This is the most technically accomplished, best looking FROM game to date, them explosions, smoke/smoke trails/shadows eclipses everything they've done before.
Shit, it may not be something technically proficient as Horizon FW but, God Damn, the verticality, sand-boxy environments in conjunction with the dynamic shadows, lighting, missile smoke trails etc etc running at (almost) 60fps is a far, FAAAR cry from everything FROM has done before.
I loved the variety of the environments shown (i was afraid there were going to be industrial-like levels only) and also the fact that it seems like it's more story-driven aka "cinematic" due to the very cool camera angles/cuts before each mission etc.
OST is, once more, Godlike - i do prefer the synth-like nature of this latest game though.
Also : i don't give a fuck they Souls-ified it, the melee actually looks amazing now with proper weight and "oomph" (not to mention, animations) instead of the previous games' where you felt like you were slashing in a horizonal axis at cardboard enemies, the estus flask "repair" mechanic is also Ok with me.
Fucking GOTY contender from what was shown and i'm not even kidding, a far, far cry from the mediocrity that was AC5