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August Wrasslin’ |OT| When Russo Shoots, He Shoots To Kill


Natalya looking like Guy Fawkes

Toyonobori (c) vs The Destroyer - WWA World Heavyweight Title - (JWA 1965/02/26)

Starting his career as a sumo wrestler, Toyonobori was lured to pro-wrestling by Rikidozan's JWA in the early 50's and became the secondary native star of the promotion, winning a number of WWA tag championships with Rikidozan. But it wasn't until 'the father of puroresu' died that Toyonobori got his moment in the spotlight, now acting as president of the JWA. He defeated The Destroyer for the Los Angeles version of the WWA World Heavyweight Title in December '64, but the WWA didn't recognise the switch and The Destroyer returned to LA and dropped the title to Pedro Morales (Beyer had his own version of the WWA title he kept so he could proclaim himself champion when he toured foreign countries and this was the version Toyonobori now possessed). Anywho, fast forward to early '65 and The Destroyer's back to reclaim his belt. Toyonobori's not the most emotive of wrestlers, but he's built like a brick shit house and solid enough in the ring with his sumo and judo background, however the match is mostly carried by The Destroyer, be it through his selling and technique throughout the protracted hold sequences, or his comedic timing that helped endear him so much to the Japanese people over the course of his career. Toyonobori holds his own here, but he doesn't have the charisma of Rikidozan, so it's left to Destroyer to keep the crowd enthralled and make his opponent look like a champion, which he does with a deft touch. Good structure to this one as well, all three falls feel distinct and important.

Later, after losing the WWA title to Luke Graham in Los Angeles, Toyonobori was replaced as president and the JWA started to focus on Giant Baba as the star, giving him the NWA International Title that had been held up since Rikidozan's death in '63 and was considered the main title of the promotion. Snubbed, Toyonobori attempted a coup and was fired by the JWA, but he took a disgruntled young wrestler Antonio Inoki with him and formed Tokyo Pro-Wrestling, promising Inoki he'd be the star of the promotion, which was the first real competitor to the JWA. However, within a year Inoki would return to the JWA and Tokyo Pro struggled without its young star. In 1966 Toyonobori ended up merging Tokyo Pro with upstart promotion International Wrestling Enterprise (which is famous for creating the first Japanese title to be internationally recognised as a World Title when Billy Robinson became the fist champion and then defended the belt abroad). The Destroyer wouldn't hold the WWA title again officially, but continued to defend his version around the world.
So can someone can explain this Kane situation to me. I haven't been watching since WM and I know he came back as regular Kane and now he's Corporate Kane again is he swtiching between these persona's or something/ Just curious
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