I dont know about you guys, but when people rub my head, it annoys me. I would tap to that. That whats big show tapped to. He doesnt like people touching his head
Maybe he just shaved his head and it was irritated.
I dont know about you guys, but when people rub my head, it annoys me. I would tap to that. That whats big show tapped to. He doesnt like people touching his head
Would you grab at Layla or AJ or Eve after a match? Same deal with the women grabbing at Cena or whoever.
Well Colt Cabana rubbed Triple H chest when he was a fan.
The fuck? Why couldn't they just let Punk win clean without needing Cena to AA Big Shoe? Or without the pointless restart? God sakes WWE... At least Punk.. Well, punked Cena.
Go home now Big Shoe.
Really? Is there video?
Punk wins!
They bleeped the middle finger?
He brought the belt. So awesome!FORMER WCW CHAMPION DAVID ARQUETTE