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Talk Tuah with Haliey Welch is a Top 10 podcast


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
That’s Rogan’s claim, yes.
Jesus Christ

So the #1 podcaster in the world is saying stuff like that... we certainly live in a society. Like if Rogan was just a guy who announces MMA or hosts TV shows I'd hardly think that much of it, but dude is not just that lol
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Yup. Timecoded:

Matt Walsh is stuck defending the reality of the moon landing after going on Rogan to talk about his movie.

It's really grim out there, tbh, when you talk with average people. A lot of folks don't even believe space is real anymore. There's so much brain rot being consumed.

The more popular Rogan has become, the more it has exposed how much of an absolute fucking moron he is. Which always tend to happen. Dumb fucking people will always eventually show the world how fucking dumb they are, if given enough time and space to do so.

Back on topic, good for Hailey Welch. Spinning something so asinine into what appears to be a fairly sensibly planned out career is quite admirable, really.
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Gold Member
Is that what Rogan said or someone else?

So that person doesn't just think the Moon landing 'footage" is fake he thinks we've never left earth's atmosphere? lol I hope that's not what Rogan believes.
The guy A. thinks there is an extremely lethal radiation zone, so NO ONE could pass through it and B. that all the 'footage' we see from inside the capsule (showing the earth in the distance) or on the moon itself was faked and/or shot from low earth orbit only.

Now I think it's extremely unlikely that there is a fatal rad zone, because if there was (and we knew about to the point where we wouldn't try to cross it, then clearly the soviets couldn't cross it either so why fake it, just let the soviets send cosmonaut after cosmonaut to their deaths) then no one would try to go to the moon and clearly folks have.

Buuuuut, I do entertain the possiblity that the footage we have seen was fake/reproductions because the 'real' footage was lost, destroyed, unusable, or just poorly shot so some PR folks had a back-up that was AT LEAST filmed (leading to reports of a moon stage) if not at least partially used at times.

Now did Buzz set foot on the moon? Probably. But is it POSSIBLE that they couldn't land and claimed they did to score points against the Soviets and justify all this $$$ spent? Sure. I don't think Buzz and his crew were just sitting in hammocks sipping mai-tais the whole time, they were most certainly in a capsule out in space, but did they land? It's a non-zero possibility that they didn't (but later crews did). We've all seen the rocket go up, and a capsule did come down, so the space flight def did happen.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
J jason10mm honestly not gona debate that shit here lol you do you tho

More generally though.. the whole "I learned about this one thing from a science and am going to focus on it to ignore the rest of that exact same scientific field" thing is good stuff from Rogan.

Hopefully Hawk Tuah girl can correct this imbalance and bring true intelligent debate to the world of podcasts!
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Gold Member
Jesus Christ

So the #1 podcaster in the world is saying stuff like that... we certainly live in a society. Like if Rogan was just a guy who announces MMA or hosts TV shows I'd hardly think that much of it, but dude is not just that lol
Rogan has ALWAYS been that way though, he had a damned TV show all about it!

He gives airtime to stuff like Terrence Howards wacky frequency "1x1 must equal 2" math stuff, as well as ancient civilizations, social media manipulation, neural implants letting you play CoD, and drunk and/or high comedians. He is an entertainment podcast, 100%, but thats obvious. And he is about the only guy who could host a geologist and an "asteroid ended the ice age and wiped out some sort of high civilization" theorist, or a "does fat cause heart attacks" debate between a cardiac surgeon and a fitness guru.


Gold Member
J jason10mm honestly not gona debate that shit here lol you do you tho

More generally though.. the whole "I learned about this one thing from a science and am going to focus on it to ignore the rest of that exact same scientific field" thing is good stuff from Rogan.

Hopefully Hawk Tuah girl can correct this imbalance and bring true intelligent debate to the world of podcasts!
Heh heh, well hopefully in our lifetimes we can hire a lunar rover drone and head over to inspect the landing sites for ourselves. It's not like I'm a Roman Empire denier, JFC somma you guys paint with a broad ass brush :p

Too bad we can't discuss some of the more topical things Rogan has been covering lately. Politics be CRAZY!

