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Artists on Neogaf - showcase your art


Hello, do you draw/doodle? Are you an artist? What other mediums you use?
Here is the place to share some of creations so everyone will appreciate them.


Here are some of my old drawings, the first is an illustration done on using the app , you guessed it, adobe illustrator.


Faith - Hope - Love
Hello, do you draw/doodle? Are you an artist? What other mediums you use?
Here is the place to share some of creations so everyone will appreciate them.


Here are some of my old drawings, the first is an illustration done on using the app , you guessed it, adobe illustrator.

You're super talented! Great job! :)

I used to draw all the time, but I haven't felt up to it for years. I hope to get back into it again sometime. Thanks for the inspiration! ❤️
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You're super talented! Great job! :)

I used to draw all the time, but I haven't felt up to it for years. I hope to get back into it again sometime. Thanks for the inspiration! ❤️
I hope it helps :) feel free to show us your old drawings, if you are comfortable with.


Nearly all my more recent stuff from the past few years was lost when my computer died and somehow didn't back any of it up like it was supposed to.

I do still have a copy of a quick little sketch I made for one of my best friends. He's the biggest Spider-Man fan I know. :)

Wow 🤩 you have talent! I am sure your friend loved it!


Dude you got a great stroke, i love your shadows !
But i don’t remember posing for you ?! How did you manage to draw me this good ? 😅

Anyway not everyone is talented like you guys, here’s the kind of crap i draw on my city’s walls
ahaha are you saying you are my long lost twin? Brother???? Is that you?

I like it, it’s street art. You know there’s famous artists who draw like that with intent? I think you should keep doing it! Express yourself! Have fun!


Gold Member
ahaha are you saying you are my long lost twin? Brother???? Is that you?

I like it, it’s street art. You know there’s famous artists who draw like that with intent? I think you should keep doing it! Express yourself! Have fun!
Hahaha i know now who took all the talent in the womb ! Yes i have fun drawing stuff, sometimes spraycan but mostly just marker. I feel close to outsider art more than « weird on purpose », because i cannot really do « not weird ».
Thank you so much for your kind remarks, and since you like it, when i get home tonight i’ll put some stuff i did on my walls on the thread

This thread is a great idea !!
And please Ailynn Ailynn show us more of your stuff you have massive talent !


Hahaha i know now who took all the talent in the womb ! Yes i have fun drawing stuff, sometimes spraycan but mostly just marker. I feel close to outsider art more than « weird on purpose », because i cannot really do « not weird ».
Thank you so much for your kind remarks, and since you like it, when i get home tonight i’ll put some stuff i did on my walls on the thread

This thread is a great idea !!
And please Ailynn Ailynn show us more of your stuff you have massive talent !
That is old classical academic thinking. Art is not about an accurate representation of reality. I do think most time art schools narrow students creativity and confidence.

I will leave you with this quote "art is not what you see, but what you make other see" - Degas


I will say with utmost sincerity that there is not skill I envy more than people with true gifts of artistry. I have vivid imagination and can picture things in my mind with crystal clarity, yet I have no ability to capture them on paper.


Gold Member
That is old classical academic thinking. Art is not about an accurate representation of reality. I do think most time art schools narrow students creativity and confidence.

I will leave you with this quote "art is not what you see, but what you make other see" - Degas
Beautiful quote from a tremendous artist (his dancers are such beauties).
I work in academics, so i might be a little dogmatic without even being aware of it… you’re right though art, like poetry, isn’t about the authors feeling, but what others feel about the piece


Gold Member
I designed my tattoos inspired by some art from Karim Rashid but that's it. I don't have an artistic talent.
You are, as much as i m aware, neogaf’s only authorized fister. If it’s not recognized artistic talent i don’t know what is 😅


Inspired by some of my favourite artists, I took up the ol' pencil and paper in August. I then switched to digital a few months ago. I really enjoy it, but boy am I absolutely dreadful at it. I just draw my favourite characters from my favourite games and anime; I never really tried my hand at anything else. I thought to myself if I couldn't draw cartoony stuff then I couldn't draw realism. I've thought about giving up due to not getting better at it but I thought that was a pretty poor reason to quit. If I'm having fun and enjoy doing it then shouldn't that be all that matters? It'd be nice to get better but if it doesn't happen it doesn't happen.


Inspired by some of my favourite artists, I took up the ol' pencil and paper in August. I then switched to digital a few months ago. I really enjoy it, but boy am I absolutely dreadful at it. I just draw my favourite characters from my favourite games and anime; I never really tried my hand at anything else. I thought to myself if I couldn't draw cartoony stuff then I couldn't draw realism. I've thought about giving up due to not getting better at it but I thought that was a pretty poor reason to quit. If I'm having fun and enjoy doing it then shouldn't that be all that matters? It'd be nice to get better but if it doesn't happen it doesn't happen.
You know about the artists curse? Where we always thinking we can do better but most of the time we are good and we just need feedback from people.

