Fists can knock someone out pretty quickly and its pretty easy to find friendly players along with hostile ones. If you don't to deal with other players then you can just play on a PvE server or single player. Also if your base keeps getting broken into then it is probably time to relocate or set up better defenses with dinos.
Also just learned that you can build things on the back of Brontos. Time to tame one and build mobile homes.
yeah, i dont play PVE in survival games. They are supposed to be PVP. playing on anything else is just super gimpy I dont mind dying, , but even having dino's all you ahve to do is break the gate down and have someone train them out of the base and its easy pickings. Get a Thatch foundation and a bed fairly close to the base and if you die to the dino's so what, just get your things from your dead corpse and when all the dino's are out, free loots from the wood bases. lol