the whole experience, etc.

It looks and runs better than Killzone...
You know, it doesn't surprise me. Area 51 just looks very, very 'solid'. If they can improve the framerate, they'd have pretty much nailed everything down as far as graphics go. So, KZ doesn't have detailed textures in place, even after all their boasting about multiple texturing layers? Still, when people say stuff like 'It's like Ico gone to war' it piques my interest about Killzone a lot.

define 'sleeper hit' ...
My definiteion, which I admit might be wrong, is that it's a game that is high quality but completely overlooked and has dismal sales.


I'm playing the Area 51 demo to death on the OPM disc. The game reminds me of Halo. As long as Midway can push for 60 fps and have decent A.l. then this game WILL shock a lot of people.


The feel I got from the demo was Halo meets Half-Life. I loved the scripted sequences in Half-Life and the "open" feeling of Halo. Area 51 seems to blend the two. I don't notice all of the little visual details in games like marc or dark, but I thought it ran smooth and looked great. I also like giving the aliens a few extra shots after they were dead just to watch them twitch.

Glad they delayed it until next year. The extra polish time certainly won't hurt and they don't have to worry about getting overlooked by the holiday crush.
I'd like if someone who has played both this demo and Killzone demo, voice in and compare them. How does atmophere compare, visuals, sound?

Fair enough. I'm not planning on pre-ordering Killzone so I won't be able to play it's demo until the next OPM hits stores. When I say Area 51 might be over shadowed I'm more refering to Halo 2 than anything.

I understand that this is a demo and it's tough to get the full experience the game has to offer. If I remember right, the "hook" for Area 51 is supposed to be that your character becomes infected and gains different super-human/super-natural powers as the game progresses. Unfortunately, the demo didn't include this so I can only go by what I have, which seems like a solid but by the numbers FPS.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I'm playing the Area 51 demo to death on the OPM disc. The game reminds me of Halo. As long as Midway can push for 60 fps and have decent A.l. then this game WILL shock a lot of people.
I think AI as it is is already fine, but don't hope for 60FPS. They have problems keeping it at 30 at times... Again, maybe the Xbox version already runs at 60, I don't know.

The feel I got from the demo was Halo meets Half-Life.
Very true.

If I remember right, the "hook" for Area 51 is supposed to be that your character becomes infected and gains different super-human/super-natural powers as the game progresses.
That sounds interesting, in that Psi Ops way - that it could have been a traditional 3rd person game, but somone came up with a neat idea, merged with a neat engine and made something quite unusual. Looks like Midway has had some good influx of creative people, and really good programmers, and the only thing holding their games back somewhat might be time and budgets. Still, compare this demo to the last shitty MOH game - EA should hang their heads in shame...

When I say Area 51 might be over shadowed I'm more refering to Halo 2 than anything.
For sure. Halo 2 and HL2 will be all the rage. But those two games will deserve the sales, praise and interest. However, it would be unfair if Area 51 ends up being really great, but gets overlooked even on PS2 due to Killzone, that could potentially be a weaker game of the two (I'm not saying either way, just speculating) It's actually encouraging that they delayed it into 2005.
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