Matlock said:Would the Christian Right approve of a marriage between a gay dude and a lesbian?
Apparently so since there are plenty of these sorts of couples married only for appearances
Matlock said:Would the Christian Right approve of a marriage between a gay dude and a lesbian?
jinx gave you such good advise that there is nothing more to add, except, STOP LOGGING ONTO THE FORUM AND GO STUDY. NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!deadlifter said:jinx you gotta answer my question. My whole academic career is at risk :O
-jinx- said:The meaning of life isbet you thought I was going to make that old Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy joke, didn't you?
nitewulf said:jinx gave you such good advise that there is nothing more to add, except, STOP LOGGING ONTO THE FORUM AND GO STUDY. NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah yes, a physics question...there ends up being one of them in every "ask -jinx-" thread.Loki said:A mass of 10.7 kg is suspended from a string with uniform mass m and a length of .6m.
...ok, we're fine so far. Then they just become sadists and start heaping on variables: the string is connected to a pulley with an angular acceleration of x and a coefficient of kinetic friction s (somewhere around here the ubiquitous concept of "torque" will rear its ugly head), on the other side of which it is connected to a block with a cross-sectional area A which is being sheared on its top side and undergoes a horizontal displacement x (hint: use the shear modulus to determine the identity of the block, from which you'll get its density and thus its mass, then you can plug it into the ridiculous # of equations you have floating around for this problem-- did I mention how utterly hysterical I find it when they give you such trivial "hints" in the midst of such complex problems? :lol); the block, in turn, is connected to a light spring of spring constant k; the surface the block is in contact with has a coefficient of kinetic friction z. Oh yeah, the block hanging vertically is suspended in equilibrium in a glass of oil and water resting on a table 2m from the ground-- but not in the water (oh no, that would be much too simple), but at the interface between the oil and the water, half of the hanging block's mass in each. You're given the radius of the cylindrical glass, the height of the layers of water and oil, but must determine the pressure (and thus the buoyant force exerted on the block) by <shock!> a small hole cut in the bottom of the glass, which water spills out of and lands via projectile motion at a distance of 1 meter (our friend Bernoulli comes in here somewhere). Now, determine the period of oscillation and the maximum acceleration for the spring.
And then I love how they just keep asking more questions:
"What if we vibrated the hanging string and a third harmonic ensued? What if the string were encased in a tube open only at one end? What if the vibrating wire emitted a sound of a characteristic frequency and an observer on a train travelling towards the set-up at 25m/s heard an observed frequency of 750 Hz? What would be the frequency of the source? Would it matter if a dove perchance alighted on said wire and produced a turd of mass B that adhered to the wire? How would that affect the mass? The frequency? The wavelength? The spring constant? The angular acceleration of the pulley? Your grandmother's home-made brownies? Should you kill yourself now? Why are you still reading this?![]()
Asymptotically.Cubsfan23 said:What is your default way of approaching a new girl you're interested in?
1) pay more attention to my posts than I do!Minotauro said:1. In quantifiable terms, please prove to me your success as a moderator.
2. How much money do you make a year?
-jinx- said:Ah yes, a physics question...there ends up being one of them in every "ask -jinx-" thread.
Once you have the basic equations of motion, however, you can address the dove variation with per-turd-ation theory. (Sorry...couldn't resist a physics joke AND a pun in the same sentence.)
The usual reaction which happens when you mix the two is:border said:Can you explain why it is bad to mix bleach and ammonia, showing me the formula for the chemical reaction? I know that the fumes will kill you, but what exactly are the fumes? It's not homework, but I am curious.
-jinx- said:1) pay more attention to my posts than I do!Actually, for what it's worth, I asked the other mods/admins a couple of weeks ago if I should step down, since I thought I was not being fair or pleasant enough on the boards. If I had some way to conduct a board-wide poll, I'd be willing to abide by the results.
-jinx- said:2) Still back on THAT old subject? Let's just say that last year, I was in the 28% bracket.
2(parts)NaOCl + 2NH3 --> 2NaONH3 + Cl2.
Do you see that Cl2 on the right hand side there? This means one part chlorine gas, made up of diatomic (two atom) molecules. It also means that the chlorine gas has been liberated from the bleach, and is quite capable of causing you harm when inhaled!
Another potential reaction, which occurs when a greater amount of bleach is added than ammonia, is this:
3NaOCl + NH3 --> 3NaOH + NCl3
That's sodium hydroxide and nitrogen trichloride. Nitrogen trichloride is a very toxic chemical to humans, and even if you did get close enough to ingest it, it would probably explode in your face first, as it is also a very volatile explosive. There is little necessity in explaining why that is bad.
