Audio Mullet
Audio Mullet: Discussing topics that are out of fashion, and yet eternally cool, audibly. Featuring Mike Nelson of Rifftrax, Doug TenNapel of Earthworm Jim, and Ethan Nicolle of Axe Cop. This is not an explicit podcast but it is also not recommended for kids.
this is basically a sister podcast to the Babylon Bee, which more or less the Christian version of The Onion. at one point Mike Nelson from MST3K was a semi-regular on the show, but during Summer 2020 there was a cancellation attempt and he ended up leaving it for good. Doug is an outspoken conservative Christian with a loud mouth so he says things that gets him in deep trouble from time to time. Ethan by contrast is really nice and tries to act as the more level headed counter to Doug's manic behavior.Audio Mullet is a podcast about things that may have gone out of fashion but are eternally cool. Doug TenNapel (Earthworm Jim / Catscratch) and Ethan Nicolle (Axe Cop/Bearmageddon) get together every week to have a conversation about something out of style. They also talk about other things like their dads. old jobs, and occasionally a fart story. Find more about audiomullet and listen to bonus content at www.audiomullet.com
imo the show is hilarious and very unique. as a Christian it is hard to find good content to watch and especially good comedy. they talk about issues both worldly and spiritual. so these guys and the Babylon Bee are a godsend in those departments. this is a lot of boomer dad talk, and they embrace things that are old and outdated and uncool, which is why the show is called Audio Mullet in the first place.
there is a new Audio Mullet podcast out:
Audio Mullet: Audio Mullet #65: Too Far
In this episode of Audio Mullet, Doug TenNapel, Ethan Nicolle, and Kyle Mann discuss the current political climate, what they fear the future holds, and the importance of voting. They take two questions; one from Peter who goes to a very legalistic, old-fashioned church and is considering...
this episode they discuss the ongoing riots and culture wars as well as the usual dadtalk chit chat. they bring up the loss of the Black Panther actor Chadwick Boseman. for the latter, Doug says he was watching the movie and came to the part where they are fighting to see who gets to be Black Panther, and in the background is a guy with the giant plate in his lip. Wakanda is based on an old white man's idea of Africa (Stan Lee) and is very tropey and based on b-movie jungle stereotypes, so they included all these tribal cultures like this one. he wondered what if he won the contest to be the king? then they would have to re-design the Black Panther costume to accommodate that giant lip plate! imagine that lol.
anyways yeah it's good stuff.
mods - if you feel this should be in politics, please relocate
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