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
The more popular Rogan has become, the more it has exposed how much of an absolute fucking moron he is. Which always tend to happen. Dumb fucking people will always eventually show the world how fucking dumb they are, if given enough time and space to do so.
Who made Joe Rogan popular in the first place?

Stoners and MMA Meatheads?


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Rogan has ALWAYS been that way though, he had a damned TV show all about it!

He gives airtime to stuff like Terrence Howards wacky frequency "1x1 must equal 2" math stuff, as well as ancient civilizations, social media manipulation, neural implants letting you play CoD, and drunk and/or high comedians. He is an entertainment podcast, 100%, but thats obvious. And he is about the only guy who could host a geologist and an "asteroid ended the ice age and wiped out some sort of high civilization" theorist, or a "does fat cause heart attacks" debate between a cardiac surgeon and a fitness guru.
It's "entertainment" but it's also absolutely editorial content. Rogan most likely thinks he's educating people on topics along with entertaining them, and even if HE doesn't the material is treated that way by loads of folks.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
The more popular Rogan has become, the more it has exposed how much of an absolute fucking moron he is. Which always tend to happen. Dumb fucking people will always eventually show the world how fucking dumb they are, if given enough time and space to do so.

Back on topic, good for Hailey Welch. Spinning something so asinine into what appears to be a fairly sensibly planned out career is quite admirable, really.
Early JRE podcasts were basically 75% about Joe getting high with his friends and talking about ancient aliens from Atlantis and conspiracy theories. Then he'd have an interesting legitimate guest on and would be a good listener and not bring up that stuff. Those were often gold, since he was one of the only people doing a long format podcast like that. Great to listen to on long road trips like when I was exploring the United States. When he really blew up, he all but eliminated the ancient aliens and faked moon landing talk, and leaned into the interesting guests angle. It worked really well for him and he became the top podcaster. After the proverbial f you money was secured with the Spotify deal, though, he began to revert.


Heh heh, well hopefully in our lifetimes we can hire a lunar rover drone and head over to inspect the landing sites for ourselves. It's not like I'm a Roman Empire denier, JFC somma you guys paint with a broad ass brush :p

The main point about the moon landings is that there's so much verifiable, independent, easy to access information that proves they happened, that you have to be either wilfully ignorant or crushingly stupid to believe they didn't happen in the way they so obviously did.

This applies to a great many other topics as well.


Who made Joe Rogan popular in the first place?

Stoners and MMA Meatheads?

See Evilore's comment. Rogan supressed the idiotic, brain dead stuff, because he was at least smart enough to know it would have ruined him. But now he's as big as he is, the dumb shit comes back. And now people are too invested in him to see it for what it really is. It's a shame, he's a very good podcaster... but also suffers from a high degree of brain rot.
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It was more like an hour long ignorant tirade about how humans can’t pass through the Van Allen belt, not a comment.
Oh… I see. That’s not cool. I only watched the first bit where it looked like Walsh was thinking he was just taking a piss.

How can people still think this? There is literally stuff up there still


Gold Member
It's "entertainment" but it's also absolutely editorial content. Rogan most likely thinks he's educating people on topics along with entertaining them, and even if HE doesn't the material is treated that way by loads of folks.
Thats why I'm curious if his recent discussion topics, which we can't cover here, will move the needle. If he is really hitting 15 million+ folks with that stuff....wow, that's more than EVERY cable news station...COMBINED, probably more than any single news source anywhere. Obviously there are twitter/IG folks with far more subs, but 90% of those are probably bot accounts, not sure if podcasts are as susceptible to that type of contamination.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Thats why I'm curious if his recent discussion topics, which we can't cover here, will move the needle. If he is really hitting 15 million+ folks with that stuff....wow, that's more than EVERY cable news station...COMBINED, probably more than any single news source anywhere. Obviously there are twitter/IG folks with far more subs, but 90% of those are probably bot accounts, not sure if podcasts are as susceptible to that type of contamination.
You mean the p*litic*l stuff? (haha jk on the censor'd word)

I have no idea how much that would move any needle. Certainly more than if he didn't just say that stuff. But yeah as far as like is he REALLY moving the needle that much? The things he says also get spread to Instagram/TikTok/Twitter/etc. and seen by an even wider audience than his podcast.

