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At what point a game becomes too old for you to play ?


Oblivion and Dragon's Dogma are about as far back as I'll go with 3d. Anything more and it becomes a little too clunky to be fun for me.

If it's arcade though I can go as far back as Asteroids and Scramble.
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*Refreshes biennially
Nice argument. Bet you never used or even knew about GZdoom free look until now.

Do you understand that GZDoom was released sometime in mid 00s and the original DOOM was released in 1993?

Hardware limitations?

A fork of the original code?

2 completely different things?

Refer to my previous post if you want to know what I think about your opinion. This forum... man :messenger_grinning_sweat:


Really depends on the game and mechanics. Wizardry 7? Still fun. Wizardry literally anything else? Dog shit.

Old games that don’t respect the players time. Dragon Quest 7 ps1 is just too fucking long for its own good. The 3ds one is still long for sure but doesn’t feel like as much of a slog.

I do find it harder to find the patience for NES and older titles whose only merit was their difficulty to try to pad out the play time.

I’m married with a family now. Any game I can play that has save states or quick suspend/resume is a god send.


Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
Do you understand that GZDoom was released sometime in mid 00s and the original DOOM was released in 1993?

Hardware limitations?

A fork of the original code?

2 completely different things?
Then why did you use the word timeless? Thanks for proving our point.
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voted poster of the decade by bots
You can't look up or down because DOOM is a 2D game. It's really not that hard to understand.

Of course, however doesn't change that it limits the gameplay dynamics vs most other first person shooters - not that hard to understand.


*Refreshes biennially
Of course, however doesn't change that it limits the gameplay dynamics vs most other first person shooters - not that hard to understand.

Does it make it not fun to play? (hint: no) Too old to play? (hint: of course no) Isn't it that's what the thread is about? So either get back on topic or GTFO.

Super Mario World is still one of the best platformers ever made. Hell, Nintendo to this day makes 2D Mario games. I wonder why are they doing it? 2D "limits the gameplay dynamics" so why would they do it?

I know what game I will be replying in few years. And it's not going to be Killzone Shadowfall. It will be original DOOM with its "limited gameplay", lol. :messenger_grinning_sweat:


voted poster of the decade by bots
Does it make it not fun to play? (hint: no) Too old to play? (hint: of course no) Isn't it that's what the thread is about? So either get back on topic or GTFO.

Super Mario World is still one of the best platformers ever made. Hell, Nintendo to this day makes 2D Mario games. I wonder why are they doing it? 2D "limits the gameplay dynamics" so why would they do it?

I know what game I will be replying in few years. And it's not going to be Killzone Shadowfall. It will be original DOOM with its "limited gameplay", lol. :messenger_grinning_sweat:

Your post is rediculous on so many levels. My responses are a direct reply to the thread topic, you disagree with what I said so I'm so supposed to gtfo? Beyond silly.

Never once said it wasn't still fun to play, or that I didn't like it. I said it doesn't measure up to modern fps in terms of raw gameplay, and that's true.

As far as super mario goes, I agree, it's still a blast to play and does in fact hold up well.
I won't play killzone either. But I would play doom 2016 or doom eternal over many times before I play doom because they are much better.
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I went decades making clean breaks when new consoles dropped. Things have changed a lot though. Clean breaks are definitely over. Now it seems I play mostly PS5 versions, with a couple PS4 games mixed in from time to time. And I'm still open for occasional doses of pure nostalgia on occasion. Short of nostalgia reasons, last gen is as far back as I will be going.


16bit generation games are my minimum for games that i play for the first time.

8 bit or older i can only stand games that i already have nostalgia for.


*Refreshes biennially
Your post is rediculous on so many levels. My responses are a direct reply to the thread topic, you disagree with what I said so I'm so supposed to gtfo? Beyond silly.

Never once said it wasn't still fun to play, or that I didn't like it. I said it doesn't measure up to modern fps in terms of raw gameplay, and that's true.

As far as super mario goes, I agree, it's still a blast to play and does in fact hold up well.
I won't play killzone either. But I would play doom 2016 or doom eternal over many times before I play doom because they are much better.

You are entitled to your (💩) opinion, like here:

Are you saying the original doom still plays awesome today vs modern games that are similar? Not really, I mean we have fond memories of it from the time, but its just not that great to actually play now.

Where as doom, doesn't quite hold up gameplay wise

My problem is that when asked why all you have to say is:

You can't even look up and down in doom, a very basic control feature by today's standards.

Yes, DOOM is missing modern day mechanics (thanks God) or 3rd dimension. Does it make it "not great to play"? Nope. Just like in case of SMW and dozens of other classic 2D games. They are still extremely enjoyable. There are entire communities dedicated to OG DOOM (I recommend you this YouTube channel, educate yourself). I wonder how many there are dedicated to Doom 2016. My guess is exactly 0.


voted poster of the decade by bots
You are entitled to your (💩) opinion, like here:

My problem is that when asked why all you have to say is:

Yes, DOOM is missing modern day mechanics (thanks God) or 3rd dimension. Does it make it "not great to play"? Nope. Just like in case of SMW and dozens of other classic 2D games. They are still extremely enjoyable. There are entire communities dedicated to OG DOOM (I recommend you this YouTube channel, educate yourself). I wonder how many there are dedicated to Doom 2016. My guess is exactly 0.

