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Arma 3 Alpha - March 5th - 25 Euros


Does anyone know what the best ARMA 3 online community is? Right now I'm using this thread and the ARMA/ARMA3 subreddits... the BIS forums are filled with bad suggestions/complaints (the General section, at least), and Armaholic doesn't seem to be very active (unless I checked the wrong sections.
You're telling me

This is what happens when CoD becomes the norm, I'll be so devastated if Arma goes that route, I love this series for being the complete opposite of CoD.
You're telling me

This is what happens when CoD becomes the norm, I'll be so devastated if Arma goes that route, I love this series for being the complete opposite of CoD.

I wouldn't really care if someone just created a mod/game mode for that. The beauty of Arma is it can be played any way you want; it doesn't make much sense to say "except for that".

If it's fun, then do it.


ShackTac is the undisputed best Arma community but they are very insular, we have a pretty good thing going with the GAF group that is in the process of building up to something more significant feel free to come play with us.

ShackTac is really not as great as it appears on the outside. Having been a member the structure is rather rigid and Dslyecxi is hard to deal with at times. Most of the fireteams or squads are very cliquey which as a new member means you end up with the terrible European players (sorry Euro-GAF). IRC is probably the only place where that group of people is fun to be with.


I wouldn't really care if someone just created a mod/game mode for that. The beauty of Arma is it can be played any way you want; it doesn't make much sense to say "except for that".

If it's fun, then do it.
As long as its a mod/mission and not a part of the core game then I have no problem with it.


Gold Member
When everything comes together, this game is so damn cool.

I was moving through the forest towards the nearest gun store, when I teamed up with some other dude. We moved towards the objective, taking the mountain for the heigth advantage. When the gun store was in sight I pulled out my binoculars and spotted three enemy units scouring around the gun store, clearly setting up an ambush.

That moment there, just lying prone in the tall grass behing a tree and just observing the enemy while giving information to the rest of the team, was so cool. The sun was setting, my teammate was watching my back, it just felt badass.

I need to get a headset asap though.


Honestly, as a member of all of them, I still think Gaf does a great job and can usually steer you to the right thing. Are you just looking for news or specific things?

I'd say mainly news, Alpha Dev changelogs, the most popular user missions, that sort of thing. Also technical overviews of some aspects of the game/engine, but I don't know if BIS does that.

Yeah, they're pretty bad.

ShackTac is the undisputed best Arma community but they are very insular, we have a pretty good thing going with the GAF group that is in the process of building up to something more significant feel free to come play with us.

I've played on the GAF server a couple of times, do we have a Steam group or something alike?

Edit: (Random ARMA story from today) I was playing Escape from Stratis with two friends (I have a third friend that will probably get the game as well). We advanced to the first hilltop base, where we stole a vehicle and drove along the west coast, until we got to Girna (the small town). There, we took out 4 hostiles, and hijacked another vehicle. We drove until we were at about 1 km from the airport, but we had to stop because we spotted some enemies ahead. Ten seconds later, our ride was suddenly hit by a missile, killing all 3 of us. There had been a chopper following us for about half the mission... I guess we should have taken care of it earlier.
When everything comes together, this game is so damn cool.

I was moving through the forest towards the nearest gun store, when I teamed up with some other dude. We moved towards the objective, taking the mountain for the heigth advantage. When the gun store was in sight I pulled out my binoculars and spotted three enemy units scouring around the gun store, clearly setting up an ambush.

That moment there, just lying prone in the tall grass behing a tree and just observing the enemy while giving information to the rest of the team, was so cool. The sun was setting, my teammate was watching my back, it just felt badass.

I need to get a headset asap though.

When there's cohesion, this game is awesome. And yea, a mic is definitely needed.
Server is up and running beautifully. If it's not running, which happens after restarts occasionally, PM me or MickeyKnox and we should be able to take care of it. Hopefully.