My way of thinking is, having fun is more important that self doubt.
Keep going and have fun! :)


I've done some digital art in the past but very boring and very simple. OP is talented as heck tho.
Simple and boring is not a bad thing! Also that is your view on your work. Maybe other people will not think the same.

Thank you! Trust me, I had so many doubts about my “talent” since school, time to time still do…

I think you should post your digital work :)


Gold Member
Here are doodles on my walls to encourage everyone to post pics of their stuff. Don’t just talk about it its frustrating 😅


(i left the ps5 controller visible so you know im a bourgeois 😅)

And my favourite, which is a total retrace of some Hunter Thompson drawing)

(Sorry for the upside down pics im posting from my phone and i don’t know what i messed up…)


Does music count as art? I used to draw stuff when I was a kid but these days I make music

There is some very skilled and creative stuff in this thread already btw, OP's drawings show real craft. I'm always jealous of people who can draw humans realistically. When I used to draw, I could draw cars, robots, buildings etc in great detail, but people or animals eluded me. Found out later I have a mild form of autism, so it makes more sense to me now.
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Does music count as art? I used to draw stuff when I was a kid but these days I make music

There is some very skilled and creative stuff in this thread already btw, OP's drawings show real craft. I'm always jealous of people who can draw humans realistically. When I used to draw, I could draw cars, robots, buildings etc in great detail, but people or animals eluded me. Found out later I have a mild form of autism, so it makes more sense to me now.

Music also counts as art! Thank you for sharing! I’ll be listening to your music while I work, it will be my inspiration.

Thanks. I think you shouldn’t give up. Drawing is an expression! I had art lessons where my teacher told us to close our eyes and draw, or drawing something without looking at the paper or not lifting the pencil - one continuous line. Things like that are tools to make us realize that creativity is more important than drawing reality.
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Music also counts as art! Thank you for sharing! I’ll be listening to your music while I work, it will be my inspiration.

Thanks. I think you shouldn’t give up. Drawing is an expression! I had art lessons where my teacher told us to close our eyes and draw, or drawing something without looking at the paper or not lifting the pencil - one continuous line. Things like that are tools to make us realize that creativity is more important than drawing reality.
Hey that's pretty cool, I don't think I ever got that lesson. My #1 advice for fruitful creative endeavors is to collaborate, it's almost certain to offer some new perspective on what you're doing when you involve someone else. Some will argue it dilutes your artistic vision but in my experience during the creation process you're almost certain to lose perspective at a certain point and get lost in details. Having someone else's input is a great way to keep focus on the important stuff.


Hey that's pretty cool, I don't think I ever got that lesson. My #1 advice for fruitful creative endeavors is to collaborate, it's almost certain to offer some new perspective on what you're doing when you involve someone else. Some will argue it dilutes your artistic vision but in my experience during the creation process you're almost certain to lose perspective at a certain point and get lost in details. Having someone else's input is a great way to keep focus on the important stuff.
That is indeed essencial. Specially seeking someone's opinion. Most of the time if you need a fresh visual on your own work, use the option mirror or use a real mirror it is amazing how our brain works.


That is indeed essencial. Specially seeking someone's opinion. Most of the time if you need a fresh visual on your own work, use the option mirror or use a real mirror it is amazing how our brain works.
LOL wow yeah, great idea, that's might actually be the simplest way, fastest way to do a 'retake' for something visual. It's to do with hemispheric lateralisation in the brain (the right eye feeds the left hemisphere and the left feeds the right)


LOL wow yeah, great idea, that's might actually be the simplest way, fastest way to do a 'retake' for something visual. It's to do with hemispheric lateralisation in the brain (the right eye feeds the left hemisphere and the left feeds the right)
I always do it, either I am editing photos, making a graphic design... always flipping the image makes us see errors or appreciate how good it actually is.


I always do it, either I am editing photos, making a graphic design... always flipping the image makes us see errors or appreciate how good it actually is.
yeah so the left brain and the right brain process information in different ways and look for different features in an environment, if you mirror an image you're presenting the image to the opposite brain halves in a sense, so it will get analysed in a different way. This is also why your unmirrored face (your face in photos, not your face in the mirror) will appear strange to you. (though these days with the ubiquity of phone cameras this effect is probably smaller than it used to be)

anyway this is a great tip, definitely recommended and scientifically accurate LOL

I wonder if it works the same for flipping stereo channels in a piece of music...
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Two of my current favorites


The house cleaning bot is very charming, but what is the other image? A couple of angel wings above a concrete slab? I'd be interested to hear more, especially because it's so different from the first image.

