I thought it was implied pretty clearly without actually showing anything thatFranz was horribly mutilated in some way that would make CPR pointless.
The whole point of doing scenes like that, is that you do a money shot at the end.
I thought it was implied pretty clearly without actually showing anything thatFranz was horribly mutilated in some way that would make CPR pointless.
What's a money shot? There was no money involved in that scene.
I don't know, I thoughtThe angle could have been better.Hannah's gear kind of made it unclear his entire bottom half was gone.
Ep 6 spoilers
I don't understand why some of you feel like it's indispensable to always have the blood and guts in full view whenever possible. Sometimes it's more impactful to just leave things to the imagination than to have gratuitous gore everywhere, you know? I mean, what the hell did you guys think was going on in that scene based on the character's actions and demeanor? That maybe the guy had simply shat his pants in fear and was too embarrassed to answer back so he was just faking it?
Ep 6 spoilers
I don't understand why some of you feel like it's indispensable to always have the blood and guts in full view whenever possible. Sometimes it's more impactful to just leave things to the imagination than to have gratuitous gore everywhere, you know? I mean, what the hell did you guys think was going on in that scene based on the character's actions and demeanor? That maybe the guy had simply shat his pants in fear and was too embarrassed to answer back so he was just faking it?
I generally don't mind censoring, it's to be expected, butthe entire point of that scene is the reveal shot. You go from:
Hidden shots: Oh, another minor character died. That's sad. To:
Reveal shot: Holy shit, she's trying to revive her lover's upper torso
Not a huge deal, but I'm not fond of it at all when it changes the meaning of a scene.
http://i.minus.com/iUVLuv7kaKEZo.jpg <- SPOILER
dude is clearly half the man he used to be in this frame. c'mon now. besides i'm sure it'll be "fixed" in the BDs in any case.
Careful with manga spoilers!I'm kinda disappointed that episode 6 ended with the flashback. I thought it was going to end with. I felt like that would have more impact as a cliffhanger. Still a good episode. I never noticed that Misaka crushed the knife handle in the manga. Holy shit.Misaka being rescued
I generally don't mind censoring, it's to be expected, butthe entire point of that scene is the reveal shot. You go from:
Hidden shots: Oh, another minor character died. That's sad. To:
Reveal shot: Holy shit, she's trying to revive her lover's upper torso
Not a huge deal, but I'm not fond of it at all when it changes the meaning of a scene.
Ep 6 spoilers
I don't understand why some of you feel like it's indispensable to always have the blood and guts in full view whenever possible. Sometimes it's more impactful to just leave things to the imagination than to have gratuitous gore everywhere, you know? I mean, what the hell did you guys think was going on in that scene based on the character's actions and demeanor? That maybe the guy had simply shat his pants in fear and was too embarrassed to answer back so he was just faking it?
Probably means they got their working raw from the studio at the very last second. Their priority would be getting it to the stations rather than some overseas streaming distributor.
It's the same situation as to why the Fukuoka and Hokkaido networks have been broadcasting incomplete versions of the episodes even though they only air it 2 days later. Different broadcasters have their own deadlines for submission of materials due to various reasons. In the case of FUNi and CR, they're online streaming services so they can afford to wait for the finished materials even if it means a delay in streaming. The Japanese viewers in the Fukuoka and Hokkaido regions aren't so lucky, so they have to settle for an unfinished version which gets submitted to the broadcasters earlier.
They're basically working down to the wire here, probably finishing the episodes within the day or within hours of it broadcasting on the primary station on Saturday nights.
What the hell, Crunchyroll?
What the hell, Crunchyroll?
I never regretted paying for Crunchyroll until now.
What the hell, Crunchyroll?
What the hell, Crunchyroll?
Said post:Update: The delay was longer than was expected. However, we anticipate having the video up within the next 12 hours barring anything else going wrong. (Around or before approximately 9am PT on Monday.) We thank you for your continued patience.
Please see this post for some additional details: http://www.crunchyroll.com/forumtopic-803059/attack-on-titan-air-time?fpid=43156915
.Original release time or not, unfortunately there is a technical issue with the licensor's delivery system causing a delay for the video to be delivered to us. As for the 7:50 pm MDT release time, that was not the intended release time. That listed time goes by the time the previous episode aired. Generally the time stays the same week to week but, due to the delays we've been having with AoT, the time listed for it was not accurate. The only accurate expected release time is when the episode itself is listed as Coming Soon with an exact release time as that is manually set.
That said, we're working to get a stable release time so that this doesn't keep happening as we're just as upset about it as everyone else.
They did the same censoring technique with the Jojo anime.
To the current Episode 6 discussion in this thread:I didn't even notice Franz was missing half of his body until I read this thread. Am I blind, or?
To the current Episode 6 discussion in this thread:I didn't even notice Franz was missing half of his body until I read this thread. Am I blind, or?
Blind. It was the same in the manga.
See, this is exactly what I mean. It could have been more apparent.
No, it wasn't. It was in full view in the manga.
I have not watched anime since Evangelion, and I can honestly say this is some amazing shit. I would even say it's one of those animes that come along every 10+ years, like Kenshin, EVA, Death Note, etc.
Gripping as hell. Thanks for this, GAF.
Nice work.
oh my, imagine if Hollywood have the rights to this. I feel that it would be better.
Watch Steins;Gate and Mirai Nikki for other gripping ones. Kaiji is also great.
It would have a budget and ample production time then, so definitely better.oh my, imagine if Hollywood have the rights to this. I feel that it would be better.
Beiber as Eren.It would have a budget and ample production time then, so definitely better.
Before the anime aired I thought the first wall breach + battle of Trost would have made a wholesome live action Hollywood movie. Especially since most of the cast is white lol.
Nice work.
Beiber as Eren.
You asked for this.
I woke up in the morning to check on the ep and it was delayed. Came home earlier at 7:30pm and still not up, now currently 9:30pm... WTF!!!!!
I never regretted paying for Crunchyroll until now.
If it wasn't for HxH and Devil Summoner I would've un-subbed instantly after this and last week's bullshit.
That's how I'm going to imagine this scene from now on.Ep 6 spoilers
maybe the guy had simply shat his pants in fear and was too embarrassed to answer back so he was just faking it?