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Arts & Farts

I'd be down too of course! I've been posting my work on GAF since I started to really get into the hobby (hopefully career soon) a long time ago!

Gonna post the art I did for Feep's Kickstarter since it finally went up. :)




Awesome! I have no idea how to actually publish a book -- I've done numerous published book covers but that's it. We would probably need someone with experience in actually coming out with a book. I know a few dudes who have come out with artbooks so I could ask them....

Lets say this were a thing. How many people from ArtGaf would be up for contributing?

I'll start the list. Just quote me and add on or just reply and I'll kind of update or keep a tally of the roster:

Foxy Fox 39
Phandy ( Maybe...he hopes!)

Sure, I'll contribute :)

As far as publishing goes, if all else fails there are a number of online book publishers like lulu.com.


As always, great work, guys! Oh, to have the time to contribute more...as this thread really does inspire with all the awesomeness.

A couple...one almost done, the other just new.


Reworked some colours, enjoying a cooler colour palette. Still need to add a few more things, but for just some shmoe getting a little late-night scribble in, pretty happy.


A new one. Will rework some colours etc., and then kick off the background/foreground etc. Lots of foliage and all that jazz.

Keep up the great work, folks. Love it.

These are really great. Are they a part of comic series or any other medium you're working on?


Yeah~! I like this motivation!
Let's make ourselves famous-er!

You will be getting quality pics to put in the book such as this from me:

Just kidding guys. I will probably be better at drawing anthros by then. xD


Haha it worked! Now, we have got to do this. I like the idea as well of us doing videogame or neogaf related art. Perhaps we could have sections devoted to different areas? VG art, Original, and what-else have you. I'm not opposed to a PDF either. All good ideas.

Sammy was amazing too. Maybe I can track him down somehow.

ArtGaf brother!

So you're in?

Preliminary list:

There's some other art gaffers I'd love to get in on this. I'll start talking to people and see what's possible in terms of releasing an actual book. But for now we could shoot for just a PDF like Phandy suggested.

Yeah, I'm in. Here's my portfolio if you wanna see my stuff (mostly school work)


Awesome! I have no idea how to actually publish a book -- I've done numerous published book covers but that's it. We would probably need someone with experience in actually coming out with a book. I know a few dudes who have come out with artbooks so I could ask them....

Lets say this were a thing. How many people from ArtGaf would be up for contributing?

I'll start the list. Just quote me and add on or just reply and I'll kind of update or keep a tally of the roster:

Foxy Fox 39
Phandy ( Maybe...he hopes!)
I'm up for this!

I'm actually working on some Zelda artwork, coincidentally.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Not to be "that guy" but it would be best if the book was heavy on people who have been active art gaf members in the past (modus, dreweyes, sammy, timo, prax, soukka, uselink, etc, you know who you are)

Not saying that people are/should get excluded, just what the focus should be, to reward the people who are active about sharing their passion.
Not to be "that guy" but it would be best if the book was heavy on people who have been active art gaf members in the past (modus, dreweyes, sammy, timo, prax, soukka, uselink, etc, you know who you are)

Not saying that people are/should get excluded, just what the focus should be, to reward the people who are active about sharing their passion.

It's not that I don't like this idea, but it may be hard to decide who gets focus. I'm sure you have some ideas though. I'd definitely like to hear them.

I think once we have a complete roster of artists (should we have a cutoff date for joining? I'm not sure) then deciding on things like that will probably be easier.

So far it's 15:

Gilby (!)
Raging Spaniard
MrBig (maybe)
Demon Lizardman


Yeah, there's a lot that needs to be figured out, but probably not for a while assuming this actually does end up going forward. How long it would be, what the subject matter/focus of the book would be, etc.


Signed up!

And I think we should settle on this. I mean we might as well.

This IS NeoGAF. Sure, a lot of people in the OT don't post or even read the gaming side. Still, everyone here, at some point, came for gaming. It's Gaming Age Forums. It would make sense to make a video game related project. It's what GAF is known for. So why not show off GAF's best, with their interpretations of their favorite characters, stories and worlds from their most cherished, beloved and memorable games.

I don't know. Just makes sense to me.


Signed up!

And I think we should settle on this. I mean we might as well.

That definitely has my vote. Gaming is such a broad topic that I don't think anyone would feel excluded. Maybe sort of a "What gaming is/means" to us or something, as expressed through our particular medium of choice (Photography, digital illustration, physical media like painting/graphite etc). That's just one idea.


That definitely has my vote. Gaming is such a broad topic that I don't think anyone would feel excluded. Maybe sort of a "What gaming is/means" to us or something, as expressed through our particular medium of choice (Photography, digital illustration, physical media like painting/graphite etc). That's just one idea.

