How would you rate the graphics compared to what's out there now? How would you rate it against PS4 God of War for example? Is it on the realm of what you would consider 'next-gen'? What games do you consider next-gen?
Hard to say because that would involve me having to play all those games which i don't. I compare it to AC games because of that reason and visually its a step forwards for sure the world and buildings look a lot more detailed than before ( PC ultra vs PC ultra ).
The reason i say PC ultra this is because let's be honest here a 1080ti runs ac valhalla at 1080p barely 60 fps on ultra and barely 30 fps at 4k, that means consoles will probably run it at lower settings to the point the world rich detailed environment will need to be butchered which is really noticable in ac games. ( the xbox reveal video's didn't look good at all for example )
God of war is designed differently and its a different game on top of it with a different focus. Not much comparable really. If u would compare it however u probably should pick RDR2 and i am sure that game will look better ( still waiting on a 15 buck sale to get that one ).
New AC games are all about exploration / doing objectives on the world map and fighting while basically walking through a museum of the past in a incredible rich detailed visual world with loads of mythology. story is basically nothing but tagged on stuff that isn't the meat of it, the historical architecture and descriptions of those architectures and cultures from the past. Different design philosophies.
AC valhalla isn't next gen even remotely. Its however a good step forwards visually over the older games. And that's all i cared for really as both origin and odyssey are perfectly fine for me. A next gen game for me to consider would be a jump forwards from black flag to unity in the same manner. But i don't think we will be seeing much anytime soon coming out with this. Specially with 4k and rt being a focus now on consoles. I would not be surprised that ac valhalla will age like witcher 3 basically did instead of black flag kinda. Its sad but probably the reality.
I don't think that's the main issue... I mean making it harder would fix that maybe (not that the combat seem involved enough anyway) but then instead of 45 hours of bloat you get more. This being his main complaint would probably make it an even worse experience.
If you would put demon souls on super easy and 1 shit every boss. U will be done with teh boring ass game in 2 hours and ask for a refund. The game will indeed just feel like a grind of walking through doors.
I play the game on the hardest mode and nowhere near is the game easy. I get absolutely deleted in 1 / 2 hits. Its not uncommon i have to redo a fight multiple times over as result. The difficulty is real. I am sure there is a power creep and things get better at some point and more easier. But so far its hard as hell and that's 26 hours of gameplay so far.
I agree with the other poster. If you complain about difficulty and u didn't play on the hardest mode but on normal which basically is "story mode" then yea u are basically asking to get ridiculed.