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Artists on Neogaf - showcase your art


I've only been drawing like this for a year. Started last February. Before that, my last bit of art of any type was 1997... when I was 12.

Completely self-taught. I think I'm getting better.


made this for Matsumoto Ichika's birthday



What do you guys do when you're going through an artist block sorta scenario? I'm stuck in that place coupled with a lack of motivation.

Some Photoshop practice below; A poster for my local team. I've run out of ideas for this

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Soon, sorry to say, you will be showcasing art plus the prompt sentence you used for DALL-E. Sad times coming.
I will be affected too, since I am a programmer.

Im never using any prompt. Not til the breath is out of my lungs. Not a chance. The folks that do use it for """art""" will get bored with it quickly as they do all things that provide no fulfillment for effort and no introspection. Im willing to wait and do my own thing in the mean time.


Contacted PSN to add his card back to his account
Im never using any prompt. Not til the breath is out of my lungs. Not a chance. The folks that do use it for """art""" will get bored with it quickly as they do all things that provide no fulfillment for effort and no introspection. Im willing to wait and do my own thing in the mean time.
Im never using any CARS. Not til the breath is out of my lungs. Not a chance. The folks that do use it for """HORESES"" will get bored with it quickly as they do all things that provide no fulfillment for effort and no introspection. Im willing to wait and do my own thing in the mean time.


Bit of a weird analogy because people still use horses, trains, boats, rickshaws, bicycles for a variety of different reasons some completely practical, some just for pleasure.
Soon, sorry to say, you will be showcasing art plus the prompt sentence you used for DALL-E. Sad times coming.
I will be affected too, since I am a programmer.
The way a programmer is affected is different than artists. Artists will be replaced for about 99% of their work probably if not 100% and programmers will use it to get work done faster. There will probably always be a need for a human when using AI for programming, at the least to just clean up code etc... The shit AI DALL-E now pumps out trumps pretty much everything in this thread.


Gold Member
The way a programmer is affected is different than artists. Artists will be replaced for about 99% of their work probably if not 100% and programmers will use it to get work done faster. There will probably always be a need for a human when using AI for programming, at the least to just clean up code etc... The shit AI DALL-E now pumps out trumps pretty much everything in this thread.
Edit : it is a lot more complicated than what i say here, and i was very harsh. I didn't erase the post so anyone can call me on it, but my "real" stance is the one on the post below.
Extreme wishfull thinking.
What you're describing is exactly the deal screenwriters got by the way. Let AI do the work and a human being will check it and put its name and get intellectual property. Screenwriter have a lot more social currency than devs so they were able to pull this one (basically getting paid for someone(thing?) else work). Do you really think anyone will care if devs finally go out in the sun to protest? Everyone will laugh at them.

You already are obsolete as a programmer. Programming i would guess is about math and logic, AI is better at that than you or any human being for that matter. Programming is about efficience, and no human will beat AI on that front either.
At least an artist can choose not to use the most efficient way to do what he wants, it is often even part of the artistic process. Programmers cannot pull that one of course, so they are definitely screwed.
All you can do now is, to paraphrase a shitty meme, learn 2 do something in a non virtual world i guess.
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Gold Member
Bit of a weird analogy because people still use horses, trains, boats, rickshaws, bicycles for a variety of different reasons some completely practical, some just for pleasure.
Maybe it's a great analogy, just the opposite of what he meant :messenger_grinning_sweat:
Horses aren't used anymore for efficiency because we have more efficient tools at disposal. They are still used for a multiplicity of reasons, but most of all because human beings do stuff because they want to, sometimes just for the hell of it. Toons Toons very aptly noted that AI art "provide no fulfillment for effort and no introspection" which are things he finds in his practice of drawing. Because that's what art brings to him. He's not a consumer who only cares about the finished product to consume and move on to the next. I realize i was harsh in my precedent post, and i'm sure that a lot of programmers find fullfiment into the effort they make to write code.

That is why both artists and programmers ten years from now will change, but keep existing. People who find coding fun will keep doing it, just not in a professionnal setting. I can see conventions and expos as a way to make money in the coding community going forward, not being paid to write code. People will do stuff that provides them fullfilment. The end result of art being more evident than a well coded program, imo artists will still find ways to earn doing commissions.
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Maybe it's a great analogy, just the opposite of what he meant :messenger_grinning_sweat:
Horses aren't used anymore for efficiency because we have more efficient tools at disposal. They are still used for a multiplicity of reasons, but most of all because human beings do stuff because they want to, sometimes just for the hell of it. Toons Toons very aptly noted that AI art "provide no fulfillment for effort and no introspection" which are things he finds in his practice of drawing. Because that's what art brings to him. He's not a consumer who only cares about the finished product to consume and move on to the next. I realize i was harsh in my precedent post, and i'm sure that a lot of programmers find fullfiment into the effort they make to write code.