Also, by no means is a mic required. But it makes a hell of a difference. Even if you have the shittiest mic, such as hooking up a wired 360 controller and using a 360 mic that way, it makes for much quicker comms in a game that can change from slow paced, to insanely ambushed in a second.

I'll be streaming tomorrow around 1300 HST for those that are interested. I'll post the details then. If you want to be a part of the stream, be on around then. Maybe, if there is interest enough, we can get a GAF playlist going of different game types/modes to play as a collective whole. I'm thinking we alternate between Blitzkrieg and Urban Combat.

Urban Combat is the bees knees.
The antelopes antlers.
The Elephants Ears.

It's fun.


Server is up and running beautifully. If it's not running, which happens after restarts occasionally, PM me or MickeyKnox and we should be able to take care of it. Hopefully.

Also, by no means is a mic required. But it makes a hell of a difference. Even if you have the shittiest mic, such as hooking up a wired 360 controller and using a 360 mic that way, it makes for much quicker comms in a game that can change from slow paced, to insanely ambushed in a second.

I'll be streaming tomorrow around 1300 HST for those that are interested. I'll post the details then. If you want to be a part of the stream, be on around then. Maybe, if there is interest enough, we can get a GAF playlist going of different game types/modes to play as a collective whole. I'm thinking we alternate between Blitzkrieg and Urban Combat.

Urban Combat is the bees knees.
The antelopes antlers.
The Elephants Ears.

It's fun.

What times do you guys regularly play? Every time I check no one's ever on.

On an unrelated note: Armaholic is now hosting my Diver Stats mod/script. I've updated almost every aspect of the script and display (eg. The display should now resize to fit any resolution/interface size combo).

Check it out and let me know what you all think.


Server is up and running beautifully. If it's not running, which happens after restarts occasionally, PM me or MickeyKnox and we should be able to take care of it. Hopefully.

Also, by no means is a mic required. But it makes a hell of a difference. Even if you have the shittiest mic, such as hooking up a wired 360 controller and using a 360 mic that way, it makes for much quicker comms in a game that can change from slow paced, to insanely ambushed in a second.

I'll be streaming tomorrow around 1300 HST for those that are interested. I'll post the details then. If you want to be a part of the stream, be on around then. Maybe, if there is interest enough, we can get a GAF playlist going of different game types/modes to play as a collective whole. I'm thinking we alternate between Blitzkrieg and Urban Combat.

Urban Combat is the bees knees.
The antelopes antlers.
The Elephants Ears.

It's fun.

Krappa, I recommend you download the latest version of UConquest, I think the server is currently running v003. The latest version is v005, but there are two variants: one for the Dev Alpha, and one for the normal Alpha. You can get it here (v005 non-dev). And I agree, UC is a lot of fun (especially since you can tweak the vehicle/helicopter count).

Edit: Moddb doesn't work, try this (direct download link).


goddamn I updated to Dev Build and now my serverlist is all in red marks and all the Dev servers just outright disappear from the list once I hover over with mouse. wtf?
Krappa, I recommend you download the latest version of UConquest, I think the server is currently running v003. The latest version is v005, but there are two variants: one for the Dev Alpha, and one for the normal Alpha. You can get it here (v005 non-dev). And I agree, UC is a lot of fun (especially since you can tweak the vehicle/helicopter count).

Edit: Moddb doesn't work, try this (direct download link).

Its on v05 noe ;)


What times do you guys regularly play? Every time I check no one's ever on.

On an unrelated note: Armaholic is now hosting my Diver Stats mod/script. I've updated almost every aspect of the script and display (eg. The display should now resize to fit any resolution/interface size combo).

Check it out and let me know what you all think.
Great :)

I thought I'd have my first crack at incorporating this into a mission. I'm a complete Arma newbie, so it was an adventure. I used this mission, which is an adaptation of the Arma 3 SCUBA showcase. It works nicely.

