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ARGH!!! Stephen A Smith hosting PTi

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Drunky McMurder
I want a job that's half as cool as hosting PTI that lets me take vacation half as much as they do :(
The most hilarious sports segments i've seen came from him and Michael Irvin going at it on the Best Damn Sports Show when they were both there (Stephen as a guest).


keep your strippers out of my American football
Isn't this going to last a month while the Tony and Mike are in Athens? I think that is why they are guest hosting anyway.
Screamin' A sucks ass, and Skip Bayliss can go fuck himself. He has to be one of the worst sportswriters/television personalities i've ever seen, and his face looks like a botox needle had an orgasm on it.
Stephen A Smith irks me quite a bit. I'm not sure if it's his contrived, obvious "opinions" or his acting like everything he says passed from God's lips first.


Count of Concision
Did anybody catch their new show "Stump The Schwab"? Pretty entertaining, and I'm not even a big sports trivia buff. If you are, you'd eat it up. :)


Ninja Scooter said:
Screamin' A sucks ass, and Skip Bayliss can go fuck himself. He has to be one of the worst sportswriters/television personalities i've ever seen, and his face looks like a botox needle had an orgasm on it.

Do you like Jim Rome better or worse than those two douches? Cause I hate those two as well, but love Romey unlike you. Who DO you like? Dan "Milquetoast" Patrick?


I think Rome's a total tool...but Stephen A Smith doesn't bother me much. I find the way he delivers his opinions to be a crackup.


goddamit, Griese!
Actually, the worst PTI was when Aldrige and Michelle Tafoya were covering.

Tafoya: What ___________ did was wrong.
David: I agree.

Tafoya: He deserved a 10 game suspension
David: I agree.

Tafoya: The sun sets in the East.
David: I agree.


Smith is funny as hell. All ESPN is a bunch of arrogant fuckholes yelling (I refuse to even watch that Around the Horn garbage). If you're gonna be an asshole at least be funny/entertaing(PTI's cool though). Course I like the sports guys other guys hate and vice versa. Fuck Barkeley and fuck Rome. Stephen A. and Lam for life baby.


Shinobi said:
I think Rome's a total tool...but Stephen A Smith doesn't bother me much. I find the way he delivers his opinions to be a crackup.

I can't be a part of someone who hates Romey and doesn't get bothered by Screamin' A. Rome may be a hard ass, he has his takes etc, but Screamin A is just a ghetto talkin' head. I can see disagreeing with Rome (I do it fairly often), but I can't see thinking he's a total tool. Unless you are talking about his ESPN show, which is a shell of his radio show.

Romey rocks man. You gotta give him two weeks. He gets all the guests, plus the clones, plus some genius emails. Anything you've seen on TV of Romey is nothing but a poor representation of him at best. At worst it's derivative smack.


Eminem said:
Actually, the worst PTI was when Aldrige and Michelle Tafoya were covering.

Tafoya: What ___________ did was wrong.
David: I agree.

Tafoya: He deserved a 10 game suspension
David: I agree.

Tafoya: The sun sets in the East.
David: I agree.


I watched and listened to him years ago...he was a tool then, and I doubt that's changed much. The difference between Rome and Stephen A Smith is that the former tries too hard to be funny, crass, hardcore and hip, and in my view he falls flat on his face in doing so. And isn't this is the same boob that kept goading Jim Everrett back in the day? That's reason enough for me to ignore him.

Stephen A Smith on the other hand is more unintentionally funny...his delivery just cracks me up, and even if I disagree with his opinion, it simply doesn't agitate me.

Now maybe I should have a problem who hate people like Smith or Dan LeBatard (who also cracks me up, fuck his haters) while liking complete douchebags like Rome, but the truth is I don't give a shit. You've got your likes, I've got mine. Truth is I've got little time for the media anyway, so making me cringe like Rome does isn't gonna help.


Shinobi said:

I watched and listened to him years ago...he was a tool then, and I doubt that's changed much. The difference between Rome and Stephen A Smith is that the former tries too hard to be funny, crass, hardcore and hip, and in my view he falls flat on his face in doing so. And isn't this is the same boob that kept goading Jim Everrett back in the day? That's reason enough for me to ignore him.

Stephen A Smith on the other hand is more unintentionally funny...his delivery just cracks me up, and even if I disagree with his opinion, it simply doesn't agitate me.

Now maybe I should have a problem who hate people like Smith or Dan LeBatard (who also cracks me up, fuck his haters) while liking complete douchebags like Rome, but the truth is I don't give a shit. You've got your likes, I've got mine. Truth is I've got little time for the media anyway, so making me cringe like Rome does isn't gonna help.

If you've got so little time for the media, maybe you can do us clones a favor and stay out of the Jim Rome topics?

Switch "funny" with "street" in your first sentance and you can switch Rome and Smith. The Chrissy thing was like 15 years ago, you know, when Chrissy was still relevant? Calling him a tool and a douchebag isn't going to make your opinion on the guy any better, douche :p

It's easy to play the hater game. Maybe you should try and read between the lines, and then maybe you'll GET Rome. No sweat off my back, but he's the most entertaining and relevant broadcaster working in sports today. Sorry you miss out.


ESPN pushing stephen Smith like he is Triple H.

Did he marry the boss' daughter too?

I like Smith's delivery, espeically for a PTI type show. He's better suited for it than say, Stuart Scott.
DJ_Tet said:
Do you like Jim Rome better or worse than those two douches? Cause I hate those two as well, but love Romey unlike you. Who DO you like? Dan "Milquetoast" Patrick?

i hate Rome. He's sucks, and forms his opinion based on what the popular bandwagon thoughts are at the time. He just masks them using lameass "slang" to make himself look original. I still remember him saying "The XFL will be a success because everything Vince Mcmahon does is a success"....then 6 months later, i shit you not, he says something like "Of course the XFL was gonna fail. Who couldn't see this coming?" My hate for Bayliss actually came from when Rome used to have him on his show all the time.

as for who i like? Kornheiser and Wilbon top the list easily. the late Ralph Wiley was really good too imo.
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