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Assassin's Creed Unity - Review Thread


I am really starting to regret my pre-order, even if I only paid €19 for it...

It seems like this happens every time I pre-order an Assassin's Creed game. The only other time I pre-ordered one was with AC3.




Might as well cross post my thoughts on the game so far from the OT:


ZeroX03's Embargo Breakin' Review Preview
(I've played for eight hours on PS4 w/ patch, 1/3 story, some sidequests, don't take me too seriously)

  • France is beautifully big.
  • Crowd density is insane.
  • Draw distance from synchro points. This city is big. [PIC]
  • Buildings you can enter. There's a lot more than in ACIII and IV. Maybe 1 in 20, which doesn't sound like a lot but it actually means running down a street you'll find somewhere you can duck into. Walk into a back alley? There's a way out. Makes maneuvering on the ground a lot more fun. Also you can see into buildings in general more. Really helps with the immersion.
  • Character customization has a lot of options. Most of them only change your character slightly but they're each visually different and you have 30+ options per piece of clothing. By the way: bright yellow assassins don't stand out any more than usual, but they fucking should. [PIC]
  • Bigger selection of weapons, including spears and heavy weapons you can keep permanently.
  • The rifts are shameless excuses to show cool stuff they otherwise couldn't.
  • Quick descend works well enough.
  • Tailing and assassination missions give you more freedom. Less fail states too. Not perfect at all but an improvement.
  • At times, some beautiful visuals. Spoilers for sequence 3: [PIC 1] [PIC 2]
  • For all intents and purposes, if you liked Assassin's Creed II and the Ezio trilogy you should like this. Technical issues aside.
  • It's playable and story is serviceable...

  • ...but it's only playable if you have high tolerance for low framerates, big pop in and a bundle of glitches. Or a computer that can really brute force it.
  • Story pacing is horrendous for the first third. It was like they were so afraid to repeat the sins of AC3's very long intro that they just rushed through story points. At one point the game just skips a year, but unless you read the mission description you wouldn't know. The world doesn't even get dark inbetween. Every mission has a big story beat, but it's hard for the emotion to land when it doesn't get any chance to breathe.
  • NPCs that can appear out of thin air with more skill than an assassin.
  • Stupidly bad frame drops and hitching in situations which should not be intensive (in rooms with no NPCs). I've had it go as bad as 9 frames without the image refreshing. At times the game will go 30, but if you're out exploring the world and a crowd hits: we're talking 20fps.
  • Climbing is still prone to taking you places where you don't want to go. And God forbid you jump on a small crate while running from enemies, you're completely fucked with no way to get off it.
  • Glitches that will require you to restart checkpoints. They happen a lot more than usual, within the first hour I fell through the floor.
  • Skills that were default in past AC games are now locked and you have to spend skill points on them (double assassinations, money bags, crowd blending). Bullshit.
  • One scene that randomly added a huge amount of film grain. Like TLoU photo mode on max.
  • Treasure chests linked to the companion app. Except you can't open them because uPlay is down.
  • The city is too big in places. All the other games were scaled down and traversal was simple and fast. Now if you say run into a dead end alley you'll probably have to scale a tall building. Because everything is huge. It's great for landmarks and synchro points but not so much for casual rooftop to rooftop Tarzan-style shenanigans.
  • Even with fast travel it can take too long to get around. The fast travel/synchro points aren't always in the most convenient locations. Or framerate stable.
  • Rifts don't render NPCs fully (no textures, just blue outlines) and they say it's because of the animus. Don't fucking kid us Ubi. We know you couldn't churn out new NPCs because of how understaffed you are.
  • There's way too much optional stuff crowding the map. If you love collectibles: fine. Because you've got a lifetime's worth here. For me it's to the point where I would rather not be wandering off every ten seconds. It's the epitome of padding. World Book of Records most padded game ever.
  • There's a shitload of fetch quests. And you have to return to the person who gave you the quest at the end of each one.
  • THEY REMOVED WHISTLING. Instead you have more inconsistent bombs that makes sounds. Sometimes they just won't investigate. And you're ammo limited on them.
  • If you're sick of Assassin's Creed, it'll probably just make you hate it more. It's not a franchise reinvention. It's Malibu Stacy with a new hat.
  • If you like modern day stuff, so far it seems you won't like this.
  • Long story: there are too many technical issues. I'm a forgiving guy. I can forgive a poor framerate, or lots of pop in or even ridiculous glitches. Those can be funny! But all three at the same time? No. Fuck no. This is an AAA game worked on by more people than probably any game ever. It needs serious forgiving.

Random Musings
  • Arno is French Ezio.
  • Generally a lot less focus on the hidden blades. You have to use a different weapon for combat.
  • Combat: You don't have guard break from the start. Parrying leaves you open if you whiff. 3 or less enemies you can still just mash attack to win. Four or more would be hard if you couldn't just drop a smoke bomb and kill them easily like every other AC game.
  • It hasn't completely crashed on me. But some menu screens make the fan whirl hard.
  • Game is really brutal. Corpses in the street. Stray heads about.

Eagerly awaiting.


holy fuck I'm choking
Reviewers man... Are reviews really THAT important? Destinys reviews weren't that great, still sold a TON. I guess, Marketing and perception is way More important than reviews for a lot of "gamers".
Considering how seriously corporations take reviews of their games and sometimes base bonuses, sequels, etc on them, yes these reviews are important. Not for us on the forum personally, but they're important to send a message to Ubi.


You don't need to be empathetic towards me.
Even with the amount of technical issues, there is NO way the big sites will give this game less than an 8.


They should've bit the bullet and let this game cook for another year. Having Rogue out on its own wouldn't have been so bad. Much better than tarnishing your brand and botching such a good setting.



You guys are really feeling it! :p

Not interested in AssCreed, but from the looks of it it's gonna be entertaining around here...*grabs chips because no pop corns*


It's sad that we have in front of us an unfinished, glitch-ridden bugfest and the metacritic predictions still range in the 60-70s range, lolz.


Hope its real bad so i don't have to buy it....lmao
I love the Creed series, most of em anyway but i try my best to stay away from the bad ones.


They should've bit the bullet and let this game cook for another year. Having Rogue out on its own wouldn't have been so bad. Much better than tarnishing your brand and botching such a good setting.


Watch_Dogs got delayed and was still shit. I don't agree with Miyamoto, some games will always be shit, no matter how long they're in development for.


Though the game should rightfully get grilled for its technical issues, I find I am enjoying it more than previous Assassins Creed games. Fighting and free-running has been revamped and i'm liking the changes. I'm also finding the side activities are a lot more interesting than those found in the past games.


Until the day comes where all game journalists agree to rate AAA-releases lower if they have glaring technical issues or overall bad performance this metacritic won't be below 75 since impressions from the actual game sound good. I'm gonna say it'll end up with a metacritic of 83.


I am still looking forward to playing later, but I am not feeling good about the reviews. The embargo is a giant red flag and so are some of the (hilarious) glitches I am seeing. I'm guessing somewhere around 70-75.
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