BTW your amp is dusty!


The house cleaning bot is very charming, but what is the other image? A couple of angel wings above a concrete slab? I'd be interested to hear more, especially because it's so different from the first image.

BTW your amp is dusty!
Good question! It’s a special artwork for me. I draw digitally and my art always evolve and with that one I actually started drawing a woman sitting on a bench. Then she evolved into an angel. Then my wife checked out the art right when I was focused on the wings and had deactivated the layers with the woman and fell in love with it right there because the angel could then be whoever you think about. We’ve both had close ones pass away too early so I thought why not and kept going with the idea that it’s a soul who rise from a grave to the heavens.

I had an idea to make it double sized and have a dark version below with black roots trying to pull the stone downwards through the dirt down to hell. But it felt too dark at the time.


Good question! It’s a special artwork for me. I draw digitally and my art always evolve and with that one I actually started drawing a woman sitting on a bench. Then she evolved into an angel. Then my wife checked out the art right when I was focused on the wings and had deactivated the layers with the woman and fell in love with it right there because the angel could then be whoever you think about. We’ve both had close ones pass away too early so I thought why not and kept going with the idea that it’s a soul who rise from a grave to the heavens.

I had an idea to make it double sized and have a dark version below with black roots trying to pull the stone downwards through the dirt down to hell. But it felt too dark at the time.
My reading of the work was about waiting for the afterlife/hope the other life will be better - the slab waiting for a corpse and the wings there to transport the person's essence.


Thank you!
Here I’m just playing with silhouettes and reflections, simplistic when it comes to details but I like this style, the details are all made in the mind
The last thing you say (details are in the mind) is something that really bothered me about gfx in video games and the push to make them ever more realistic. I love art styles that leave something to the imagination, so I'm happy indie games became a thing. These images could be from Limbo!


The last thing you say (details are in the mind) is something that really bothered me about gfx in video games and the push to make them ever more realistic. I love art styles that leave something to the imagination, so I'm happy indie games became a thing. These images could be from Limbo!
Agreed you can do so much with so little with this style, and Limbo was brilliant, there was a game called Feist with similar artstyle that has inspired me a lot as well. I love silhouette art!


This is what I drew in the first three months of trying to draw.


This is some of the digital stuff I did. My lineart is sooo wobbly. I really cannot keep my hand steady at all.

Great stuff! The Resident Evil one is really cool with that perspective 👌

Hello, do you draw/doodle? Are you an artist? What other mediums you use?
Here is the place to share some of creations so everyone will appreciate them.


Here are some of my old drawings, the first is an illustration done on using the app , you guessed it, adobe illustrator.
This is superb, the shading is absolute top tier! 👍
Nearly all my more recent stuff from the past few years was lost when my computer died and somehow didn't back any of it up like it was supposed to.

I do still have a copy of a quick little sketch I made for one of my best friends. He's the biggest Spider-Man fan I know. :)

Great work! And cool character combo! 👌
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Hands are really hard to get it right. What App do you use? I assume you draw on a tablet?
Yeah I’ve pretty much given up, sometimes I get one hand to look decent but then the other looks like an alien hand 😅
I draw on iPad Pro with Procreate


Yeah I’ve pretty much given up, sometimes I get one hand to look decent but then the other looks like an alien hand 😅
I draw on iPad Pro with Procreate
Nice, when I started playing with art and tech you only had 2 options, either you had to draw using a mouse of a wacom tablet... I started very "young" but my age is starting to show ahah


Some lovely work in this thread people, I'll have to dig out some stuff but it's probably been posted before.
Unfortunately years of working in video games has destroyed my imagination, so I don't do any of my own stuff these days....that can wait till my (getting ever nearer) retirement ;)
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Nice, when I started playing with art and tech you only had 2 options, either you had to draw using a mouse of a wacom tablet... I started very "young" but my age is starting to show ahah
Yup I’ve walked that path too, I’m 46, at first I used to draw the contours on paper and then scan the paper using a lineart option on the scanner without gray scale, then I could color and shade with the mouse in Photoshop. It’s a lot easier now!

A bit comic styled character art


Yup I’ve walked that path too, I’m 46, at first I used to draw the contours on paper and then scan the paper using a lineart option on the scanner without gray scale, then I could color and shade with the mouse in Photoshop. It’s a lot easier now!

A bit comic styled character art
I used to do that too, draw then scan it and either use photoshop or Illustrator depending on what I wanted.
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