That is why both artists and programmers ten years from now will change, but keep existing. People who find coding fun will keep doing it, just not in a professionnal setting. I can see conventions and expos as a way to make money in the coding community going forward, not being paid to write code. People will do stuff that provides them fullfilment. The end result of art being more evident than a well coded program, imo artists will still find ways to earn doing commissions.

No one ever got into an industry like artwork simply for the money. Theres way easier ways to make money. Ones that are less hard to actually be successful in, ones that are less stressful.

Rela artists do art because it is a passion and there's nothing else they'd rather be doing. You could lock give them everything they could want in life and they'd still create.

And yes the car analogy is ridiculous. The function of horses, and cars was singular. Its a machine meant to produce an effect... that is moving faster. It was an economic necessity to a changing world just as horses were.

Art isn't about that. Arts function is passion and expression. It doesn't have to be more efficient, it doesn't have to be better, it just has to be fulfilling in that way.


The way a programmer is affected is different than artists. Artists will be replaced for about 99% of their work probably if not 100% and programmers will use it to get work done faster. There will probably always be a need for a human when using AI for programming, at the least to just clean up code etc... The shit AI DALL-E now pumps out trumps pretty much everything in this thread.

If you say so.

I dont derive any value from art that wasn't created. Part of my appreciation for a work is what the artists put into it. Pretty pictures are pretty pictures, but like I said those will become a commodity too once there's enough of it.
If you say so.

I dont derive any value from art that wasn't created. Part of my appreciation for a work is what the artists put into it. Pretty pictures are pretty pictures, but like I said those will become a commodity too once there's enough of it.

Sure, I appreciate the effort and admire the fact people can make this.

I'm just talking in a business sense.


The way a programmer is affected is different than artists. Artists will be replaced for about 99% of their work probably if not 100% and programmers will use it to get work done faster. There will probably always be a need for a human when using AI for programming, at the least to just clean up code etc... The shit AI DALL-E now pumps out trumps pretty much everything in this thread.
for now, coding is probably going away as you know it too, its gonna be even more high level and the job is gonna shrink as well.
Think GTP engineer or something of the sorts, i think the UI to build most stuff is gonna follow that in the near future.
In the illustration department is gonna be a similar problem, the illustrator job is gonna shrink a lot too but its probably gonna survive in mediums like comics and character desing, eventually also using new tools.

All in all, it sucks, you gonna have less jobs but that produce more, the endless search for optimization until we dont have jobs to do, even the ones people actually enjoy doing.


Hold onto your panties
Aside from screwing with AI art for fun, the art I've known isn't as easy to duplicate with AI. I still do pencil layouts, hand drawn inking and storyboarding. Seems like AI struggles with traditional art but if you went digital (drawing tablets and such); it's super easy for AI to replicate that. Maybe this will push artists to create using their hands again and traditional tools.


Aside from screwing with AI art for fun, the art I've known isn't as easy to duplicate with AI. I still do pencil layouts, hand drawn inking and storyboarding. Seems like AI struggles with traditional art but if you went digital (drawing tablets and such); it's super easy for AI to replicate that. Maybe this will push artists to create using their hands again and traditional tools.
not true at all, unless by digital you mean the "digital look"
You very much can work digitally and get a similar look to paper, specially in things like inking or sketching for comics.
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Hold onto your panties
not true at all, unless by digital you mean the "digital look"
You very much can work digitally and get a similar look to paper, specially in things like inking or sketching for comics.
You can. But I've already seen AI copy comic styles by digi-ink artists who mistakingly place everything only without much copyrighting. Similar to paper but nothing like it when you go animated. Especially cel painting. Think AI could take on the non-digital appearance of cel painting? From what I've seen...AI art resembles most of what people make on drawing tabs with software and airbrushing. Traditional art is much harder to replicate with the same authenticity.

By the way, nothing person. I've seen your work and know you can hold a pen if the software didn't boot up ;) And you're a pro.Just make sure to patent your work.


