I think in this whole Arrow vs DD fight one thing is certain. If it was Oliver who starred in S1 of Daredevil that show would end on episode 5 at most, with Kingpin lying dead in the gutter, blood spilling from the place the arrow penetrated the eye socket.
By that metric batman, iron man and like movies are also street level. They are still huge threats with big plans. For me that didn't feel like street level which is basically an empty word anyway.Why are you moving the goalpost? Daredevil is street level. (Besides, street level does not even mean what you think it means. Stopping Kingpin IS street level. What is not street level is the Avengers stopping alien attacks. Daredevil's Hell Kitchen adventures are street level stuff. That is the definition. Having villains does not change that.)
Daredevil had to stretch its main plot from eight episodes, so they could easily add it. If you want to do serial plots, it has to be better than how they do it. At least half their shows are stretched out despite their shorter seasons.You mean why did they not spend half an episode on a random crime that is ultimately irrelevant to the arc of a 13 episode season? Daredevil isn't "the random adventures of a day in a life of Daredevil", it's a show with a specific story it wants to tell.
Arrow has a 20+ episode season. They can dedicate afew episodes to some filler while dealing with other dynamics. That's now how Netflix shows are typically structured.
Let it be known that I've been the first in line drawing comparisons between DC's and Marvel's TV-verses in the past, but this thread better get back on track quick or I'll have you drown into a spoiled Lazarus pit.
But secrets are bad. We kept complaining he shouldn't have them. We never knew how good we had it.You mean running in circles around whether Your Favorite Tv Show and My Favorite Tv Show is completely different is not as fun as complaining about Olicity?![]()
(Btw, indeed, Tommy, and overall, the seasons when not everyone knew that Oliver is the Arrow was more fun than this "all cards are revealed" status quo....)
I only made it a few episodes in to season 4 before I noped the fuck out of this show. I SEE THIS SEASON HAS NO FELICITY?! DO DREAMS REALLY COME TRUE?!
I look at what this thread has become in just a few short hours...
She should to complete her Redemption. Then make a birds of prey mini show.Let's get back to something fun. Like..do we expect Huntress to return?
I sure hope so. Show could use more dark haired hotness.
Let's get back to something fun. Like..do we expect Huntress to return?
I sure hope so. Show could use more dark haired hotness.
She is cheating on Nyssa anyway, with unimportant nurse.Sarah and Ollie always had the best relationship and Ollie is married to her other SO so it all works out.
She is cheating on Nyssa anyway, with unimportant nurse.
She is cheating on Nyssa anyway, with unimportant nurse.
I'm not sure I'm hyped but one thing Amell has constantly said was that hes really glad they aren't launching a new show this year because they always took people away from Arrow to do it which is one reason we've had some rather stupid moments the past few seasons, hopefully with Supergirl already really taking care of itself Arrow can get back to somewhat near that S1/S2 quality... I'm not holding my breath for it but that would be nice.
Let's get back to something fun. Like..do we expect Huntress to return?
I sure hope so. Show could use more dark haired hotness.
Find out what terrible thing can happen to Lance next!
New trailer 10AM PST tomorrow for Arrow, so says Stephen Amell on Facebook.
And bring back Constantine! For Christ's sake!
We need more Roy.....
Only if he brings Sin along with him.
Felicity is a Trump supporter FYI
This is a great idea. Uncle Guggie could create a love triangle between him, Ollie and Felicity.
Oh? I thought it was confirmed that he be back for an episode or 2.
Only if he brings Sin along with him.