I like this idea too.


GAF's ghetto, not as shiny, but still rad, version of I Am 8-Bit

Not to be "that guy" but it would be best if the book was heavy on people who have been active art gaf members in the past (modus, dreweyes, sammy, timo, prax, soukka, uselink, etc, you know who you are)

Not saying that people are/should get excluded, just what the focus should be, to reward the people who are active about sharing their passion.

But wouldn't that turn in to a popularity contest at that point? I'm sure there are plenty of really talented artist here. Whether it be they're too busy, too shy or simply because they're unaware this thread even exists, I don't think they should be excluded from wanting to participate in something like this.

I'm not saying you're absolutely wrong. But doing what you proposed would only allow those who are already known to continue, well, being known. It merely perpetuates the popularity and reputation of those who have shown their work. This is a chance for everyone to shine, not a few.


GAF's ghetto, not as shiny, but still rad, version of I Am 8-Bit

But wouldn't that turn in to a popularity contest at that point? I'm sure there are plenty of really talented artist here. Whether it be they're too busy, too shy or simply because they're unaware this thread even exists, I don't think they should be excluded from wanting to participate in something like this.

I'm not saying you're absolutely wrong. But doing what you proposed would only allow those who are already known to continue, well, being known. It merely perpetuates the popularity and reputation of those who have shown their work. This is a chance for everyone to shine, not a few.

I can't speak for all of the other non-regulars, but even though I'm an avid lurker in this thread I rarely ever post in here mostly because a lot of my art consists of very technical medical illustrations, i.e. = stuff that I assume others would find kind of boring to look at. My senior thesis was completely different than my usual work (the two pages of my comic I posted on the previous page), but at the moment my portfolio consists of a lot of anatomical/surgical stuff.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
A community project should feature the active community. lets say "best artist ever" never shares any art, but then hears a book comes out and OMG CHANCE TO GET ATTENTION, takes over the book and the people who have been posting on this thread for YEARS like Timo, who is an artist that you can look back through this thread and see his obvious improvement, gets overlooked because a "better" artist is taking the spotlight.

Im not saying I want to exclude new people, of course not. I just want to minimize the bandwagoning attitude .. but thats just my opinion.
I can't speak for all of the other non-regulars, but even though I'm an avid lurker in this thread I rarely ever post in here mostly because a lot of my art consists of very technical medical illustrations, i.e. = stuff that I assume others would find kind of boring to look at. My senior thesis was completely different than my usual work (the two pages of my comic I posted on the previous page), but at the moment my portfolio consists of a lot of anatomical/surgical stuff.

I've being lurking since the beginning of the thread but didn't post until after I became a member. I'll love to participate but if it's a close club or something then I don't mind. As long as you guys made up your mind early so I can have lots of times to make something really good.


A community project should feature the active community. lets say "best artist ever" never shares any art, but then hears a book comes out and OMG CHANCE TO GET ATTENTION, takes over the book and the people who have been posting on this thread for YEARS like Timo, who is an artist that you can look back through this thread and see his obvious improvement, gets overlooked because a "better" artist is taking the spotlight.

Im not saying I want to exclude new people, of course not. I just want to minimize the bandwagoning attitude .. but thats just my opinion.

That's a fair reasoning, imo.
Maybe you guys could separate it in two sections, or something.

It's also true that you could use it as a way push more people to join this thread in the future.

lurk this thread often, btw. :p


A community project should feature the active community. lets say "best artist ever" never shares any art, but then hears a book comes out and OMG CHANCE TO GET ATTENTION, takes over the book and the people who have been posting on this thread for YEARS like Timo, who is an artist that you can look back through this thread and see his obvious improvement, gets overlooked because a "better" artist is taking the spotlight.

Im not saying I want to exclude new people, of course not. I just want to minimize the bandwagoning attitude .. but thats just my opinion.

Wouldn't we just easily set certain parameters in place? Like, only allowing a certain number of contributions per artist depending on their post history in the thread? I really wouldn't see it as being that big of an issue. Hell if I was only allowed to contribute one piece I'd totally be cool with that.

I don't think there's a need to get quite so defensive just yet ;)
Wouldn't we just easily set certain parameters in place? Like, only allowing a certain number of contributions per artist depending on their post history in the thread? I really wouldn't see it as being that big of an issue. Hell if I was only allowed to contribute one piece I'd totally be cool with that.

I don't think there's a need to get quite so defensive just yet ;)

Honestly I think it would be best if it were limited across the board. That way there isn't a big problem. Every artist can only contribute up to X amount of pieces. But again, this may be too early to talk about it because we don't have that many people on the roster so there's no problem accommodating anyone.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Wouldn't we just easily set certain parameters in place? Like, only allowing a certain number of contributions per artist depending on their post history in the thread? I really wouldn't see it as being that big of an issue. Hell if I was only allowed to contribute one piece I'd totally be cool with that.

