The new Team Arrow is sticking around.
Arrow has promoted both Rick Gonzalez and Juliana Harkavy to series regular for season 6, EW has learned.
Gonzalez (Mr. Robot), who joined the CW super series in the season 5 premiere, plays Rene Ramirez, otherwise known as the hockey mask-wearing vigilante Wild Dog.
Harkavy (The Walking Dead), meanwhile, joined Arrow in the 10th episode of this season. Initially named Tina Boland, the character was revealed to be Dinah Drake, a.k.a. the original Black Canary of the comics. Dinah has slowly been stepping into the role of the Black Canary left vacant since Laurel's (Katie Cassidy) death.
The news comes on the heels of the reveal that Cassidy will also return to the Arrowverse as a series regular next season, this time as the Black Siren.