It's just impossible to measure other than "it does at least a non-zero amount." I think a lot of it is probably preaching to the choir though and/or a lot of non-voters in US elections. US is surely the largest audience but he's big worldwide and with people too young to vote/not interested in voting.

And I feel like this kind of convo is allowed here, as it's not about the specifics but the idea of influence someone like Rogan would have. (which is why I balk on arguing about conspiracy theories too much here as IIRC that's also not a topic not desired here but I think meta-conversations are fine)
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Anything is hypothetically possible. It’s possible that your mom was knocked up by an ancient Atlantean alien, which makes you Aquaman. Get a paternity test and find out. Congrats in advance!

To take any claim seriously requires credible evidence. And the more extreme the claim, the more solid the evidence required to be taken seriously. There is no credible evidence that the moon landing was faked, and an overwhelming amount of evidence that it’s real. Not understanding science doesn’t count as evidence.


Joe Rogan is back to thinking the moon landing is fake again, and berating random guests about it for an hour at a time, so I guess we’re in dire straits all around with what Americans listen to!
I seriously don't know how people do it anymore. Podcast have become ridiculous, it's like television where you're fighting for ratings.

At this point I don't even listen anymore, rather read or listen to books, go outside than give my attention to podcast. REALLY understanding older folks who live in their own bubble and catch up on the news just to make sure there's not a gas cloud over their head or something
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Early JRE podcasts were basically 75% about Joe getting high with his friends and talking about ancient aliens from Atlantis and conspiracy theories. Then he'd have an interesting legitimate guest on and would be a good listener and not bring up that stuff. Those were often gold, since he was one of the only people doing a long format podcast like that. Great to listen to on long road trips like when I was exploring the United States. When he really blew up, he all but eliminated the ancient aliens and faked moon landing talk, and leaned into the interesting guests angle. It worked really well for him and he became the top podcaster. After the proverbial f you money was secured with the Spotify deal, though, he began to revert.
There's actually a pretty funny clip where Joe talks about that.



Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Anything is hypothetically possible. It’s possible that your mom was knocked up by an ancient Atlantean alien, which makes you Aquaman. Get a paternity test and find out. Congrats in advance!

To take any claim seriously requires credible evidence. And the more extreme the claim, the more solid the evidence required to be taken seriously. There is no credible evidence that the moon landing was faked, and an overwhelming amount of evidence that it’s real. Not understanding science doesn’t count as evidence.
Yeah and it's not just evidence produced or observed by some nebulous idea of "the government" But that's really the majority of popularized fringe "conspiracy theories." They aren't fringe because everyone else is wrong, they are fringe because there is no argument that isn't ignoring loads of facts at best but more often than not just outright misrepresenting them.
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Gold Member
Joe Rogan is back to thinking the moon landing is fake again, and berating random guests about it for an hour at a time, so I guess we’re in dire straits all around with what Americans listen to!

I really miss the the old days of the JRE when it was just Joe and his friends (Brian, Joey Diaz, Duncan, Ari, etc) just casually hanging out, getting high, and talking about random shit. Current JRE does offer some value, but to me it's not as entertaining or fun as it used to be. Joe definitely got high on his own supply as time went on.

As for the brain rot, yeah it sucks and hits a bit close to home. My mom went full Q-Anon after 2020. Went deep into the conspiracy rabbit hole. You can pretty much predict her opinion on anything by knowing that she will always (and I mean always) think the opposite of what the media and government says. She doesn't think the earth is flat, but she thinks it could be flat or it could be spherical, and that she doesn't know what to believe. Which to me is just as bad as believing the earth is flat.

