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ARROW Season 2 |OT| Back in a Flash

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Sadly I think Sara is gonna be gone at some point, the question is mostly if it's gonna be this season or the next? and how is she gonna die so that Oliver thinks she's dead? If she died on the island, how did she get out? Somehow I think she gets off the island with Oliver but when's that gonna happen? The ship sinks, doesn't it? Remember seeing it that way in the first episode of season 2.

I'm guessing she gets blown up on the Amazo, which convinces Oliver that she dies. And Sara, the human cockroach, survives and drifts off to sea on some piece of wood for Nyssa to find her. Hopefully this coincides with the show metaphorically stomping on her with a boot in the present.


I'm still of the opinion that WB was better off not worrying about the shared universe stuff and just making whatever. But in this post Avengers world, I guess that's impossible.

Yeah. everybody is eyeing dat Avengers money. But honestly, can you blame them? It's a lot of money and perfect method of ensuring success of whole stable of movies. Plus you can see it on forums too, unless it's shared universe people actually forget the comic adaptation even exist. Ask about good adaptations of DC comics and all you will hear is Batman, like Red, Watchmen or V for Vedetta wouldn't even exist.

Shared universes are here to stay. At least we can be happy that unlike Marvel, DC isn't going to extend this aproach to TV.
At the same time Marvel would rather make a movie with a talking racoon than attempt to make a movie with female or black lead.

Cynicism aside, rumor mill suggests a Ms Marvel could be coming. It would be good timing for them, too, since Captain Marvel is keeping numbers after Carol took over the title and the Ms Marvel reboot with Kamala is getting a lot of good, and much deserved, attention.

Arrow GAF: was anyone else hoping they wouldn't
kill Ivo so we could get a proper Amazo
later somewhere in continuity


Cynicism aside, rumor mill suggests a Ms Marvel could be coming. It would be good timing for them, too, since Captain Marvel is keeping numbers after Carol took over the title and the Ms Marvel reboot with Kamala is getting a lot of good, and much deserved, attention.

Arrow GAF: was anyone else hoping they wouldn't
kill Ivo so we could get a proper Amazo
later somewhere in continuity

We still could get him. Also I can only assume the ending of the season is Merlyn and Slade killing everyone in the crossfire of a swagger fight.


Loving all the team stuff this season and glad they went this way with the series. Just about the best comic book TV series anyone has ever done on TV. Great stuff each week!


Anyone up for finale speculation? I guess I won't put anything in spoilers since it's just my thoughts of what I'd like to see and what we know so far.

It seems to be obvious that there's gonna be two big fights. Arrow vs. Deathstroke in both present time and on the island. How does Merlyn fit this then? No idea. I could see Merlyn and Oliver fighting Slade together but at the same time what I'd REALLY want to see is small redemption for Slade and him and Oliver being brothers again and fighting something together. Or One saving others life somehow. I don't want him to turn all good but small redemption would be nice.

Sadly I think Sara is gonna be gone at some point, the question is mostly if it's gonna be this season or the next? and how is she gonna die so that Oliver thinks she's dead? If she died on the island, how did she get out? Somehow I think she gets off the island with Oliver but when's that gonna happen? The ship sinks, doesn't it? Remember seeing it that way in the first episode of season 2.

Exciting times ahead...

Well pushing into actual spoiler territory...

How the fuck is Oliver going to beat Slade? Slade's been ahead of him every step, is stronger than him, will have a superpowered army + Isabel at his side, more resources, everything. The only thing that could swing thing in Oliver's way is someone Slade doesn't know about who's on his level. And Merlyn comes back the episode before the season finale. And Slade kidnapped his daughter, who is basically the only person he cares about. Hmmmmmm.

Also hope they don't kill Sara. She's so much better than Laurel.


Well pushing into actual spoiler territory...
Well I'll think stuff in spoilers too, nothing spoiling in my opinion though
Would there be possibility of Arrow taking mirakuru to beat Deathstroke? And then cure himself after it's all done? He doesn't seem to be too into taking it though, but he might get that desperate after being beaten so many times...