Still another reaction - in three parts this time - can occur, producing hydrazine (N2H4, a component of rocket fuel) if you have more ammonia than bleach:
NH3 + NaOCl --> NaOH + NH2Cl.
These two products then react with ammonia as follows:
NH3 + NH2Cl + NaOH -->N2H4 + NaCl + H2O.
One last reaction occurs to stabilise the reagents:
2NH2Cl + N2H4 --> 2 NH4Cl + N2.
This last equation is of particular interest because of the amount of heat it produces. The heat is so great that it usually leads to an explosion
Loki said:EviLore is geogaddi? Get outta here. :lol I never would have guessed.
Dude, I'll totally answer that one right now(and I'm not even drunk!).Socreges said:Honesty, eh? I know what my question will be. "Why do you drink so much?"
EviLore said:Loki just can't read, don't worry about it ;b
Well, I need more information.Boogie said:Am I completely hopeless? (I'm not asking you, Cubsfan ;P)
Hmmmm...Loki said:Who's your favorite philosopher, both in terms of how good of a philosopher you perceive them to be as well as whose philosophy you most agree with (though obviously nobody agrees 100% with any philosopher)?
I always preferred the buffalo theory myself:Raoul Duke said:-I have too many brain cells, if I didn't do this I would accomplish something and we can't have that!
In one episode of 'Cheers', Cliff is seated at the bar describing the 'Buffalo Theory' to his buddy Norm. I don't think I've ever heard the concept explained any better than this...
"Well you see, Norm, it's like this... A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo and when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members. In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Now, as we know, excessive drinking of alcohol kills brain cells. But naturally, it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. And that, Norm, is why you always feel smarter after a few beers."
-jinx- said:In terms of personal style, Socrates is clearly an influence. If you don't understand...keep asking questions until the real issues finally come to the surface. (The "real issues" end up being language a good percentage of the time, interestingly enough.) My first philosophy teacher in high school taught his class -- actually, ALL of his classes, including political science, history, and international relations -- using the Socratic method. He was a massive influence on my personal development as a student and thinker.
In terms of writing style, I like Plato a lot. His dialogues (well, to be fair, the translations of his dialogues -- I'm not that smart) are clear, lively, and full of interesting arguments. Descartes isn't half-bad to read either. On the flip side, I'd rather die than read Sartre, and Immanuel Kant is dense to the point of being dangerous.
In terms of someone that I agree with the most...well, I'll say Kant, but only on his metaphysics/epistemology, not his ethics. (The "categorical imperative" doesn't work for me at all.) His response to the empiricists was brilliant: rejecting tabula rasa as a starting assumption in favor of a priori categories of reason. He made the point that every experience ("phenomenon") was as much due to the perceiver as it was to what was "out there" being perceived ("noumenon"). I think it's a deep and important concept -- in science as well as philosophy -- that what we are really discussing is a universe AS SEEN BY HUMANS, not from some truly objective point.
-jinx- said:Well, I need more information.
1) What is it that you feel you are missing in your life? (I'm guessing it's girls.)
2) What are your top five good points?
3) What are your top two weak points?
4) On a scale of 1 to 10, how attractive are you?
As a world-renowned expert on dating and women, let me just say this....that stuff probably isn't so much of a good point. You've even said that you always come off as the 'friend' guy and are always helping girls out as 'that dude' who protects them at bars and walks them home. Plus I've seen pictures of you, and while you're not bad looking by any means, sometimes you seem to have kind of an ultra 'nice guy' face. Those two things in conjunction are what probably always land you in the friends zone. If you're really fit and muscular, try to use that and come off as more of a 'badass'. Not an asshole by any means, but maybe less supplicative and whatnot. I've found that's gotten me better responses from girls (when I actually interact with them, or with my girl_friend who totally wants to bone me even though she has a boyfriend...)Boogie said:2) Good points?
-fairly selfless, always willing to lend a hand.