We get it, you love the og doom. Some games hold up, others don't, they aren't directly tied to your self esteem, you know?
No need to lay an egg.

The game is just ok by today's standards, but you can continue living in 1993 if you want.
I'm not required to write an essay to you substantiating my opinion, don't have that kind of time. Plus you wouldn't agree even if I did.
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*Refreshes biennially
We get it, you love the og doom. Some games hold up, others don't, they aren't directly tied to your self esteem, you know?

The game is just ok by today's standards, but you can continue living in 1993 if you want.
I'm not required to write an essay to you substantiating my opinion, don't have that kind of time. Plus you wouldn't agree even if I did.

No, I wouldn't agree with you. Hard to treat seriously someone who has no clue. Even harder with someone who's blatantly lying.

Have a good day, sir.

Never once said it wasn't still fun to play, or that I didn't like it.
Are you saying the original doom still plays awesome today vs modern games that are similar? Not really, I mean we have fond memories of it from the time, but its just not that great to actually play now.


Gold Member
I still enjoy Adventure on Atari 2600. Mode 3 - full kingdom with random object placement is super challenging and plays well. Missle Command, Asteroids, Centipede, Tempest all still hold up well to me and I still enjoy playing them.

Graphics are nice in modern games but there's a lot to be said for gameplay that holds up for decades.


voted poster of the decade by bots
No, I wouldn't agree with you. Hard to treat seriously someone who has no clue. Even harder with someone who's blatantly lying.

Have a good day, sir.

Lol, so a person who has a different opinion than you is a liar and no clue? What a closed off world you live in. And your seriously in the wrong forums if you can't handle a different opinion.


What time is it?
The only concrete example I can give is that the moment after a Sonic game is released, it is too old to play.


Outside of strategy, puzzle and sports...

It has to at least have some semblance of a (good) story and/or kick ass gameplay mechanics, otherwise age doesn't matter
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I started gaming around the late 90s. My first console was a PS1 though I also played PC games during that period.

Honestly anything prior to the 5th gen outside of JRPGs aren’t really fun for the most part for me. There’s exceptions of course.
For me I'd say PS3/360 era is about as far back as I'd go for most things. The graphics are just so dated when you go back to the PS2/Xbox era, I just can't deal with how basic the visuals are. It's crazy to me how big of a jump there were between those generations. The original halo which looks horrible now and TLOU were one generation apart. Crazy how far generations changed things in those days, compared to the difference in the PS4/5 generations where the leaps just aren't seemingly that big visually.
I too have never been able to get into Deus Ex and I think the first time I played it was 2004, it felt archaic back then even.

I'm also a complete dumbass when it comes to how certain PC games play and control. It was probably 75% me, 25% the game.

Same applies to System Shock 1 & 2, just can't get into it.


Yeah I don’t think Deus Ex ever had amazing feel to the combat.

It was always more of an rpg where you happened to be shooting. Stats and tactics and choices were what make is fun.
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It’s actually the other way around for me… that sometimes I feel too old for the game and it’s intended audience. Old games and new games, and anything in between. No country for old man, indeed. :(

But on to the main point - my threshhold os 8bit and before. I used to love and still love old games, but I don’t play them till ending like I used to do. I get the quick fix, and move on for a good while.
It just has to be good. It may be great to look at or great to play but it just has to have that "it" feeling when playing or sharing.
Depends on how strong the nostalgia drug is for that specific game.


I have a hard time playing 3D games I have no prior experience with that were released before the PS360 era (PS1/DC/OG Xbox/PS2). If it's a game that I have some nostalgia for, something I played a lot at the time, it's completely different and I can go back and play those for hours.

The weirdest thing is I can go back even further to 2D and I can enjoy games I had not played. 🤷‍♂️


Any old school 3d game with no 2nd analog stick to control the camera. I remember trying to play some of the game sthat came with the ps mini like twisted metal, jumping flash, etc. Having to press a button to rotate the camera left and right was utter shit, dont know how i did it when i was a kid.
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*Refreshes biennially
Lol, so a person who has a different opinion than you is a liar and no clue? What a closed off world you live in. And your seriously in the wrong forums if you can't handle a different opinion.

I don't know why I'm wasting time on you. On page 4 you said:

Are you saying the original doom still plays awesome today vs modern games that are similar? Not really, I mean we have fond memories of it from the time, but its just not that great to actually play now.

And on page 5 you said:

Never once said it wasn't still fun to play, or that I didn't like it. I said it doesn't measure up to modern fps in terms of raw gameplay, and that's true.

So which one is it? Seriously, don't even bother replying. Bye.
Ehhhh. I mostly agree with all who've said if a game is good, it's always good.

I played the original FFVII, Xenogears, and Chrono Trigger for the first time during peak COVID lockdowns and they were incredible. If anything, the quality of the games despite their age made them blow my mind even more. And while I do enjoy classic DOOMs and DOOM 3, I can't get enough of 2016 and Eternal to go back and play the older titles.


I find NES games and anything older to be hard to go back to. I enjoy checking them out sometimes, to see more simple takes on games and where we came from, but anything pre-90's just feels too "before my time" for me to have any real nostalgia and there was also a big shift in the quality of games from the 90's on. Like if you see how these old NES games were on AVGN so many of them had janky design or just straight up stupid cryptic stuff going on. Feels like games got a lot easier to enjoy later.


Just depends on the game. Like some NES games I'm okay with playing even now but some I would loathe playing.
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