An Ollie and Merlyn team up would be awesome!

Well I'll think stuff in spoilers too, nothing spoiling in my opinion though
Would there be possibility of Arrow taking mirakuru to beat Deathstroke? And then cure himself after it's all done? He doesn't seem to be too into taking it though, but he might get that desperate after being beaten so many times...

The spoiler being that Merlyn is coming back for the episode before the finale, and presumably the finale, but people are playing fast and loose with spoilers in here so maybe I shouldn't bother lol. As far as Oliver taking Mirakuru himself... I think that's how he beat Slade on the island, and why he wouldn't be willing to do it again. Pure guess there though


The spoiler being that Merlyn is coming back for the episode before the finale, and presumably the finale, but people are playing fast and loose with spoilers in here so maybe I shouldn't bother lol. As far as Oliver taking Mirakuru himself... I think that's how he beat Slade on the island, and why he wouldn't be willing to do it again. Pure guess there though
Ah yes indeed, not everyone knows that! Forgot it's spoiling information indeed. But yes:
That would make a lot of sense, Ollie using mirakuru on island trying to kill Slade and then cure himself when there's only one dose of cure. That actually makes a lot of sense, wonder why I didn't think of it earlier. Also sorta explains why he doesn't want to use mirakuru in present time though there are of course more reasons to it.
My theories:

- Oliver cures Slade
- Blood and Isabel take control of the Mirakuru Army
- Blood and Isabel kill Sarah, Inject Laurel with Mirakuru. Mirakuru reacts differently on people with very specific genetic markers. Laurel gets Canary Cry, no super strength, healing senses or moodines
- Nyssa steals Sarah's body. We know she's showing up at least one more time.
- Slade is arrested, but intercepted by Waller. Season 3 Suicide Squad is Slade, Huntress, Deadshot and Bronze Tiger.
- Malcolm's play solely resolves around trying to take Thea. Oliver or Moira save her, redeeming them in her eyes.
- Roy had sex with Cheshire while on the run. This will come up late in season 3 with the introduction of Lian


I'm just going by today's environment. CW and Marvel Studios next stuff isn't even adapting the debuts other big players but delving right into niche territory and having confidence they'll succeed while DC seems to be scrambling when it comes to their films because all I see in the horizon is Superman (and Batman).

Wonder Woman has been confirmed to appear in Superman vs. Batman.


Huh? Green Arrow in comics is at least on the level of Batman combat skills wise. Bats is way more intelligent, so with prep time he would win, but without prep time the fight would be pretty even and Green Arrow would steam roll over anyone Batman has trained, with possible exception of Azrael, since hes not really fully human..
I think Green Arrow could take on most of the bat family except Batman and Nightwing

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Okey, they've been saying for a while that we'll see bunch of familiar faces in the finale. One part in that said
we'll see ones that we are not expecting. Tommy + Lazarus Pit, anyone? I mean if Malcom is alive then...

It's probably Flash.


Yeah. everybody is eyeing dat Avengers money. But honestly, can you blame them? It's a lot of money and perfect method of ensuring success of whole stable of movies. Plus you can see it on forums too, unless it's shared universe people actually forget the comic adaptation even exist. Ask about good adaptations of DC comics and all you will hear is Batman, like Red, Watchmen or V for Vedetta wouldn't even exist.

Shared universes are here to stay. At least we can be happy that unlike Marvel, DC isn't going to extend this aproach to TV.
I wouldn't mind them extending it to TV as long as they keep the approach Arrow and Flash are going with; occasional references but for the most part, everything happens independently and everything has its own tone and corner of the universe to itself.

Sad part is, after Age of Ultron, DC will be even FURTHER behind.
It's not a race dude. At least, I don't look at it as one. lol As long as JLA comes out, I'm happy.


It's probably Flash.
But they said in the Flash pilot he wakes up from coma, didn't they?