I don't think there's a need to get quite so defensive just yet ;)

I agree. Im the type that likes to clear possible issues ahead of time, is all.


I would love to contribute, but unfortunately my art isn't anywhere close to the quality standards of the thread, so I think I'll pass.


Huh, my thoughts are:

Every artist gets up to 5 pages.
Maybe one will be a huge spread over 2 pages. And then 4 other 1 page illustrations. Maybe you only want one page because you don't have the time for more.
Maybe if your art is too low resolution, it will have to share a page with other small art.
If you are shy and don't want to even take a whole page, you can also request your art be on a shared page! :) Credit and name/website/whatever also for each illustration of course, and the game it's related to. Maybe even a 2-3 sentence blurb about the illustration.
And maybe an "about the artists" section for the index or intro? I like those.
(I just like big books lol, so the more content the better)

For criteria of participants, I don't really care about who is active or not as long as they are part of the overall gaf community in some way, but we should definitely have a deadline for sign-up and choose an editor for the book, who will have overall "creative director" role.
And then definitely some kind of deadline for the illustrations to be handed in. lol (I am a very flaky artist without a deadline!)

Preference is for full colour illustrations, but black and white/greyscale is also okay.
We can also divide the book into different game genres? And the last section for mashup/crossover work.
I would very much prefer for the artwork to be "new" for the book and not be posted in full anywhere else for the public until the book/.pdf is finished (teaser images are okay to show though! Especially for "advertisement" lol), but I'm not sure people will have time for that.

Uhhh.. well, that's my thoughts anyway! I will elect Foxy Fox 39 to be the main mediator because he brought it up first! XD


yes, that talented of a member
Hungry little critter I drew over the weekend:


And if there's a GAF art book I definitely want in. :)

I really like that! Do you have more stuff?

I'd like to share some of mine.

My Avatar

Uncanny X-Force, David Bowie, and Derrick Rose

This one is heartfelt, and has a sad story surrounding it, but I'm happy to share. My girlfriend died three months ago from pnumonia, and I had always promised to draw her a portrait.

This is Batman and Robin!


I think what would make a GAF artbook rich, is exactly the big variance in styles and "expertise". And once the participants are decided/recruited, then each of them should get a similar amount of room in it. It's a community artbook and should celebrate neogaf more than any individial artists.

It would be awesome to see some common theme executed by all artists. Your favourite videogame character done in your style for example?
I think what would make a GAF artbook rich, is exactly the big variance in styles and "expertise". And once the participants are decided/recruited, then each of them should get a similar amount of room in it. It's a community artbook and should celebrate neogaf more than any individial artists.

It would be awesome to see some common theme executed by all artists. Your favourite videogame character done in your style for example?

A gaf artbook done by artists on here with varying styles and skill levels, with equal space given to the beginners and experts alike. I like your idea alot.


This is only notable thing I've managed to produce these last few months (did it in December, worked on it on and off). It's an exercise in digital painting since I'm still rusty. A still life of a bottle of lotion and a deodorant:

I look at my Wacom tablet, pick up the pen, and try to draw something but I get frustrated from over thinking about what to draw. :( I've been feeling lazy; it feels like I've been losing my touch and I hate it.

I definitely need to get back into drawing people on the subway and school cafeteria again when I have the time. Thankfully, I'm taking a Graphic Novel course which is making me dust off my drawing hand and supplies and get to work. Still though, that's no excuse. I'll see if I whip up something quick on Photoshop and post it. /whine


Haha it worked! Now, we have got to do this. I like the idea as well of us doing videogame or neogaf related art. Perhaps we could have sections devoted to different areas? VG art, Original, and what-else have you. I'm not opposed to a PDF either. All good ideas.

Sammy was amazing too. Maybe I can track him down somehow.

ArtGaf brother!

So you're in?

Preliminary list:

There's some other art gaffers I'd love to get in on this. I'll start talking to people and see what's possible in terms of releasing an actual book. But for now we could shoot for just a PDF like Phandy suggested.

Edit: uhh maybe not I don't want to be an attention whore. If you have some room then count me in...
Ahh! I would want to!

A theme would be fun. Like mythology or magic.

I want to make a zine of traditional clothing around the world and most of the proceeds would go to Unicef and other charities dealing with planned parenthood and children.

Forgot the reason I came here was found some inspirational music that might inspire some of you to draw: https://soundcloud.com/zoom-lens/theotoxin-zoom-lens-mixtape-11
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