-honest, kind, trustworthy, honourable, blah blah blah
demon said:As a world-renowned expert on dating and women, let me just say this....that stuff probably isn't so much of a good point. You've even said that you always come off as the 'friend' guy and are always helping girls out as 'that dude' who protects them at bars and walks them home. Plus I've seen pictures of you, and while you're not bad looking by any means, sometimes you seem to have kind of an ultra 'nice guy' face. Those two things in conjunction are what probably always land you in the friends zone. If you're really fit and muscular, try to use that and come off as more of a 'badass'. Not an asshole by any means, but maybe less supplicative and whatnot. I've found that's gotten me better responses from girls (when I actually interact with them, or with my girl_friend who totally wants to bone me even though she has a boyfriend...)
demon said:As a world-renowned expert on dating and women, let me just say this....that stuff probably isn't so much of a good point. You've even said that you always come off as the 'friend' guy and are always helping girls out as 'that dude' who protects them at bars and walks them home. Plus I've seen pictures of you, and while you're not bad looking by any means, sometimes you seem to have kind of an ultra 'nice guy' face. Those two things in conjunction are what probably always land you in the friends zone.
The Abominable Snowman said:Why is it that every forum I go to, here inclusive, has MALE attention whores. Furthermore, why are the MALE attention whores ugly as all sin?
Henry Kissingerevil solrac v3.0 said:can i have henry kissinger's phone number?
Hmmm...I tend to use "prostitute" more than any of the others...but as a Steely Dan fan, can I just express my disappointment that "Pearl of the Quarter" was left off the list?xsarien said:Harlet, hussy, strumpet, whore, prostitute, or "Lady of the Night"?
(Also, given Bill and Ted, do you, at times, accidentally mispronounce "Socrates"?)![]()
If you're decent-looking and in good shape, then the only reason you're not dating is because of how you're perceived. The conversation part is relatively easy to fix with a little practice. In my experience, asking questions is one of the best ways to be perceived as a "good conversationalist" by others...mostly because everyone is flattered that you'd want to know more about them, and most people enjoy talking about themselves.Boogie said:1) Yeah, the question was referring to women.
2) Good points?
-fairly selfless, always willing to lend a hand.
-honest, kind, trustworthy, honourable, blah blah blah
-have something of a dry wit. Though sometimes more on the sarcastic side, which might not be considered a "good" point.
-fit and muscular
3) Just two?
-insecure and nervous as hell in around girls, unless it's in a "friend" context.
-not very outgoing or sociable in general, fairly poor conversational skills.
4) I dunno, maybe a 7? Maybe.
Two can be as bad as one. It's the loneliest number since the number one.Ninja Scooter said:is one really the lonliest number?
Craps is the easier question, so I'll do that one first. The only good bet on a craps table is pass/don't pass (or, alternately, come/don't come), which has a house edge around 1.41% (pass) or 1.36% (don't pass). Most people don't like to bet "against" the roller, so pass is a "friendlier" bet. Every proposition bet on the table is a bad idea with a ridiculously bad house edge in some cases. Buy bets have a house edge greater than 4%, if memory serves, so I avoid them. In truth, almost all I ever play is blackjack...I should probably play more craps, though.WasabiKing said:There's this really cool dude I know who just started working a really great gig. I mean, he has nothing to complain about, did less work, even. He's also got this relatively cute manager who's actually really nice, maybe a little too nice. Seems like a nice gal, engaged, but he says she touches his shoulder at least 3 times a day, mostly as sign of encouragement. Mostly... Anyway, he wants to know what he should do. And he hasn't mentioned it to his girlfriend because of the wrath he may be facing...
Also, for me, since you're a Vegas guy like me, what points do you play on the craps table? Are you 8 and 9 guy like myself? What's your lucky set of point numbers?
As far as I'm concerned...hell yeah! I've never been to Canada, and it sounds like fun. Perhaps you can even convince yourself to scale back on the drinking enough to remember the trip...?Chony said:Should I go to Canada for new years to get extremely drunk and forget I even went, wasting hundreds of dollars in the process?
GG-Duo said:Why are Asian indie kids so "banana"?
Chony said:Should I go to Canada for new years to get extremely drunk and forget I even went, wasting hundreds of dollars in the process?
Jason said:Hope that has nothing to do with me. :lol
I think you'll find that each forum has attention whores of BOTH genders. Also, why are you disappointed that they aren't hot? Is there something you want to share with the group?The Abominable Snowman said:Why is it that every forum I go to, here inclusive, has MALE attention whores. Furthermore, why are the MALE attention whores ugly as all sin?
1) That's a good question. Quite frankly, I don't understand concert behavior in general...which is why I finally stopped going to them after a hundred-odd shows. Why is it mandatory that peopel smoke [cigarettes | dope] nonstop during the set? Why do people drink so much before the show that they pass out halfway through the headlining set? Who the hell thought up "moshing," anyway?GG-Duo said:1.) Why do people push their way to the front during concerts and just talk throughout the whole thing?