Anyone has any idea when do we get to see Flash pilot? Didn't they show Arrow pilot at comic con but that was it? Is there any change they'd air the pilot for everyone to see at some point or do I just have to face the facts and wait till the fall?
But they said in the Flash pilot he wakes up from coma, didn't they?

Anyone has any idea when do we get to see Flash pilot? Didn't they show Arrow pilot at comic con but that was it? Is there any change they'd air the pilot for everyone to see at some point or do I just have to face the facts and wait till the fall?

probably not till SDCC.


I wouldn't mind them extending it to TV as long as they keep the approach Arrow and Flash are going with; occasional references but for the most part, everything happens independently and everything has its own tone and corner of the universe to itself.

Nah. DC universe containst more than superheroes and Constantine works ten times better alone than in a shared universe. I like Justice League Dark and new Constantine, but even they are at best when they pretend the rest of DC hardly exist and even they cant compare to Hellblazer. Same thing with Gotham, the only way it might work is if they get freedom to fuck around with canon.
TBH, I hope they don't introduce Lazarus Pits but if they do I want some major restrictions. Also the Mirakuru cure only takes away the physical benefits, they didn't say they reversed the mental side effects.

But they said in the Flash pilot he wakes up from coma, didn't they?

Anyone has any idea when do we get to see Flash pilot? Didn't they show Arrow pilot at comic con but that was it? Is there any change they'd air the pilot for everyone to see at some point or do I just have to face the facts and wait till the fall?

Probably not officially until Fall but it might leak before then.


Nah. DC universe containst more than superheroes and Constantine works ten times better alone than in a shared universe. I like Justice League Dark and new Constantine, but even they are at best when they pretend the rest of DC hardly exist and even they cant compare to Hellblazer. Same thing with Gotham, the only way it might work is if they get freedom to fuck around with canon.

That's what I'm saying though. You can have the occasional throwaway line like "Superman was seen in who-gives-a-fuck-land doing whatever" in Constantine, but for the most part, the show can act like that stuff doesn't exist while dealing with all the magic stuff it wants to. Arrow, likewise, will probably never even talk about the Flash unless it's a team up or something big happens in the Flash show and they want to drum up interest.

One thing about the DCU is that's it's far more, for lack of a better term, compartmentalized than the Marvel U. Characters come together for cross overs and team books and things, but for the most part, everyone sticks to their particular corner of the world. Much different from the MU, where damn near everyone lives in New York, so the characters are constantly bumping into each other. As such, DC could take a similar approach with TV and movies and probably get away with it.

Further, a premiere character like the Flash getting a show opens the door for DC to allow for much more freedom than Marvel currently does. They could limit the embargos down to "No Trinity or their major supporting characters and villains (your Luthors, your Alfreds, etc), and still have tons to work with. Arrow is getting so much mileage out of B and C (sometimes even D) list characters that it's not exactly wanting for anything the Trinity have on lock.

Gotham, of course, would be the only wrench in things. So that should probably stay to itself.


Just wondering, the big weapon those two scientists (or whatever they are) used against Deathstroke when being chased, was that supposed to be a reference to a character or something? I couldn't quite make out what she said.


Cassandra Cain and Red Hood would like a word. Probably Batwoman too.
Forgot about Cass she can definitely beat Ollie I don't think Red Hood could though Ollie has years of experience on him and Todd wasn't around long enough as Robin to have acquired all the knowledge from Batman unlike Cassandra who was raised to be an assassin
But could Felicity out - hack Oracle?
Would be an interesting battle but my money is on Oracle


That's what I'm saying though. You can have the occasional throwaway line like "Superman was seen in who-gives-a-fuck-land doing whatever" in Constantine, but for the most part, the show can act like that stuff doesn't exist while dealing with all the magic stuff it wants to. Arrow, likewise, will probably never even talk about the Flash unless it's a team up or something big happens in the Flash show and they want to drum up interest.

Gotham, of course, would be the only wrench in things. So that should probably stay to itself.
I think having superheroes and aliens cheapens the Constantine considerably though.

Plus the biggest problem is that all those shows are on different networks. Which makes shared universe pretty much impossible to pull off.

