REading you guys I kinda feel the Game got worse reviews for two reasons:
1. Series fatigue
2. Lower scores because of Unity fiasco. maybe?
Since you guys are enjoying it so much. Not that I care about the scores that much but it kinda feels unfair, reading you guys.
In sport there's a saying, "You're only as good as your last game".
Of course people are going to judge Syndicate relative to the other games, and especially relative to Unity. These games don't exist in a vacuum. People want to know if there's something new compared to the other games, or if Ubi did a better job on performance and bugs, and it's up to reviewers to deliver that information.
Totally understandable. Just that reading you guys, it seems like the game could have had a better reception if Ubi had not released Unity , for example.
I don't know though, it's just an impression. Inj any case, I'll be getting it.
*watching some early footage as one of characters runs up to a guard, kicks him to the ground, stabs him in the throat, all with a little kid nearby, who runs off screaming*
...Well, childhood trauma builds character.
what's the framerate on ps4?
I kind of want to buy this. Should I buy this? I'm not sure.
Is there an iOS companion app this year?
So speaking about Uplay earlier low and behold my brother inlaw sends me a message (which was rather odd see as I mentioned him previously) about Syndicate's season pass. More over the Jack The Ripper pack and what the leaflet inside the console game says, and I quote 'Scotland yard has called on Evie to stop Jack's bloodthirsty madness. Delve into the dart side of London and discover the link between Assassin's order and Jack'. Neither of us can recall Evie being mentioned as the protag of the DLC and seeing as Jack the Ripper is about 20 years after the base game is set we're guessing she'll be a little older and wiser now. Can't see anyone who's uploaded a pic of it to the internet and the bugger hasn't responded to me asking him to send me proof. If anyone wants to check or can confirm that's word for word might be of some interest to folks here (ha!)
Did anyone find a double air assassination skill? I didn't notice one anywhere.
It's a mandatory(?) upgrade during Evie's first mission.
May as well post this here. Anyone who has a copy could you confirm the bellow at all please. This was from the Season Pass leaflet inside a UK standard copy. Cheers
Double air
It does double air, the targeting is just slightly less forgiving than previous games.
YES! People thought so before, but it's great to have confirmation that the Jack the Ripper DLC is Evie centric.
YES! People thought so before, but it's great to have confirmation that the Jack the Ripper DLC is Evie centric.
For those who have played this and Unity, did they fix the garbage combat system from Unity? I swear it felt like I was fighting in molasses the entire game. The previous system may have been easy mode, but at least it didnt control like trash.
Digital Foundry published their performance analysis between the PS4 et Xbox One version:
Yikes. If Unify was similar, no wonder I couldn't stand it. Couple hours in and I was already doing boring filler missions, trying to level up or whatever.
It's kind of different actually. Attacks are faster, counters are less tied to animation priority, and you get a dedicated bullet dodge counter which is prompted by a big triangle above your head. I'm assuming you can turn off the blatant prompts but I haven't tried.
I should add it's also a fair bit easier. But most of the difficulty in Unity's combat came from the bullshit gun attacks which you couldn't avoid.
You could avoid gun shots, you had to be aware if them though.
"runaway train" is showing up as free on the xbox marketplace right now.
just grabbed it and downloaded it.
did not preorder it
Wait, the Gold Edition doesn't come with a disc?
Is that what this is saying?
Just received this bad boy out of nowhere
Questions for those who have played the game :
Take note the last AC game I played was Black Flag on 360, so I havnt played Unity or Rogue.
1 - How are the graphics in this game compared to current gen Unity/Black Flag? I know its not as good as Unity last year so how does it hold up to other games released this year? is it as good as Arkham Knight?
2. How is the fighting? - The videos I've seen make the fighting look really fast, doesnt animate so well and just very janky ... Does it feel better to play at least?
3. How does character switching work? and are you penalised for not using one character over the other? ... I usually play males in my game given the choice, but Evie looks more fun to me but if I constantly play as Evie i'm worried Jacob will be weakened
Questions for those who have played the game :
Take note the last AC game I played was Black Flag on 360, so I havnt played Unity or Rogue.
1 - How are the graphics in this game compared to current gen Unity/Black Flag? I know its not as good as Unity last year so how does it hold up to other games released this year? is it as good as Arkham Knight?
2. How is the fighting? - The videos I've seen make the fighting look really fast, doesnt animate so well and just very janky ... Does it feel better to play at least?
3. How does character switching work? and are you penalised for not using one character over the other? ... I usually play males in my game given the choice, but Evie looks more fun to me but if I constantly play as Evie i'm worried Jacob will be weakened