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French publisher emerges as front-runner in Eidos bidding talks, say reports

12:53 So last week it was rumoured to be EA, this week it is Ubisoft. According to national newspaper The Sunday Telegraph, the French gaming giant is currently locked in talks over the possible buyout of UK publisher Eidos.

Only last week, the Lara Croft home confirmed that negotiations with "a small number of parties" were ongoing. The latest reports suggest that senior figures from Ubisoft have spent the last few days at Eidos' H.Q., thrashing out details of a possible deal, which would value Eidos in excess of £215 million, or around 150p a share.

However, while Eidos shares are currently enjoying a minor resurgence in the stock market (its share price is currently up 6.9 percent at 116p), the opposite could be said of its French admirer.

As of Monday morning, shares in Ubisoft tumbled by 5.2 percent, no doubt a direct result of analysts warning that any deal for Eidos would stretch the company's already tight finances.

While there is no official comment from either company for the time being, the latest developments certainly make interesting reading. Other new names also being bandied about include Sony and Microsoft, which would inevitably strip Eidos of its status as a multi-format developer.

If Ubisoft is to prove successful in its supposed bid, it would essentially leave rival Codemasters as the only major representative of the UK games publishing scene.

In fact, Codemasters itself was also the subject of recent 'for sale' rumours in the press, rumours which have since been dismissed by a key spokesperson for the publisher as "rubbish" and "complete fabrication".

"We are not up for sale, we have never been up for sale and have no intention of being up for sale," the Codemasters spokesperson added when spoken to earlier today. That's made that one clear, then.

Funky Papa

I'll put it clean:

EA+Tomb Raider license=Average game year after year (just more polished)

Ubi+Tomb Raider license=Good things to come

Yes, I am biased. Who cares?


Splinter Cell + Deus Ex would be a nice combination as well.

But yeah, it's not much of a merit for Ubi if this is indeed happening.
DSN2K said:
EA will just outbid Ubi if they really want Eidos.

Meh, part of the game of finding out corporate details about your competitors is to enter "talks" and/or "negotiations" with them. I wouldn't be surprised if this goes nowhere, and that both EA and Ubi walk away from both Eidos and Codemasters.


Market Consolidation in the industry is crazy. I hope it doesn't turn into the music industry where there's only 5 major publishers (I think)
I wish someone would flip the tables and and fucking buy EA. It would be quite funny,and justice served.

EA are basicaly the remake to that old horror classic,The Blob. They'll continue to eat everything in its bloated path until eventually a handful of desperates take a last stand and manage to contain it for a little while. But then it won't be long befoe its belly starts to hurt and it'll soon want to consume again.

"You can't kill damnation mister,it don't die like a man does."
Fuck, if EA buys Eidos it will destroy series like Hitman, Thief and Deus Ex. Eidos isnt afraid to publish mature games with mature themes, and they arent afraid of having blood in there games. But EA would royaly fuck this up, and give me yet several more reasons to hate them. If you doubt this, just TRY and immagine EA publishing Hitman: Contracts with the meat king level for example.

If Ubi Soft buys Eidos I doube any of Eidos' franchises will be negitavely effected. I wouldent mind seeing this deal go hrough. But fuck off EA.

~Black Deatha
It's just like anything, though. This kind of consolidation will continue like this for only so long before the market is stable enough to support more independents. Once next-gen settles down, I see a lot more companies on the field. Having someone dominate, like Sony is, isn't helping.


SolidSnakex said:
I'd say Eidos has already done a pretty good job of that on their own. :p

Damn, I knew someone would say that. Anyway Ubisoft like any reasonable company would do, will try to recover what's left of Eidos and actually make them better. We all know that EA's style is totally different (the infamous "Destroy and Conquer" style only EA, of all game companies, has adopted)

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Now this is a move that I could support.

Ubi put the Unreal engine to great use in Splinter Cell and I for one would love to see what they can do with the Tomb Raider franchise. Perhaps they could fuse the stealth gameplay of SC with the platforming, swash buckling aspects of POP. It would make for a good Tomb Raider IMO.
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