You can. But I've already seen AI copy comic styles by digi-ink artists who mistakingly place everything only without much copyrighting. Similar to paper but nothing like it when you go animated. Especially cel painting. Think AI could take on the non-digital appearance of cel painting? From what I've seen...AI art resembles most of what people make on drawing tabs with software and airbrushing. Traditional art is much harder to replicate with the same authenticity.

By the way, nothing person. I've seen your work and know you can hold a pen if the software didn't boot up ;) And you're a pro.Just make sure to patent your work.
It probably can, is just a matter of what you want to train it for, the reason for so many illustrations from the AI programs lookinng similar is because there are popular sets of artists and styles that people find pretty, so they are popular and end up having more weight, i mean, in the end, these programs are just predicting what the concepts/prompts should look like, and they will only get better at that probably.

Anyway, thanks for thinking that what i post is a "pro" 's work so to speak, it's just my hobbie but i do enjoy doing it and try my best.


Lmao sensitive sensibilities.

I just find it laughable when people post AI paintings in an artist thread to show off the skill they don't have.

That's cute, someone who thinks the road to the results matter. Art is art. Your ego can tell you the effort you put in matters, but no one outside of yourself cares when looking at your creation.
That's cute, someone who thinks the road to the results matter. Art is art. Your ego can tell you the effort you put in matters, but no one outside of yourself cares when looking at your creation.

Results matter right? Can you try to sell your AI Art to see if anyone want to buy it. Or they just need to google "2B ai art".
On the other hand, Artists get paid for their work, they do have hourly rate. So yeah people do care about other people effort. Surprise, huh?

And because of you're using AI, I asuming that you know Ai is stealing other Artists Painting/Data to generate? If your ego is okay with stealing other people work then I don't have anything to say with you.

Btw I don't even care what you want to do, this'll be the my last reply to you.
Just saying there's AI thread for you out there.
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Results matter right? Can you try to sell your AI Art to see if anyone want to buy it. Or they just need to google "2B ai art".
On the other hand, Artists get paid for their work, they do have hourly rate. So yeah people do care about other people effort. Surprise, huh?

And because of you're using AI, I asuming that you know Ai is stealing other Artists Painting/Data to generate? If your ego is okay with stealing other people work then I don't have anything to say with you.

Btw I don't even care what you want to do, this'll be the my last reply to you.
Just saying there's AI thread for you out there.

My AI art would have just as much of chance to sell as your Brain fury drawings. The price of art is determined by the person willing to pay for it, not weather or not someone drew it. If someone can chop a picture up in photoshop and sell it, then people making ai shouldn't have a issue imo.

AI stealing is dabatable.
I guess you concider it theft if you ever got inspired by, or studied someone style. Last I checked ai models aren't photo copiers.

If you aren't willing to argue more about it, I will bow out gracefully, but the genie is out of the bottle. Ai won't replace all artist, just make getting their vision out easier, like photoshop and digital art (rip paintshop pro) before it.

Better to get over it sooner then later.


Hold onto your panties
My AI art would have just as much of chance to sell as your Brain fury drawings. The price of art is determined by the person willing to pay for it, not weather or not someone drew it. If someone can chop a picture up in photoshop and sell it, then people making ai shouldn't have a issue imo.

AI stealing is dabatable.
I guess you concider it theft if you ever got inspired by, or studied someone style. Last I checked ai models aren't photo copiers.

If you aren't willing to argue more about it, I will bow out gracefully, but the genie is out of the bottle. Ai won't replace all artist, just make getting their vision out easier, like photoshop and digital art (rip paintshop pro) before it.

Better to get over it sooner then later.
I was toying with this all week (Dalle3) and it's very clear to me that you need zero talent, skill or ambition to create 'art' with this. AI will taking existing copyrighted work and spit it out if you're proficient enough with your input triggers.

We've gone from allowing non-artists to feel empowered and that's why my challenge to balance this would be for those who truly are artists to: submit hand drawn work here. Let's see something drawn on paper, canvas or whichever and I'll ask what's more valuable.


I was toying with this all week (Dalle3) and it's very clear to me that you need zero talent, skill or ambition to create 'art' with this. AI will taking existing copyrighted work and spit it out if you're proficient enough with your input triggers.

A 1 year old can scribble on a paper and call it art and their parents will hang it their refrigerator. Using a pencil and paper only make you special in your own mind (and the few other here).

We've gone from allowing non-artists to feel empowered and that's why my challenge to balance this would be for those who truly are artists to: submit hand drawn work here. Let's see something drawn on paper, canvas or whichever and I'll ask what's more valuable.

