Did I said evil? I said a waste of time resources and that didn't make sense ≠ evilYes how evil of them to think about making another racing game, wtf?.
Because I didn't bring Sony in the first place. You did.Also how is using Sony as an example 'moving goal postsl?.
That's is not only bad example but you are proving my point:I used Sony as an example because they make a shit ton of 3rd person action games.
Let me put it in this way:
You are a racing fan, right? Whose catalog between Play Station and Xbox entices you the most?
I will assume Xbox. They are offering you a sim and arcady racing games.
Making another one will make you (a racing fan) happy. Correct?. 'You eating good'.
But if you are a 3rd Person Action Cinematic game...whose catalog is more enticing?
Play Station. Right?
Play station makes a shit tons of 3rd action games.....ok....if you a a fan or of those, you are eating good, more than good I would say. But if you like arcady racing games, PlayStation is offering jack shit.
See the point now?.
In other words:
MS doesn't need another racing game. (Especially when they are offering and arguably; the best ones in the market) even worst when the competition... Ain't
conversely, you could say that Play Station has too many 3rd Person games. And they lack at least a racing game to compete with Horizon.
hope this is clear.