These Raspberry Pi people are like a plague. Enough already!
These Raspberry Pi people are like a plague. Enough already!
hakchi2 tool on this thread worked great!
I uploaded a handful of NES games to the classic, and works perfect.
Yup, this is the easy mode of the hack. No 60 limit either.
Glad this came out on a snow day.
1/4 second is immense lag. That is not trivial.
>50ms input lag is generally considered poor for gaming. 250ms input lag sounds dreadful. If sound is also offset, that sounds like a pretty horrible experience.
Or have we accepted bad input lag as a fact of life now?
hakchi2 tool on this thread worked great!
I uploaded a handful of NES games to the classic, and works perfect.
hakchi2 tool on this thread worked great!
I uploaded a handful of NES games to the classic, and works perfect.
Is there a walk through?Tried it, it worked flawlessly. Thank you Hackerman!
The TV set may be the main source of lag, but if you have a low-lag TV set, the Mini has a tiny input lag by itself. Probably because of the way they handle HDMI.
I thought the 8bitdo controller was not that great?
Is there a walk through?
Edit: when I tried that link install, it was infected with malware.
Is there a walk through?
Edit: when I tried that link install, it was infected with malware.
Anyone tried that 72-in-1 or other multiple games cartridge? Some emulators run this kind of rom.
I don't understand the point of this.
Removing Simon's quest from it.
Someone over gbatemp has released a simple tool to add/remove games
It's not infected with malware.
You will need to allow the download under Windows Defender first.
Second, you will need to go into Windows Defender settings, and add an exclusion to the folder since you need to install a tool within the program.
Settings -> Update and Security -> Windows Defender -> Add an Exclusion
I posted that on page 4, but it was based on Reddit. Same guy though.
Glad more people are finding the program.
I tried some but the mapper was unsupported so it didn't work.
I don't understand the point of this.
I still don't understand why Ninty didn't allow some official way for more games to be added. Really short sighted.
Read whatever you want to. I wasn't trying to piss people off; I saw an avenue that's likely to promote piracy (NOT the people posting here) and I commented on it. That's all. The kneejerk reaction is bewildering to me.
Just got it to work. Tecmo World Wrestling here I come!
Anyone tried rom hacks? Like legend of link, super mario adventure and Metroid Deluxe?
Would be super if these games also works on the nes mini.
I just uploaded a few normal nes games and they workI love it!
The Mini NES is honestly one of the best NES emulators currently available. The system itself has incredibly low latency when plugged into a TV through HDMI. This gets a closer 'NES experience' than the Raspberry Pi can produce. Filling it with your own ROM's is kinda cool...
just tried putting in some japanese names for roms and i got a C8 error and the Famicom Mini no longer boots
So might be worth not trying that !
Just going to remove a few roms and see if that is the cause or maybe a duff rom
Still can't even find an NES Classic. :/
I never could find one. Is Nintendo even still making them?
Anyone tried rom hacks? Like legend of link, super mario adventure and Metroid Deluxe?
Would be super if these games also works on the nes mini.
I just uploaded a few normal nes games and they workI love it!