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Assembler Compiler / IDE

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I am looking to self-teach some assembler in my free time, and have been going through web tutorials. One of the major hang ups I am having is lack of a usable compiler and was wondering if anyone out there can suggest one. I am looking for somethign that will be reasonably easy to set up and use for x86 compiles, and will not necessarily have tons of features and such seeing as I am working on very basic stuff.

I have looked into MASM and TASM, but the former looks to be buggy as all hell, and I am definitely too stupid to get TASM functional. heh

A simple freeware/OS IDE would be optimal, if such a thing is available.






I started using inline assembly in high level languages, in my case Turbo Pascal 7.0.
It's only necessary to write in assembly if the function is called often (more often than not it won't even matter speed-wise).
If you want to program for modern systems, you should just brush up your algorithm's!


Will it be a concern for me to copy / paste the lib inclusions for masm?

%OUT- Written by Ferdi Smit for use with the "ASM Tutorial Part 1" -
; To compile: TASM examp1.asm -
; TLINK examp1.obj -
.model small
message db "Hello world, I'm learning Assembly !!!", "$"


main proc
mov ax,seg message
mov ds,ax

mov ah,09
lea dx,message
int 21h

mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
main endp
end main

This is the source I have started with, and I was rather aggravated to find that I had a list of lib inclusions for the specific compiler I was using, and that those inclusions were different depending on what compiler is used.

Should I just stop looking at learning this from a C++ POV?


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