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Arizona man, 26, charged with bringing loaded handgun into CN Tower

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Crazy. If you get a permit do they not explicitly tell you carrying your gun across state lines may result in a felony? I'd think people would be wary of that. And also taking guns on a plane... to other countries.

Ya know, maybe it was one of those big backpacks and the gun was in an interior compartment and he just forgot about it. I know people that have camp knives and stuff in their bags and have accidentally carried them onto planes.

They do. Multiple times. My CCW instructor was very adamant about letting us know about it, and know how the laws vary from state to state even if they have reciprocity among them. And if they don't (i.e. California and NY, which IIRC don't have reciprocity with any other state), then you would need to get another license from that state if you want to conceal carry there. And even if you carry a gun up to their standards, i.e. have a gun in a locked case in your glove compartment etc exactly as required in California, but you have a higher capacity magazine than that state allows, that is still a felony and you can do either 10 or 25, IIRC.
[North] America


Don't gun permits not even persist across states lines? I don't understand how anyone could think it's international. It's not like a license to drive.

Depends on where you get the permit. Mine allows me to carry a concealed weapon in nearly half the country.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
God damn foreigners coming over our borders and not respecting our laws. Throw the book at this criminal. America isn't sending us their best, that's for damn sure.


How did he get past the border is my question.

It's not like they can exhaustively search every vehicle that crosses back and forth across the border. This guy no doubt lied and didn't declare it, and he didn't happen to get checked. The sheer arrogance of thinking that the laws of another country don't apply to him and his gun makes me want to see them throw the book at him.

e - missed that he arrived on an airplane. Wow, that is suspect.
"Oh I thought American laws apply to all countries". Seriously fuck off. He is lucky he was not in another country where gun laws are even more strict and he could have been thrown in jail for a really long time.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
I have lived in rough LA neighborhoods; have been mugged before at gunpoint, but I cannot rationalize concealed or open carry.


I love it when people call carriers of weapons "cowards".

Pretty sure if you need to carry a gun to feel safe in your day to day life because you think at any moment you're going to need it to live out some action movie fantasy, the only words that apply are coward and paranoid
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