If anyone wants to try out Spat_triate's cool dive computer (pictured below), I've got the mission running on a server. Search for 'SKOG', quote for password.

Server is 4 slots, hosted in Sydney, on my HTPC. It will only be up for the weekend (until midnight sun/mon AEDST), probably sporadic until then, definitely not up while I'm streaming F1 tomorrow :p



Gold Member
Getting pretty tired of the endless crashes when joining a server.

My crash-to-connect ratio is about 5:1 at the moment. Absurd.
Anyone else addicted to screenshotting' this game up. Here's some steamshots I took today:

To SJRB: OPT into the dev build under steam, should fix most crashes.


It's damn beautiful and these are only with 2x msaa compressed jpeg's :p.
Link to my album.


Gold Member
To SJRB: OPT into the dev build under steam, should fix most crashes.

How do I do that? Also - I checked the Steam forums, there are tons of threads about the same issue. I'm glad it's not my hardware that's giving me trouble.

Also - "feel like a badass" moment of today:

Providing overwatch while teammates enter the gunstore.
How do I do that? .

Right click game in steam, properties, beta tab. It's far more stable but your restricted to less mp games, as obviously less people are running it on their servers.

Mrklaw: Right click and zoom a lot, camp and look for where the enemy is, don't just run in.


Is this much bette multiplayer with real people vs the lite version? I'm getting creamed in the infantry showcase. Doesn't help that there is no tutorial at all (fair enough, alpha etc) so I'm constantly flicking through the manual. Just seemingly being fired on from nowhere, guess I have to brush up on my situational awareness..


Gold Member
Is this much bette multiplayer with real people vs the lite version? I'm getting creamed in the infantry showcase. Doesn't help that there is no tutorial at all (fair enough, alpha etc) so I'm constantly flicking through the manual. Just seemingly being fired on from nowhere, guess I have to brush up on my situational awareness..

A.I. is godlike - they spot you from miles away and shoot with pinpoint accuracy. I've put about 18 hours in multiplayer now, but I still get destroyed on the showcases.

Right click game in steam, properties, beta tab. It's far more stable but your restricted to less mp games, as obviously less people are running it on their servers.

Thanks sir, I'll give it a shot.
how do i play wasteland 404? im lost

Pick a side. Blufor/Opfor/Independent.

Your then scavenging for weapons/items. When you kill an enemy player you'll see a bug bundle on the ground. That has money in it. With the money you can go to the gun store and buy items/weapons. Randomly throughout the map you'll see crash helicopters. At those locations there'll be weapons/items as well. If your close go to them and raid them asap, if your farther away and you decide you want to go for the crashed heli be aware that enemies may be there. There is no win condition. You just go until your done playing or the server crashes. Eventually you'll be able to build barriers and fortify some things but I'm not sure that's been implemented yet.


Gold Member
how do i play wasteland 404? im lost

You pick a side [BLUFOR, OPFOR or INDEPENDANT], select a spawn point and spawn on the island with a 9mm pistol and limited supplies.

Your first priority is to gather supplies and weapons by checking vehicles and crates, which spawn all over the island. The server will randomly spawn missions, most of the time "capture weapons cache" or "rescue a downed helicopter". Killing the enemy will drop money, which can be spent at one of three gun stores on the island. The gun store sells all weapons, ammo and accessoires, but it's often a hotspot so there's risk involved.

The rest is up to you. You can go after objectives, you can ambush the enemy at a gun store, roam around hunting down the enemy. You can team up, or go lone-wolfing.

Don't get too attached to your gear though - once you die, you start from scratch.

edit: yeah, what Krappa said.


You pick a side [BLUFOR, OPFOR or INDEPENDANT], select a spawn point and spawn on the island with a 9mm pistol and limited supplies.

Your first priority is to gather supplies and weapons by checking vehicles and crates, which spawn all over the island. The server will randomly spawn missions, most of the time "capture weapons cache" or "rescue a downed helicopter". Killing the enemy will drop money, which can be spent at one of three gun stores on the island. The gun store sells all weapons, ammo and accessoires, but it's often a hotspot so there's risk involved.

