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Argentina Judge orders seizure of Oil Firm's assets drilling around Falkland Islands

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Didn't see a thread of this.

On Saturday, a federal judge in Tierra del Fuego ordered the seizure of $156 million in bank accounts, boats and other property of six European and U.S. oil companies operating in the islands.

Argentina claims sovereignty over the South Atlantic islands which it calls the Malvinas, located about 435 miles (700 km) off the coast of Tierra del Fuego and occupied by around 3,000 people who mostly say they wish them to remain a British overseas territory.

Britain and Argentina fought a short war in 1982, after the then Argentine military dictatorship briefly seized the islands, and tensions have escalated again in recent years with the discovery of oil deposits.

I wonder if they really expect for the Judge's order to be be taken seriously? I think they might be trying to drum up support for elections this year. I doubt Argentina will see a penny of this order. Just my take.


Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
The new bills were the first warning.



Stoking nationalist fervor seems like a very common tactic for leaders presiding over a shit economy.

Either nothing comes out of it or it doesnt end well for Argentina.


Let it goo, let it goooooo. Las Malvinas were lost long ago. They might have had a case one century or so ago, but that ship already sailed.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Stoking nationalist fervor seems like a very common tactic for leaders presiding over a shit economy.

Either nothing comes out of it or it doesnt end well for Argentina.
Won't work. Can't speak for them, but when I visited Buenos Aires in December it seemed to me like everyone had grown tired with the amount of rhetoric thrown by the president. And the incident with the dead
read murdered
lawyer earlier this year only exacerbated the issue.
Please don't try this shit, Argentina. You'll get your ass handed to you in Falklands 2, and David Cameron will be PM until the 2020s.

Nobody wins.


I don't know why but on quick glance I read the thread title as "Angelina Jolie orders seizure of Oil Firm's assets drilling around Falkland Islands".


Some Fear Departing Argentine President Has No Plans of Really Leaving

BUENOS AIRES — After nearly eight years in office, President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner of Argentina will stand down in a few months. But even as voters weigh their options for a new leader, and look ahead to a change of direction for the country, their departing president has other plans.

Far from relinquishing power after she leaves office in December, Mrs. Kirchner appears to be seeking to retain influence from behind the scenes.

Argentines vote on Aug. 9 in open primary elections to decide the presidential nominee of each major party or alliance. To avoid splintering her party, the Front for Victory, Mrs. Kirchner, 62, effectively predetermined its nominee this month by endorsing Daniel Scioli, the governor of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina’s largest and most populous.

Mrs. Kirchner “is trying to continue as leader even though she is leaving government,” said Rosendo Fraga, an Argentine political analyst. Mr. Scioli, 58, needed Mrs. Kirchner’s endorsement to secure the support of the Front for Victory’s voters, who make up about 30 percent of the electorate. But that endorsement appears to have come at a price.

“Scioli’s doing everything he can just to be president,” said Maria Victoria Murillo, a professor of political science at Columbia University who has written about the future of Kirchnerismo. “Once that’s achieved, we’ll see if he moves to build his own power base independent of Cristina. But she is trying to limit him.”

The Argentine Constitution bars Mrs. Kirchner from running for a third consecutive term this year, although she will be allowed to run again in four years. Before Mr. Kirchner’s death in 2010 at 60, the couple had expected to prolong their stay in power by swapping places.

Now many people view Mr. Scioli as a stopgap in Mrs. Kirchner’s plan to resume the presidency.

“The president will continue to be the figurehead of Kirchnerismo, so it’s naturally an option to contemplate,” said Eduardo Jozami, 75, an author and human rights activist who is a prominent supporter of the Front for Victory, referring to the hypothetical plan.

Just saw that on the NY Times Website. Interesting. Looks like Kirchner is trying to pull a Putin.


I wonder why old people with a lot of money never just fucking retire.


They're just a set of islands that aren't worth the fuss. The Falklands/Las Malvinas are not worth another international conflict.


They're just a set of islands that aren't worth the fuss. The Falklands/Las Malvinas are not worth another international conflict.

Could the same not be said of many small islands with tiny populations?

They can try again if they want. I'm sure it'll end badly for them again.


No surprise, he was ordered by the government because they need to start fanning the nationalistic flames before the election.

They won't actually do it, as corrupt as the government is, they're not as stupid as the dictatorship was. They know they just need to do some saber rattling and not actually lose a conflict that will make them lose their power.

Once the elections are over, this whole thing will have blown over and they'll go back to fucking up those who don't follow them.

They're just a set of islands that aren't worth the fuss. The Falklands/Las Malvinas are not worth another international conflict.

Both nations didn't really care for the islands, but now that a buttload of oil was found, you better believe they're important again.

Hell, I'm surprised the US didn't just go and seize them. :p


Could the same not be said of many small islands with tiny populations?

They can try again if they want. I'm sure it'll end badly for them again.

Yes, but I mean Argentina would quite literally lose more in fighting another war for the islands than they would gain in capturing them sufficiently.
lol those island only have a population of 2,932 (2012)

Argentina seriously, STFU

Argentina doesn't give a shit about the population. However, the UK prefers a self-determination approach to the Falklands and defers to the population when it comes to their political allegiance.