So if I started my life drawing, but changed to digital art (I'm talking before ai) . I'm no longer artist? Lol!

If you want this thread for just displaying paper drawing, that fine. I'm sure safe places like here will get far and few between as we move more into the future, but let's not jerk ourselves off thinking that art on a physical media makes you better than anyone else. Your just fluffing your ego to make yourself feel better.


Hold onto your panties
A 1 year old can scribble on a paper and call it art and their parents will hang it their refrigerator. Using a pencil and paper only make you special in your own mind (and the few other here).

So if I started my life drawing, but changed to digital art (I'm talking before ai) . I'm no longer artist? Lol!

If you want this thread for just displaying paper drawing, that fine. I'm sure safe places like here will get far and few between as we move more into the future, but let's not jerk ourselves off thinking that art on a physical media makes you better than anyone else. Your just fluffing your ego to make yourself feel better.
Calm down there. Who said if you started art by working with your hands and switch to digital you're no longer an artist? I'm talking about the people who've never touched a pencil in their lives, open an AI platform and throw some keywords in are being considered artists.

Let me correct what you wrote: If you started your life drawing, but changed to digital art (I'm talking before AI) -- you're STILL an artist.

I'd be a hypocrite to say it's not fun to screw with AI prompts either because I've already posted plenty of my contributions. But, I feel that someone who has never had any prior knowledge, experience, natural talent creating art by traditional methods, isn't suddenly an artist because they can work key commands with their computer or cel phone. And you'll find plenty here will agree with that.

A challenge, try buying a canvas, some brushes, thinner and paints, then recreate that piece you shared above. You'll be surprised people will be willing to pay you twice as much for the work and effort you put in. Make it yours. There is no limit to what you can create by hand when you're truly gifted but AI is still developing and has a long way to go to catch up to real craftsmanship and ingenuity.
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A few years ago, I watched a youtube video of Jim Lee at a convention.
He brought three random people on stage with him and had them draw the Joker.
The idea of the presentation was that what unique thing you put into a drawing is more important than the quality of it.
I'm not an artist, but I wanted to play along.
I drew Joker as a pre-teen.


I think that folded paper was a pricing sheet for herbicide that was on my desk, since I don't own any sketchbooks.


Gold Member
I wasn't aware. Sorry to offend your sensitive sensibilities. 😂

I marked it as ai.
The idea of the thread is to show your own art, as in the art you made yourself, not on paper or hand drawn necessarily, but produced by yourself.

I'll bite to your trolling.

You don't seem to understand art as a concept (with your "1 year old scribble is art for his parents" logical fallacy).
You don't seem to understand how AI works if you think it is "inspired" by anything.
You don't seem to understand the amount of work needed to do digital art without using AI.
You don't seem to understand that human beings will always be in awe of someone who as mastered a technique, because human beings know the amount of work needed to master anything and they respect that, in an atavistic way almost.

So you don't seem to understand much at all, but most important you don't seem to understand that you are what you do, not what you say you are, what you wear, etc. If you could ask AI to beat Magnus Carlsen at chess, you could consider that, since your the one who asked the AI and following your logic, you're the winner. Would you feel smart ? If AI could somehow make you beat Tyson Fury at boxing, would you feel strong ? If you ask AI to draw something for you, do you feel like an artist ?

Anyway, if you care to do anything by yourself, post it here it, don't be afraid. I posted some pretty shitty doodles and no one hold it against me.


The idea of the thread is to show your own art, as in the art you made yourself, not on paper or hand drawn necessarily, but produced by yourself.

I'll bite to your trolling.

You don't seem to understand art as a concept (with your "1 year old scribble is art for his parents" logical fallacy).
You don't seem to understand how AI works if you think it is "inspired" by anything.
You don't seem to understand the amount of work needed to do digital art without using AI.
You don't seem to understand that human beings will always be in awe of someone who as mastered a technique, because human beings know the amount of work needed to master anything and they respect that, in an atavistic way almost.

So you don't seem to understand much at all, but most important you don't seem to understand that you are what you do, not what you say you are, what you wear, etc. If you could ask AI to beat Magnus Carlsen at chess, you could consider that, since your the one who asked the AI and following your logic, you're the winner. Would you feel smart ? If AI could somehow make you beat Tyson Fury at boxing, would you feel strong ? If you ask AI to draw something for you, do you feel like an artist ?

Anyway, if you care to do anything by yourself, post it here it, don't be afraid. I posted some pretty shitty doodles and no one hold it against me.

Explain to me what art is.
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