Dr Duncan Steel
all this pressure for sina 
I'm calling it right now. Next-gen versions will be delayed, while current-gen will ship on time.
Is this joke being....... run into the ground?Is Roman Reigns...bleeedating?
Is this joke being....... run into the ground?
How long has this stream been going for?
Austin breaking all kinds of kayfabe
Why isn't this on the Network?\
How long has this stream been going for?
Why isn't this on the Network?\
I think WWE 2K15 is a pretty big change. You guys have seen the screenshots and it really does look like that. They did also work a lot on the animations. they apparently now have 5 times as many animations as in the previous games. That especially shows when someone is getting up and someone else is attacking. There is way less hitting the air going on now. The chain wrestling mechanic is interesting but I am not sure how much I like it at this point. It kinda is a rock, paper, scissors thing and then it's all about finding the right pressure point with the right stick. It might be because I was not yet used to it but I thought it slows the match down a bit too much. It makes sense to not throw out your most powerful moves immediately and it that sense it's more "realistic" but I don't know if that is much fun. The stamina system though is a good improvement. It definitely contributes to the matches flowing more like a real match. I'm not sure what else to say, so maybe just ask if you want to know something specific. I played the demo a couple of times and got a presentation from the 2K guys as well.
Edit: Oh right, the showcase mode seemed cool. You get slick video packages explaining the feud. They showed us one that lead up to the CM Punk pipe bomb. Then during the matches you actually get objectives you have to fulfill. In this match you had to critically damage Cena as Punk. There will apparently be more than one as well.
So the showcase mode is basically the Wrestlemania mode from last year except you only get 2 feuds instead of like the 6 from last year.
oh no Sting...