After an illegal land invasion decades ago I think it goes without saying that they're in no rush to give anything to Argentina.


They do know they are Argentina, right?

Yeah it's crazy to me what Argentina is thinking. The UK is massively stronger as an economic and military power than Argentina. This belligerence is getting crazy, they aren't getting the Falklands because they never had them. It's crazy how a country made primarily of European colonists is upset that a European country has colonized a small area of islands nearby.


Maybe we need to send the new Top Gear team for diplomatic relations.

Seriously, nothing will come of this.


at last, for christ's sake
makes absolutely no sense, not even from a political standpoint. If Kirchner wants to regain some popularity perhaps she should consider the fact the Falklanders wish to remain British as well


makes absolutely no sense, not even from a political standpoint. If Kirchner wants to regain some popularity perhaps she should consider the fact the Falklanders wish to remain British as well

It's logical from the perspective she wants to drum up populist sentiment for her during a period of economic instability within the country. A simple bit of political misdirection.


Yeah it's crazy to me what Argentina is thinking. The UK is massively stronger as an economic and military power than Argentina. This belligerence is getting crazy, they aren't getting the Falklands because they never had them. It's crazy how a country made primarily of European colonists is upset that a European country has colonized a small area of islands nearby.

Uhh, you do know Central and South American countries aren't really big fans of European colonialism right?

They even had a war for independence, crazy I know.


Uhh, you do know Central and South American countries aren't really big fans of European colonialism right?

They even had a war for independence, crazy I know.

Is that what I said? I said it's funny how people who are primarily ethnically European and are the descendants of colonists themselves are claiming some divine ownership over some islands that were uninhabited. There never was an Argentina when the Falklands were claimed, and the people of the Falklands all the way to the present day, consider themselves British.

Of course they're not fans of European colonialism, but they are literally the creation of European colonialism. Argentina is one of the few Latin American nations with such a small indigenous population and even their indigenous mixed population is supposedly under 5%. To most of us, it just seems like a bunch of European descendants facing off with a bunch of Europeans over who can claim the island. There is no way I see the Falklands ever going to Argentina, unless the people who live there want that and every time, they've overwhelminly said no.


Uhh, you do know Central and South American countries aren't really big fans of European colonialism right?

They even had a war for independence, crazy I know.

You do know that most of the population of Argentina is descended from European colonists, right?

And considering that the Falklands were uninhabited before the Europeans showed up (unlike Argentina, which still has a native population to this day), they have no moral leg to stand on whatsoever.


Yeah it's crazy to me what Argentina is thinking. The UK is massively stronger as an economic and military power than Argentina. This belligerence is getting crazy, they aren't getting the Falklands because they never had them. It's crazy how a country made primarily of European colonists is upset that a European country has colonized a small area of islands nearby.

Last time Argentina took advantage of the perceived weakness of the UK and launched a surprise attack. This perceived weakness came from the state of the British economy. Even in their perceived weakened state the UK still kicked the shit out of them. This time they'd be going up against a battle hardened military full of Iraq/Afghan veterans that has been at war for over a decade.


This is political saber rattling to gain more support, just like virtually everything else involving the Falklands forever.

Even the 1982 War was really just both countries finding an excuse to distract people from their domestic problems.


The US stayed out of it the last time, Regan even wanted the British not to bother with the falklands

Not quite


Washington, D.C., April 1, 2012 – The United States secretly supported the United Kingdom during the early days of the Falklands/Malvinas Island war of 1982, while publicly adopting a neutral stance and acting as a disinterested mediator in the conflict, according to recently declassified U.S. documents posted today by the National Security Archive.

On the 30th anniversary of the war, the Archive published a series of memoranda of conversation, intelligence reports, and cables revealing the secret communications between the United States and Britain, and the United States and Argentina during the conflict.

At a meeting in London on April 8, 1982, shortly after the war began, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher expressed concern to U.S. Secretary of State Alexander Haig about President Ronald Reagan's recent public statements of impartiality. In response, according to a previously secret memorandum of the conversation, "The Secretary said that he was certain the Prime Minister knew where the President stood. We are not impartial."

This seems also eerie how applicable it still is.

With Argentina mired in economic stagnation, Galtieri's military campaign tried to rally support from large sectors of Argentine society. But U.S. observers foresaw serious problems for him ahead. A top secret State Department intelligence analysis reported: "[Galtieri] wants to hold on to the Army's top slot through 1984 and perhaps the presidency through 1987. The Argentine leader may have been excessively shortsighted, however. The popular emotion that welcomed the invasion will subside."

A White House cable stated, "Galtieri's problem is that he has so excited the Argentine people that he has left himself little room for maneuver. He must show something for the invasion. or else he will be swept aside in ignominy."


General Belgrano... that is all.
Neither the Junta nor the UK Conservatives actually cared about the sailors who died. They died in a pointless war started by an incompetent government that murdered its own people.
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