I watched this last weekend and while I liked it, I felt like I missed something.
Something was just lacking or flew way over my head. Is it just a simple straight forward romp or is there some artistic interpretation that I'm missing?
Its funny how common this sentiment has showed up. Not a fan of most of his films AT ALL, and yet this one, maybe the most Wes Andersonish Wes Anderson movie of them all, I loved it.
What the hell.
I watched this last weekend and while I liked it, I felt like I missed something.
Something was just lacking or flew way over my head. Is it just a simple straight forward romp or is there some artistic interpretation that I'm missing?
Anyone who doesn't like Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, and Royal Tenenbaums has invalid film opinions.
But Boyhood is the best film of 2014.
No doubt about it.
Yup, no doubt.
Or Fantastic Mr. Fox - what was there to hate about that?
Haven't seen it. But I think he is quite overrated.
That scream yo.It was a very good movie, lots of good actors in top form. And my goodness, Jeff Goldblum's last moment on screen!
It doesn't touch Life Aquatic, but it's definitely very good.
My problem with it is that it's missing what I like about Wes' films because it's aimed at a family audience.
It doesn't have that awkward mix of comedy and tragedy that I love in his other films. There just isn't any emotion there.
It's great, but watching a movie you've never seen before on a plane for the first time should get your ass thrown in jail.