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Associated Press Astro Boy: Omega Factor (GBA) approval



here is a quote

"Astro Boy: Omega Factor" for Nintendo's Game Boy Advance is an enjoyable title that pushes the little hand-held game device to its limits. There's also a mediocre PlayStation 2 version, simply called "Astro Boy."


After finishing "Omega Factor," I tried the PS2 version, where we finally see "Astro Boy" in three-dimensions. Graphics aren't enough to help this one.


Unless you're a big Astro Boy collector, I don't see any reason to plunk down $40 [for the PS2 version]. The curious will probably have their fill after renting it for a few days.

"Omega Factor" is a far better deal at $30 with its interesting story, colorful presentation and gameplay variety.

Three and a half stars out of four for "Omega Factor," two stars out of four for the PS2 version.

"The question is not can the PSP catch up to GBA, but can the PS2 catch up to GBA?"

if this is a pattern, with situations like this, probably not...

BTW, I think some customers are going to get sucked into the PS2 version by accident because of the assumption console versions are better than handheld versions :/


This is well known.

"The question is not can the PSP catch up to GBA, but can the PS2 catch up to GBA?"

if this is a pattern, with situations like this, probably not...
...are you for real?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
The GBA game kicks serious ass! From the initial camera pan with the massive city in the background, I knew this would be an energetic title.

Sonic Team -VS- Treasure!

Treasure wins this round!
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