The rest is up to you. You can go after objectives, you can ambush the enemy at a gun store, roam around hunting down the enemy. You can team up, or go lone-wolfing.

Don't get too attached to your gear though - once you die, you start from scratch.

edit: yeah, what Krappa said.

ok so who wants to play? is there a place where gaf meets up? also what does gaf use for chat?


Gold Member
ok so who wants to play? is there a place where gaf meets up? also what does gaf use for chat?

We can definately meet up on a Wasteland server and team up. How about tomorrow?

I bought a headset just for this game. The entire week people have been chatting my ears off, and now that I've got a headset nobody talks in the servers.


I've been looking for some good underwater/diving missions but I couldn't find any, does anyone have any suggestions?

How demanding is this game? I have a Q9550 and 660ti... still holding out for a new build during the summer.

Right now it's not very optimized (people have been reporting very low GPU usage), your best bet is to get an Alpha Lite invite and try how it runs.


I've been looking for some good underwater/diving missions but I couldn't find any, does anyone have any suggestions?

Right now it's not very optimized (people have been reporting very low GPU usage), your best bet is to get an Alpha Lite invite and try how it runs.

ok I'll do that. Btw, how do I join the GAF steam group? I need to add some people who play regularly, none of my friends are PC gamers :-/


Gold Member
We should definately form a group. I've been lonewolfing all day, but the occasional moment of teamwork was also the highlight of the day.

It just feels super badass if an entire OPFOR firesquad moves together, two jeeps and three quads racing to the next objective in a pack, dismount half a click before the objective and actually use tactics to approach and secure the objective.

This game is hella cool.

Long distance reconnaissance just feels so badass haha. Getting proper gear is just a bit too cumbersome at the moment, I spend way too much time scouting for vehicles. Not to mention actually finding the gear I'm looking for. Most servers have severely cut down on vehicle spawns to combat lag issues, but as a result it's almost impossible to find gear in a somewhat acceptable time.

Also - got a headset just for this game, but feels kind of awkward to actually speak, English not being my first language and all.


Also - got a headset just for this game, but feels kind of awkward to actually speak, English not being my first language and all.

Same here (I usually stick to short frases). Also, wasn't there an Arma Steam group already? Or maybe I'm confusing it with another game.
How do you have fun in this game. I played a bit and

You will be like that for the first 20 hours if this is first step into the series, I'd recommend hitting up the editor, learning its basics, load in yourself and all the vehicles and all the weapons and learn the controls first. All of the controls.


You will be like that for the first 20 hours if this is first step into the series, I'd recommend hitting up the editor, learning its basics, load in yourself and all the vehicles and all the weapons and learn the controls first. All of the controls.

I think the most important thing to do (apart from learning the basic controls) is to actually play the game with people you know or play with people here on gaf or something.

I wasn't interested in ArmA at all like 2 years ago, but I got ArmA2 for free on GMG and joined some people on Giant Bomb that was having game nights in that. Took some time before I was comfortable with the controls, but I had a great time because of the people I played with.

Here's an example (from ArmA2) of how a not so serious group of players might play the game. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwR5zEhDJLY

ArmA is all about the people you play with really, playing it alone just isn't the way to do it.


How do you have fun in this game. I played a bit and

You will be like that for the first 20 hours if this is first step into the series, I'd recommend hitting up the editor, learning its basics, load in yourself and all the vehicles and all the weapons and learn the controls first. All of the controls.

If you're not inclined to learn the editor, just grab the Arma 3 Armory: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18940

Extract .pbo file(s) to /steamdir/Arma 3/MPmissions/

Enter multiplayer, select 'new' to host a mission, and you'll see Armory in the mission list. Go forth and get silly with every weapon & vehicle.
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