Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
That's a pretty good one actually; would love to be the little spoon while s-he smelled my hair.
Me, of course.
You’re a celebrity?
In one mind only.
This makes my penis feel weird.
u often picture evilore as a woman op?
u often picture evilore as a woman op?
u often picture evilore as a woman op?
are you invalidating his lived experience?
Are you invalidating Evilore's lived experience? Checkmate atheists.
Hahaha actually lold irl
Wife asked what’s funny
Tell her some cunt drew me jacking it to legolas
She gives me a weird look and walks away
You have a wife and you are posting on an internet message board? I assume you knocked her up and she's not into sex right now? Otherwise, why are you posting here and not banging your wife?
lord of da ringuuuuu
Virgin alert
Too busy thinking about Daisy Malka tbh
You're a married virgin? How long have you been married? Must be rough, go to all the trouble of getting married and the missus doesn't even put out. Honestly it's a crime. You should show her that post of a dog-person begging for a crumb of pussy.
It's a crime. I submit the following youtube video as evidence judge Evilore.
This one?
As an incel, I hate porn that involves couples
How can you be so sure that you will never find the right one? They are 6 billion people on this planet you haven't met every single person to say that for sure And that, kids, is how @TaySan met your
Let’s all post our female filter Snapchat selfies and see who makes the hottest girl
Daisy Malka looks like Devolution without the brain AIDS
I wonder what Devo would look like as a woman
(no doxxing here, this is what comes up when you google Devolution neogaf)
Don’t really know who that is but she looks pretty good in most of her pics to me. Obviously needed to gain a little weight.Daisy Malka looks like Devolution without the brain AIDS
I wonder what Devo would look like as a woman
(no doxxing here, this is what comes up when you google Devolution neogaf)
Is that a recent pic? Looking good.
My avatar is better though, you really have a model look. I’ve been asked more than once what chick it is lol
alright I’ll go first
Hah, never realized that's me in your avatar.
Would you fuck you?
He would fuck himself so hard.