Personally I will be happy if CW just makes their own little shared universe. And leave everything else alone.

Well..I won't lie, I would love to see them attempt to create separate live action Vertigo universe, which would connect Sandman movie, Constantine tv show and hopefully further adaptations :)


Jensen and Amell are both 6'1". It is just that they both have Sasquatch as costars.

I think Amell is actually slightly taller, at least when they posed for photos it looked like this. And in this mugshoot Jensen is supposed to be 6,3", which he really isn't. And yeah, I know Jared is a fricking giant, who makes everyone else on show look small.

Still, nothing beats this scene from Vanilla Sky:


Familiar face that you won't expect. Am I the only one that thinks it could be
Yes. I hope she's ressurected by Lazarus Pit and comes out of it all twisted. Could be Arrow's version of Red Hood . It would also tie nicely to S3 being focused on League of Assassins.


Familiar faces:
Merlyn and Nyssa are a given, we know they're coming back. Shado and Tommy ghosts/flashbacks also likely. Other than that, who else would make sense? Suicide Squad and Waller maybe. Huntress? The behind-the-scenes woman from Season 1? EDIT: As the post above mentions, there's a good chance Sin will appear. A cameo shot of Barry starting to wake up wouldn't surprise me.
Hoping they avoid Lazarus Pits though. That sort of thing could get messy fast.

Also just realized Caity Lotz isn't a series regular and there's been no word on her status in S3... Colton Haynes & Emily Bett Rickards were both upped to regulars during the S2 renewal back in the day, so it's a little worrying. Lots they can do with the character, really hope they don't kill her in favor of Laurel.
Also just realized Caity Lotz isn't a series regular and there's been no word on her status in S3... Colton Haynes & Emily Bett Rickards were both upped to regulars during the S2 renewal back in the day, so it's a little worrying. Lots they can do with the character, really hope they don't kill her in favor of Laurel.

If Lotz gets promoted to a regular, they will wait until after the season finale. Giving that news now would spoil if she survives in the present day or not. Unless they promote her to regular just for the flashbacks.


Also just realized Caity Lotz isn't a series regular and there's been no word on her status in S3... Colton Haynes & Emily Bett Rickards were both upped to regulars during the S2 renewal back in the day, so it's a little worrying. Lots they can do with the character, really hope they don't kill her in favor of Laurel.

I don't think that matters. She's a guest star this season and yet she gets more screentime than at least a couple of the series regulars, being in almost every episode in both present and flashbacks. If they keep her shitty acting around I could see them doing it on the cheap and not upping her to a regular. The budget got cut this season and they'll probably cut it again next season, especially with the falling ratings.


If Lotz gets promoted to a regular, they will wait until after the season finale. Giving that news now would spoil if she survives in the present day or not. Unless they promote her to regular just for the flashbacks.

They would've had to lock her contract in earlier though, usually that sort of thing gets announced for the actor's career (plus they refuse/can't audition for other gigs and word spreads). Pretty uncommon for it to get hidden, though a a few shows manage it.

I don't think that matters. She's a guest star this season and yet she gets more screentime than at least a couple of the series regulars, being in almost every episode in both present and flashbacks. If they keep her shitty acting around I could see them doing it on the cheap and not upping her to a regular. The budget got cut this season and they'll probably cut it again next season, especially with the falling ratings.

In that case it's up to her if she accepts that, it's unusual for an actor to choose to stay as a guest star (it'd be her choice unless she's desparate for work, which I doubt) but it happens when they want more freedom (Chris Noth in The Good Wife).


I love Pokken!
I don't think that matters. She's a guest star this season and yet she gets more screentime than at least a couple of the series regulars, being in almost every episode in both present and flashbacks. If they keep her shitty acting around I could see them doing it on the cheap and not upping her to a regular. The budget got cut this season and they'll probably cut it again next season, especially with the falling ratings.

Wait, wait, wait... What? Budget cut and ratings falling? WTF this season is miles better than the previous one.
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