2.) Why are Asian indie kids so "banana"?
I thought that "indie" was short for "on an independent record label." Once upon a time, "rock" meant things like Bon Jovi, and "alternative" bands were relegated to college radio and independent record labels because the majors were too busy signing Hair Band Clone #943. Now that "alternative" rock has become the new mainstream, the terms don't even make sense anymore. Many of the independent labels are distributed through major labels anyway, and you can find a ton of them represented on the iTunes Music Store. As far as I'm concerned, we ought to retire the label now.GG-Duo said:Also, what is the proper term for "popular indie"? IMO, real indie would be someone that has a local act as their favorite. If you like stuff like Modest Mouse or Death Cab or etc, then you're sort of in a "stream" already. I'm in this group.
I shall take this advice as well. Thanks dude.If you're decent-looking and in good shape, then the only reason you're not dating is because of how you're perceived. The conversation part is relatively easy to fix with a little practice. In my experience, asking questions is one of the best ways to be perceived as a "good conversationalist" by others...mostly because everyone is flattered that you'd want to know more about them, and most people enjoy talking about themselves.
To practice, when you end up in a conversation with someone, imagine that you're playing a game of ping-pong. Every time they make a statement, respond with a question, either to get them to expand on what they just said, or to move the conversation to a related subject. Do NOT make statements about yourself unless they specifically ask you a question...and then move back to the questioner role as soon as you can. Once you get good at it with your friends, try starting small conversations with random people: people in elevators, store cashiers, people waiting in line, friends of friends. The new wrinkle will be observing them to find something about them (or the situation) which you can use to ask the opening question. This time of year, it's almost trivial to start a conversation with anyone because you have Christmas as an excuse -- almost everyone is shopping or traveling or generally in a rush to finish things off by the end of the year.
Oh, by the way, this is incredibly useful in the business world as well. I can't tell you how many times I've ended up attending a meeting by myself with a room full of politics that I don't understand and people I've never met. In such a situation, you do the same kind of thing: "Hi, I'm ____ from _____." (They will tell you who they are.) After that, there are all kinds of follow-ups: "What do you think about the meeting so far?" "How did you get invited to this meeting?" "I have a question about something you said earlier in your presentation..." "What do you do at [their company name here]?" "Did you have to travel a long way to get here?" etc. Hell, I've even started a conversation asking about where someone bought a jacket -- whatever it takes to get the conversation started. You break the ice, establish a relationship, and can gain some interesting competitive intelligence if you're really good at it.
I'm basically an introvert by nature, so this kind of thing is not natural for me. But it CAN be learned and used to your advantage, even if it will never feel as comfortable as it would for an extrovert.
The other thing is that you have to have your "game face" on around all women. Being nice, honorable, etc. is NOT a bad thing -- those are the skills that you will need to maintain a relationship. But have to START one, and unless you do the right thing to make the girls want you, you're never going to get there. If you're in good shape, use physical flirting to your advantage where appropriate -- touching, playful wrestling, standing slightly within their personal space. ("Where appropriate" is a judgment just gotta know the girl.) Mostly, though, you need to always carry yourself as if you are worthy of being desired. When the girl at the library smiles at you, walk past her as if it's all she can do to keep from ripping your clothes off. The right frame of mind is that you are a COMMODITY: valuable, desirable, subject to competition. You're the seller, not the buyer.
Finally, ask your girl friends for their opinion on how you're seen. I've learned a lot from the females I know about a LOT of things: sex, fashion, first impressions.
The other thing is that you have to have your "game face" on around all women. Being nice, honorable, etc. is NOT a bad thing -- those are the skills that you will need to maintain a relationship. But have to START one, and unless you do the right thing to make the girls want you, you're never going to get there. If you're in good shape, use physical flirting to your advantage where appropriate -- touching, playful wrestling, standing slightly within their personal space. ("Where appropriate" is a judgment just gotta know the girl.) Mostly, though, you need to always carry yourself as if you are worthy of being desired. When the girl at the library smiles at you, walk past her as if it's all she can do to keep from ripping your clothes off. The right frame of mind is that you are a COMMODITY: valuable, desirable, subject to competition. You're the seller, not the buyer.
Boogie said:Judging from the last time you got so drunk you couldn't remember what you did, no, no you should not.