I don't know how the internet, a tool that has gifted us near unlimited information at our fingertips, has made society as a whole far dumber than they used to be.


Gold Member
So were there WMDs in Iraq? What happened in the Bay of Tonkin? Who did shoot JFK? Does Ivermectin have anti-viral properties or is it just horse-paste? Did the Nazis really believe the allies were gonna show up on the wrong beach?

Plenty of examples of a government (or part of one) successfully pulling off stuff and plenty of examples where they try and get caught out. You CRAZY if you take everything at face value. Was the space program 100% the way its told? Of course not. There are ALWAYS secrets, cover-ups, and falsehoods used for gain. If there is a 1% doubt that some aspect of the moon landings wasn't told accurately, and deliberately so, then it's just the history of lies by the government to blame.

But sure, I believe the moon landings happened, and I've even met a few of the men who made it happen. Doesn't mean that there isn't a little bit that wonders about aspects of it though and tricking the soviets (and the world) into believing we landed earlier than we did so they would quit is some epic level trolling :p


Flashless at the Golden Globes
good for her. i thought she was legit hilarious and not just a pretty face which is why she went viral in the first place. plenty of hot girls on the internet saying crass things. she always had that extra something about her that appealed to dudes.

no idea who the hell is watching her podcast though. cant be dudes watching a girl talk for two hours. cant be women. they hate each other. id like to see the demographics breakdown on her podcast.


Lil’ Gobbie
He isn’t saying that, he is really trying to just stir the pot. He said it’s a less than zero chance that we didn’t.

It’s more of a comment about not trusting authorities and the crap they feed us than not thinking we went to the moon. At least that’s what I got from it.

I think he actually misspoke when he said that
Joe Rogan has always been an idiot. He used to work with getting punched in the head, for christs sake, and his way of educating himself is via tiktok and conspiracy-youtubers.

Seeing that girl taking a respectable path is great. To be honest, it is not as if most other podcast hosts are there because they are rocket scientists.

Edit: Candace Owens, Rogan, Tucker Carlson, Megan Kelly? Basically a receipt of how stupid the english speaking world is.
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West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Joe Rogan has always been an idiot. He used to work with getting punched in the head, for christs sake, and his way of educating himself is via tiktok and conspiracy-youtubers.

Seeing that girl taking a redsectable path is great. To be honest, it is not as if most other podcast hosts are there because they are rocket scientists.
Thank GIF


Saw a vid about her podcast via Asmon who broke that shit down

Goes well with your peak America thread. They should sponser her. An Oreo with a creamy spit pattern on top.

I really don't have anything to say about this.

It's that dumb I guess.

Also just woke up lol.

Edit: what's good tommib tommib
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Jesus Christ

So the #1 podcaster in the world is saying stuff like that... we certainly live in a society. Like if Rogan was just a guy who announces MMA or hosts TV shows I'd hardly think that much of it, but dude is not just that lol

The worst thing about Rogan is his "comedy".

Not intended to derail.


not tag worthy
Joe Rogan is back to thinking the moon landing is fake again, and berating random guests about it for an hour at a time, so I guess we’re in dire straits all around with what Americans listen to!
So glad I’m from England which is doing much bett……
Jim Carrey Reaction GIF

Oh wait
We have Louis Theroux
dance displaying GIF

british comedy GIF
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Gold Member
I listened to an episode with Whitney Cummings, they started discussing getting Botox in the armpits to remove sweat glands, and how eventually body odour finds its way out from the vagina. I was disgusted.


Yup. Timecoded:

Matt Walsh is stuck defending the reality of the moon landing after going on Rogan to talk about his movie.

It's really grim out there, tbh, when you talk with average people. A lot of folks don't even believe space is real anymore. There's so much brain rot being consumed.

This was a while back, more than 10 years ago, so I may be a bit fuzzy on the details but I remember hearing Neil deGrasse Tyson talk Rogan through all the ways we could be sure that the moon landing took place and Rogan then came around to the idea and accepted that it wasn’t staged. Him going back to deciding he no longer believes it is kinda damning.
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